Status: short Zalex oneshot.

Daydream Away

Your just a daydream away

Zack trained his eyes on the two boys cuddling on the small couch. It was disgusting how they couldn't let go of each other, even in sleep. He knew he was only feeling this way because of his insane jealousy. He hated the way Jack held Alex. He hated the way Alex would do almost anything for Jack. He hated the way Alex would always want to be alone with Jack, but most of all he hated how easily he had fallen in love with the blond haired English singer. He soon figured that he was only making himself more depressed by staring at the two lovebirds and quickly retreated to his bunk.
The next morning Zack woke up feeling somewhat better. He'd spent a large majority of the night silently crying to himself and that made him feel slightly better. After doing his usual workout routine he went off in search of coffee. He found Alex in the kitchen and busied himself by making a fresh pot of the caffeinated liquid. He was shocked when he felt two calloused hands resting on his waist; so much in fact that he dropped the glass pot breaking it in the process. Cursing out loud he found paper towels and set to work on mopping up the spilt drink. After he had successfully cleaned up the mess and made a fresh cup of coffee he joined Alex at the small kitchen bench. 'Zack, I'm really worried about you.' Alex started but was interrupted by Jack coming onto the bus. 'Morning babe.' Jack shouted, leaving Alex no time to reply he pressed his lips to the other boys. Zack sighed abandoning his coffee and going off in search of Rian.

It'd been days since Alex had spoken to the bands bassist and as the hours wore on he became increasingly worried about the younger boy. He knew Zack was in his bunk but Alex was always occupied by Jack and didn't have the time to check on Zack. He knew Rian had been bringing Zack food at night. He heard Rian every night sneaking past his bunk, he sounded like a fucking elephant. 'Alexxx, I'm bored let’s go out!' Jack announced making his presence known. 'Go with Matt and Rian, I've got a headache.' Alex knew he was lying to his boyfriend but this was too good of an opportunity to miss. He could finally talk to Zack alone.
He waited half an hour after he heard his friends and boyfriend leave, he definitely didn't want to be interrupted in the middle of what could be a very important conversation. After Alex was sure that no one would be coming back anytime soon he crept towards Zack's bunk, taking with him a bar of chocolate in case Zack was hungry. He pulled back the curtain slightly. He was shocked to say the least; he'd always known Zack to be strong in both the physical and mental sense. But the Zack he was looking at didn't remind him of a strong person. Sure he was still as buff as before but he had tear stains covering his pale sunken in cheeks and dark bags under his eyes, his curly hair was unkept and dirty and he was curled into a small ball. Alex knew that he was going to try his best to fix whatever was troubling Zack. He threw the bar of chocolate at Zack softly, hoping to wake him. It worked because soon Zack had pulled himself up and was rubbing his eyes. Alex couldn't help but realise how adorable he looked. 'Alex what do you want?' Zack's question hung in the air. Alex smiled softly climbing into the small bunk to cuddle Zack. Once his arms were wrapped firmly around Zacks waist and his head was resting on Zack’s chest he answered the question. 'Zee I'm really worried about you, tours meant to be fun for all of us and you've just been hiding in your bunk all the time.' Alex's voice cut through the silence and he felt Zack tense beneath him.
Zack was uncomfortable to say the least. With Alex practically lying on top of him and Alex's awkward statement still hanging in the air. 'Zack please I just want to help, I won't judge' Zack could feel Alex's breath ghosting on his chest and he squirmed to try and get Alex to release him. Deciding that the only way to get Alex to go away would be to answer his questions, even if he answered with only half truths he figured it was better than nothing. 'Look, I just really like someone who will never in a million years like me' it hurt Zack more than he thought it would to admit it out loud. 'Zee your amazing anyone would be lucky to have you, besides how do you know this person doesn't like you back.' Alex was totally oblivious to the fact that Zack had practically announced his undying love for him. Zack had to smile a little at Alex's sentence; maybe Alex could like him one day, hopefully soon. His little daydream was soon cut off though when Jack rushed onto the bus in search of Alex. They could both hear him yelling out Alex's name from the lounge. 'It’ll be ok Zee, I promise' Alex smiled softly pressing his lips to Zacks temple. Zack felt his heart break when he saw Alex leave. He felt a few tears fall down his cheeks. He rolled over onto his side attempting to get some sleep. Although it was impossible, Jack and Alex were yelling about something and it didn't sound friendly at all. He smiled a little at this. He knew it was wrong; Jack was one of his best friends he should want his and Alex's relationship to work, but Zack knew he wanted Alex more than anything and he was going to get him, even if he lost everything trying.

