It's Hard to Say Goodbye When You Know That It's Over.

Chapter One.

My head was leaned against the pristine white waiting room wall. I heard a door click quietly and I looked up hoping my friend was finally out of surgery. To my dismay it was just a nurse walking out for her break. Hospitals always made my skin crawl. I sighed and closed my eyes when I heard the door open again. I bit my lip watching the beautiful young woman walk out of the back area. When I met her eyes I felt my stomach knot up due to nervousness. When I watched her it was like she was floating instead of walking, she made me feel like we were the only two people in this small waiting room. She turned her head from side to side almost as if looking for someone I observed. She smiled when she realized I was looking at her I gave a gentle smile in return as she sat across from me. She flipped her cellphone open. I looked around grasping at anything that I could talk to her about, it felt weird being nervous about a girl, this was not how I typically acted around people.
“Hi,” I started looking at her. “I'm George.” I told her.
She looked up and her sparkling brown eyes bore into my own. She had a shade darker then the color of milk chocolate. “I'm Sarah” she said.
I smiled lightly feeling dumb for not knowing what to say next. “Nice to meet you.” I said and straightened up.
“You too.” she said as a middle aged man walked up. She looked over her shoulder and saw the man and stood up. “Hey Dad.” I heard her say. The man hugged her gently and replied with a greeting for his daughter.
I stopped listening at that point and leaned my head back again cursing Dylan in my mind for being a dumbfuck and hurting himself. She sat back down and I leaned my head up looking at her and started biting my bottom lip.
“I was wondering if I could see you again.” I said gently and added, “To get to know you more.”
“Sure, but I would have to talk to my dad.” she told me. I smiled having hope welling up in the pit of my stomach.
“Okay.” I replied lamely. Sarah pulled a pen out of her bag taking my hand and wrote a cellphone number down across my palm. I smiled and stood up as Dylan hobbled out on his new crutches.
“Bye George.” Sarah said walking over to her father. I waved to her and looked at my friend who had greeted me while Sarah was saying her goodbyes.
“Hey, You Okay?” I asked looking pensively at the crutches he had under his arms.
“Yeah I'm good, you okay?” He asked knowing my problems with hospitals. He looked over at Sarah then myself.
“I'm great.” I told him grinning.
Dylan smiled knowing I was happy for the first time in a long time.
“Who's the girl?” he asked eying me.
“Her name's Sarah.” I told him grinning.
“She's cute.” Dylan said. I didn't respond in words, I knew my friend wouldn't try taking a girl from me, we'd been friends too long and I could kick his ass. Dylan smiled at me knowingly.
“Lets go.” I said shaking my head slightly walking at a slow pace so Dylan could hobble and keep up.
We got to my car and he got in with out a word. We had drove listening to the music pouring through the speakers.
“Thanks for picking me up man.” Dylan said getting out grabbing his crutches from the back seat.
“No problem.” I said with a nod as he closed the door I smiled and turned the music up louder driving home in a great mood. I walked in the house throwing my keys on the counter and picked up my cell phone calling the number on my hand after adding it to a contact.
“Hello?” a male voice answered. I bit my lip hoping like hell it was her dad.
“Hi is Sarah there?” I asked walking through the small house.
“H-hello.” was the next thing I heard a smile graced my face when I heard her voice.
“Hey its George.” I said, I realized she had been crying she was holding in sniffles. “Are you okay?” I asked concerned. She sniffled again and I bit my lip harder worried.
“Yeah just... allergies.” she said with hesitation. I caught it but decided not to call her out on it. I sighed.
“Oh... If you aren't feeling well...” I started trailing not able to form complete sentences. I sighed taking a minuet to think of what I was going to say. “Sorry,” I said looking at the time. “I was wondering if you wanted to meet up.”
“No I can hang out, let me ask my dad” she said, there was a slight pause and muffled voices before she came back to the phone saying. “I can hang out I just have to be home before ten.” I could hear the smile in her voice which in turn made me smile.
“I can do that.” I said grinning, She gave me the address and we said out goodbyes and hung up. I walked out to my car driving to the address making sure not to seem too eager. I pulled up almost ten minuets later and knocked lightly at the door. The door opened revealing the woman he wanted to see.
“Hey George.” she smiled
“Hi.” I smiled nervously. “Wanna go to the beach?” I asked looking at her.
“Sounds like fun.” She told me. “Be back later Dad!” she yelled to him closing the door. I smiled walking out to my car getting in. I scolded myself mentally for not opening her door and bit my lip driving to the beach in a comfortable silence. She grinned and got out as we parked, she took a deep breath of the ocean air. I smiled holding in a chuckle.
“You don't come here often do you?” I asked her looking at her over the roof of the car.
“I haven't been here in like a year.” she informed me.
“Wow.” I said, I was slightly shocked. “my friends and I come here all the time.” I told her and bit my lip thinking it sounded a bit braggy.
She looked at me, I couldn't tell what she was feeling when she told me that it must be fun. I gave a noncommittal answer and sat down in the sand. She smiled and sat by me. I bit my lip smiling.
“What do you do for fun Sarah?” I asked watching the ocean.
“I play piano,” she said pausing to think. “and write.” I smiled studding her again she looked at the water.
“Wow I don't do much I’m dull.” she said
“I'm boring.” I told her with a small smile. She looked at me shaking her head.
“Really? Well what do you do for fun?” she asked
“I hang out with the same guys I grew up with.” I told her smiling down at her. She giggled softly.
“That's not boring at all.” she informed me.
“Just a little.” I told her with a smile. She pulled her knees to her chest hugging them. I smiled at her hoping I was doing everything okay and her blush told me I was. I smiled gently.
“So how old are you?” I asked looking at her thinking she was eighteen or nineteen.
“Seventeen.” she said biting her lip. “You?” she asked looking up at me with her big brown eyes.
I bit my lip sighing slightly the first girl who helps me get over Asia has to be eleven years younger than me. “I'm twenty eight.” I told her.
“Oh...” she said looking out at the water.
“I'm sorry.” I mumbled because I truly was. She shook her head smiling softly at me.
“It's okay.” she said. “ Its nice just to talk to someone who isn't my parents or my doctors.” she said biting her lip after she mentioned the doctors.
“Doctors?” I asked looking in her eyes. She got a sad distant look nodding lightly.
“Yeah.” she said quietly. I kissed her cheek gently pulling her into a hug. She hugged back I could feel the wet spot where she let her tears fall on my shirt. I rubbed her back soothingly.
“Sarah...” I said quietly. “you permission from yourself and your parents I would like to date you.” I told her quietly kissing her head gently. She wiped her eyes gently looking up at me.
“Really?” she asked. I gave a hesitant nod.
“I'd like to date you too.” she said, and with those words my heart soared to new heights.
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hey guys i hope you like the two new stories we're promising we're going to finish them.
if we dont you can send very many angry comments our way.