Status: By narakusgirl44

Second halfof story

Reverse This Curse Howl Pendragon 9

(Howl's POV)I fianally got home but I was still in my form.I was jsut sooo tired~Jessie~I thought as I came in side.Calcifer saw me and gasped"Oh this is not good.You went to far Howl"Calcifer said but I didn say anything.I just went straight to my room.As i closed the door quietly I saw Jessie sleeping in a
peacful manner curled in a ball"Im so sorry"I said as I kissed her lips gently and turned my room into a tunnel and walked off to a place where she couldnt see me.I didnt want her to see me like this...I was to ashamed(My pov)I felt some thing moiste and warm touch my lips gently.It felt like lips but I didnt know.When i woke up i saw a BIG tunnel"Woah"I said and in my white see through night gown i walked down it with a lit candle.I saw 2 tunnels now and I sigh taking the left one.As I got closer I heard heavy breathing and then I saw I giant bird like thing..and then I knew riht then and there it was Howl"Howl...are you hurt?"I asked on the verge of tears.He turned and shook"Go away"He said simply but I started to cry"Howl!U said I could help so let me help you break this curse!"I said as heavy tears fell from my eyes"You?You cant even break your own curse"Howl said and I close my eyes and held my hands to my heart.Then a purple swirl of enery engulfed my body"I just did!And u know why!Because I love you Howl!"I said and then I jsut got so mad I threw the candle at him and ran out."NO wait!" He said in his deeper darker transfored voice but I didnt.I got dressed in what I was in earlier and ran out the door to a grassy demension.I was cold but Kirara had come with me and turned into her big from letting me sleep on her.I cried myself to sleep.I shot up out of bed and looked around"No way...that was...just a dream?"I said and began to sob.I didnt want that to really happen but if it came down to it I knew Howl wouldnt let me help him.I got dressed in some clothes that were strangly set out for me(FYI Howl's POV was part of Jessie's dream too)I walked down stairs and only Emily could tell when I was crying but today Calcifer noticed"Hey sport...have you been crying?"He asked and I blush"Did Howl
just get in?"I asked changing the subject"Yeah and he looks terrible!You better figure out a way to break this spell on us quick.Howls running out of time!I hope you relize that"calcifer said and I look down as more tears fell"You mean he'll be that monster wont he?"I asked and Calcifer looked surprised but didnt budge"I cant tell you the details of the curse lady.You should know that by now"Calcifer said and I just cried more"Oh come on Jess it's-""I should of never met him..."I said as I wiped my face and got up"Hey-hey where u going?"Calcifer asked as went to the door and turned the nob green"Kirara"I said and looked back at Calcifer"If Howl asks...tell him I have a score to settle...and my feelings to sort out"I sed as Kirara jumped on my shoulder and I left.So heres the deal I was on my way to go to my aunts.I had had enough.I got there and I let my self in.She was sitting her bony ass on her stupid throne"Hello Jessica.I knew I'd get ur visit sooner or later"She said smiling evily"I've had enough!I want my powers back!"I ordered and she smiled"Oh really?"She asked putting her hand under her chin resting her head there"Yeah"I said and she smirked"Ok but youre for getting one itsy bitsy tiny little detail"She said to my confusion"I DONT REVERSE SPELLS!"
She yelled,I growl"I NEED MY POWERS BACK!"I yelled at her,she smiled"Have you fallen in love yet?"She asked and I look down and sigh"Come on Jessie.The great Pendragon hasnt taken your heart yet?"She asked and just like my dream a swirl of purple energy surounded me.I look up at her and smile evilly"What!How!How can someone like u fall for an idiot like him!"She said atononished and not the good way either"I love Howl...true...and now...I'm gonna kill you"I said and used my hand to make an orb of energy and just as quick as it was made I threw it at my aunt turning her to ash"Forgive me mother...but it had to be done"I said and began to walk off.I had killed my aunt...she was never a fighter.She could never dodge things in time so it was easy to kill her.Now I lied on the grassy hill not far from that castle...actually like a yard away from the castle(Howl's POV)I walked down stairs after I took a long bath & saw the gang eating lunch...but wheres Jessie?"Master Howl we can keep this dog cant we?"Markl askd"The witch of the waste & Suliman's dog at my table?Wat possessed u to let them in my house Calcifer?"I asked curious"I didnt let them in.Sophie grabbed the steering wheel from Jess and crash-landed into my face!"Calcifer said an I sigh~Y does she feel she needsto compete with Jessie?~I thought as I smiled"I see..."I look at the hole in the wall and saw a scare crow on a stick with a turnip for a head"Looks like we hav yet another adition to the family.Hmm,you've got quite a spell on you too.Seems everyone in this family's got problems"I said as the witch spoke"Wat a handsome man"She said but I wasnt paying attention.
I saw Jessie...and she has her powers back!She was shooting off little surges of energy.I saw one she shaped into a heart with an arrow stuck in it surge high in the sky.I smile understanding now"Ill be back"I said and walked out the door(My Pov)I had maggically made a guitar appear and I wanted to sing my feelings out so thats what I was going to do
"I’m tugging at my hair
I’m pulling at my clothes
I’m trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I’m staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I’m searching for the words inside my head