Zack was stressed out, none of his plans to get Alex and make him his had worked. He'd decided to follow Alex's example and attempt to write a song to get out all his innermost feelings. He had only written a sentence or two when his mind began to wonder. Mindlessly he scribbled Alex's name over and over in many different fonts until there was no room left on the page to write his song on. Giving up on the writing he went off in search of the older boy in question. He found Alex in the back lounge doing just what Zack had been trying to do before, write a song. Only Alex was more successful and had pages and pages of words written already. Zack watched him wordlessly as he worked. He found it extremely cute how Alex would bite his lip when he thought the song didn't sound just right. He decided he liked it just the two of them sitting in silence. However his time with Alex was brought to a halt by Jack barging in again. Zack was beginning to think Jack did it on purpose. 'So this is why you fucking defended Zack so much last night.' Jack yelled. Zack noticed he held the notebook that he had been writing in before, the one with Alex's name doodled all over the place. Zack watched Alex's facial expressions change as he took the book from Jack and processed all the new information he now had. 'Jack it's probably another Alex. I love you and just you' Zack felt broken, he physically hurt all over. 'Yeah, I'm sorry I just, I'm insecure' Jack mumbled wrapping his arms around Alex's waist. Zack quickly left the room with tears streaming down his face. He wished he could get away but as much as he hated it he had a responsibility to the band and couldn't let down his best friends or the fans.

He didn't know why he'd said that to Jack. He'd seen Zacks face when he left the room and had wanted more than anything to confess his feelings for the younger bassist. But he couldn't because he has Jack and before anything Jack was his best friend and as much as he wanted Zack to know how he felt he couldn't hurt Jack. Alex had thought about all the ways he could get this situation to work out, to not hurt Jack and to be with Zack and had decided that the only way to fix it would be to get Jack to breakup with him. Alex knew what Jack hated in a partner and over the next few weeks he would become exactly that.

Alex was sure his plan was working. As he become more needy and clingy towards Jack, Jack became more distant and often stayed out late at night. The only problem was that Zack been looking especially good recently and it was taking everything Alex had in him to not smother the younger with kisses. It would be especially bad tonight because they were in their hometown and Zack would be staying with Rian and Alex. Alex knew that Rian wasn't even bothering to come home instead staying with his parents. So it would just be Alex and Zack. When the bus came to a halt in front of his house Alex leapt of the bus Zack following close behind him. After dumping his bag in his room he ran over to the neighbors to get Baz. When he returned home Zack was lying on Alex's bed watching the Ravens game. Alex gulped slightly before flopping down next to Zack on the bed. It usually took him only seconds to get into the game, but with Zack lying so close to him he couldn't focus on anything but the younger boy.

The game had finished hours ago and the two boys were trying to decide on what to get for dinner. After arguing about the pros and cons of getting Chinese they finally settled on getting Italian. The two sat in silence Zack eating his cannoli and Alex eating spaghetti when Zack dropped his fork onto the plate with a loud clutter. Alex looked up in shock. Zack knew he had to tell Alex how he felt now or he'd never get another chance. 'Alex I really like you, like I like like you.' Zack knew his confession probably needed work but it was too late now the words were already floating around, he felt like they were taunting him. When Alex didn't reply he knew he was wrong to have risked their friendship for a stupid one-sided crush. He stood up wordlessly and headed for the door. 'Wait' He was surprised that Alex would even want to talk to him anymore. Alex walked towards him and Zack was surprised to see smile on his face. Was he laughing at him. 'Zack you have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that.' Zack was confused at Alex's words he never thought in a million years Alex would have liked him back. 'B-but you have Jack.' he managed to stutter out. He silently cursed his nervousness. 'I'll have to break up with him then because Zack I like you so fucking much it hurts.' Alex's voice was confident although Zack saw the worry that he would lose Jack as a friend.

