A World Behind those Eyes


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I watched the horse from the safety of the tree tops. I watched the man pat the small boy named Syel, as I had learned, on the head. I watched as he tilted his head and whispered something to the man. I watched his small pink lips pout as he spoke and felt my tail twitch. I followed the trio until they reached the others and scratched my tree in anger as one man grabbed the small boy roughly and threw him towards a group of huddled adults, teens and a few children, who were all tied at the wrists.

“He may be blind but he’s a cute kid, so he’ll go fast and if we’re lucky will bring in some shiny coins.” A few of the other men laughed as the one who brought Syel on the horse looked sadly at the grey- eyed boy and walked away. I sat in the tree until as the night came and more men and women joined the group. The tied humans were then brought out and bid over, they were selling them to the new men and women. I hissed as Syel was brought out and a man touched his cheek while laughing at the way way he jumped in fright. My fur bristled in anger as I saw the look of a predator hunting its prey on the faces of the men and women who watched Syel. The announcer hadn’t even finished talking when arms were raised and bids called out.

I watched a red-faced man hold out his arm out and tell the group of men around him just what he’d do to Syel when he got him home. My claws dug into the tree’s bark and I felt my fangs extend. I wanted to rip open the man’s throat and tear him into shreds for just having those perverted thoughts.

“Sold! To the woman in the red!” I laughed at the red-faced man as he was out-bid and turned to the woman in a red coat. Long wheat colored hair, soft brown eyes, delicate hands, a gentle air hung around her, she didn’t seem like the type to be at slave auctions.

“Thank you.” She spoke in a soothing voice as she walked towards Syel. When she reached him she untied his hands and wiped away his tears. “What’s your name sweetie?”

He tilted his head and quietly said, “ S-Syel.”
“What a lovely name, well Syel, I’m very sorry you ended up here but I promise I wont hurt you. Your going to come home with me and help me around the house, because you see my two daughters are too young to help and my son is already grown up, so I need help.”

I smiled as he nodded his little head and told the woman he could be a lot of help and as they walked away toward the village she held his hand and listened as he told her of how he used to help his mother. I smoothed my white, black-tipped fur and flitted through the trees back to my home, my sanctuary. But the further I got away from the small boy, the more I thought of him.