(Cause) I’m feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you’re worth it
You’re worth it

If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you... away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say

It don’t do me any good
It’s just a waste of time
What use is it to you
What’s on my mind
If ain’t coming out
We’re not going anywhere
So why can’t I just tell you that I care

What’s wrong with my tongue
These words keep slipping away
I stutter, I stumble
Like I’ve got nothing to say
Guess I’m wishing my life away with these things I’ll never say
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you...away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Yes, I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say
These things I’ll never say"
I finished &
then I felt a kiss on the cheek.I look and saw Howl.I got up and looked annoyed"Howl...I dont want to be with you unless you let me help break ur spell"I said and he smiled"Ok"He said and I was REALLY confused"What?"I asked and he smiled"U were right...I've been selfish but together you and I are unbreakable my little sorceress"he said and I blush as I tackled him in a hug.He held me for a long while and then pulled me to the castle"Come on we're moving"Howl said to my confusion"Moving?"I asked and he the next thing I kno Howl
& Calcifer worked together to make the house on the inside biger.We were forced to sit on the tables while the floor & everything changed.More furniture came into the room more windows the wall that SOPHIE broke was fixed.The room was SOOOOO much larger.2 more doors were added down stairs,the white walls turned into pretty blue and pink wall paper,more chairs more rugs and another bed was added it was all so awesome.I smile amazed"He hasnt stopped amazing me yet"I said to Emily as everything died down and was normal.Howl looked ovr to us and smiled as he set Calcifer on the fire place"Movings done.You can get down now"Howl said and I jumped down and waled over to him"You've out done yourself Howl.Im impressed with you"I said smiling and he winked at me"Thanks Jess...maybe next time you can show me how much power you really have"He said and I smirk"Oh it's simple...I'd kick your butt"I sed
and he looked at me for a while then grabbed me close to him and started to tickle me"Noooo!Stop it"I said between laughs.I heard a train go by and I look out the window"Hey...Howl is this what i-""Yeah isnt it great?"Howl asked and i looked up at him sadly"Do you think I should straighten things with my father?I love him it's just...he wants good things for me but non of them are what I want"I said looking down.Howl smiled and put a hand on my shoulder"I think you should listen to your feelings and stop ignoring them"I look up at him surprised.I didnt think Howl Pendragon could be so deep"Howl...I-""Come on I want to show you our room"Howl said smiling"Our?"I asked and he looked back"Well...I thought you liked sharing a room with me" Howl said and I smile"Well...being in a room alone would just make me feel lonely"I said giggling.He smiled and held my hand making me blush"Great then you'll come with me Jessie"He said and i nodd as we ran up the stairs and into the room.There I saw 2 dressers,2 closets,a BIG bed with curtains all around them"Yay they're see through.I like getting up early"I sed with a smile.There was a purple rug,2 body mirrors,one changing wall,and a big bathroom in the room"Wow've outdone urself"I said amazed
"Hey,look Jess"Howl said and i herd the sound of a curtain opening.I look back and saw a window over looking my castle"'s pretty.Why'd you do this?"I asked looking confused now"I just want u to feel comfy Jess.I mean before we were crammed in here but now we have our own dressers,mirrors,closets,and this bed is big enough to stretch out on"Howl sed smiling but before he could say more I jumpd on him in a hug"Thankyou Howl...but try not to think you have to please me just because I was a princess.Whatever is fine"I said smiling and he smiled back"Well now that you have ur powers back you can train Emily.I dont know if Markl told you but I've been helping Emily out in her studies"Howl said and I smile"Well thankyou Howl.She's learning...even if Im not all that good
at being a good influence"I said lieing down on the bed"Jess...between u and me...ur a better influence then Sophie"Howl said and I smile"I guess"I said closing my eyes"Hey dont sleep now I have one more surprise for you and Sophie"Howl said as he pulled me up gently
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hope you like it so far xDDD

here's the link to the banner. Since for some reason it didnt who up as the layout xO help somebody?