A few hours later Zack and Alex were snuggled up on the couch watching paranormal activity. Things had been slightly awkward at first but once the movie started they had snuggled together out of fear. As the last scream echoed throughout the house Alex turned to look at Zack. His face was smushed into Alex's chest and Alex wondered how much of the movie he'd actually watched. 'Alex is it over?' Zack's voice was quite. 'Yes. I have the second one if you want to watch it?' Alex joked. 'Alexx don't be mean, I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep on my own for the rest of my life' Zack whined. 'Zack baby you won’t be alone I'll be next to you.' Alex smiled at the light blush that covered Zack’s cheeks after he'd finished speaking. The two boys sat in content silence happy to be cuddling each other but neither making a move because both boys were still aware of Jack and Alex's relationship and neither wanted to hurt the immature guitarist.
The boys’ time in Baltimore was coming to an end and they would soon be back on the bus and playing shows for all their fans. Zack didn't want to leave, as much as he loved tour he was scared that once they were back on tour Alex would forget everything that had happened and go back to spending all his time with Jack. When the bus pulled up he stowed his suitcase in the compartment under the bus before climbing on board. Alex was still saying bye to Baz and Rian had yet to be picked up so it was just Jack and Zack awkwardly sitting on the bus. The tension was so thick Zack was finding it difficult to breathe. Giving up on the awkwardness he stood to leave the lounge, deciding that this tour would be one where he spent all his spare time in his bunk. 'Zack, I know you like Alex. Why would you even go there? And with my boyfriend?' Jacks voice was harsh and cut the tension like a knife. When Zack turned around the guitarist was glaring daggers towards him. 'I-I don't k-k know w-wh-hat your t-talking about.' Zack tried to sound confident but he knew his stuttering had given it away. 'Alex will never like you. He has me why would he even bother with you; you’re just an ugly worthless piece of shit.' Jacks words were harsh and Zack had thought he would hear them directed at him from one of his best friends. Both boys turned around when the heard a gasp from the doorway.
Alex watched as his boyfriend verbally abused his lover. When the last words left Jacks mouth Alex couldn't help but let out a gasp. He knew the words had hurt Zack, he could tell from the way the younger was standing. He was also shocked; he never knew Jack was capable of being such a fucking dick. 'Alex I can explain.' Jack was quick to speak however Alex's eyes never moved from watching Zack. 'Alex come on talk to me please.' Jack was practically begging now and if Alex looked at him he would have seen the tears running down Jacks cheeks. 'Jack I think we need to break up. I know this isn't working and deep down you know too.' 'Alex no, baby I love you.' Alex's heart was breaking Jack was his best friend and it hurt him to hurt Jack but Zack was worth it. 'Jack it's not fair for us to be together when I have feelings for someone else. Jack I love you as a best friend and I'm sorry this didn't work out.' Alex watched a small smile grace Zack’s features as he spoke about his feelings for someone else. However it didn't last long because soon Jack was yelling profanities, saying how much he hated Alex and especially Zack before he ordered the driver to stop. Alex didn't think that Jack would actually leave but he did. He ran off the bus not even stopping to get his things.
Weeks had passed since anyone had seen Jack. The tour had been canceled and all the boys had spent countless hours and days searching for Jack. Alex felt guilty but it was nothing compared to what Zack felt. The young bassist hadn't slept in days and spent almost all his time searching for Jack and when he wasn't looking he was texting and ringing Jack apologizing. Alex had tried on many occasions to comfort him but the younger bassist had pushed him away every time.
Zack was walking through the streets that surrounded Jacks parents’ house in another desperate attempt to find him. He was heading home when he came across the park; he knew it was dangerous but he figured that Jack could be hiding out on the small playground. Pushing open the old rusty gate Zack made his way into the park hoping and praying that Jack would be there. In the distance he could just make out the silhouette of a boy around his age swinging back and forth on the old swing. Taking a chance that it could possibly be Jack he set forward. His pace was brisk because he had heard stories of the people that lurked in this park at night and he certainly didn't want to run into one of them. He'd made it halfway when a hand grabbed his shoulder stopping him from walking any further. Zack looked at the man who was touching him. Normally they would have been an even match but in Zack's state he knew that he could be beaten easily. 'Oh look it's the little faggot boy from that faggot band that got Baltimore on the map' the man sneered pushing Zack's weak body into the mud. Zack lay on the ground ready to give up but he figured that he should at least try and fight; it’s what Alex would want. He slowly stood up facing the man front on. 'Don't talk about my friends and me like that' His voice wasn't as powerful as he would've liked but it was all he had left in him. Before he knew it he was pushed down again and kicked repeatedly in the gut. Using the last of his energy Zack curled in a little ball covering his head with his hands. 'Hey douchebag, GET YOUR HANDS OF MY FRIEND!' a voice that Zack instantly recognized as Jack's yelled. 'Yeah like your little scrawny body could do any harm' the man laughed kicking Zack again in the ribs. The kick was hard and made Zack scream a little in pain. 'Dude I'm not in the mood for fucking games. If you fucking touch him one more time I swear to God I will fucking kill you.' Zack figured Jack must have looked really angry because he heard footsteps retreating moments after Jack's threatening statement. Zack rolled over groaning because fuck his whole body hurt. 'Oh God Zack what did he do to you?' Jack's worried voice calmed Zack slightly because maybe Jack didn't hate him. 'Jack I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken Alex from you.' The words slipped from Zack's mouth followed by body racking sobs. 'It's ok Zack I get it you love him. Now let's get you an ambulance.' Jack's words were final and Zack was relieved that it was all over.
After receiving the worried phone call from Jack Alex had rushed to the hospital praying that Zack was ok. When he'd arrived he'd found Jack and Zack talking happily. Alex smiled at the fact that everything was finally the way it should be before joining the two people he cared about most in the cramped hospital room.
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Be kind this was my first attempt at writing in this style and also my first attempt at writing a slash. Comments and critisicm is greatly appreciated <3