Status: I'm going to be updating on my phone for all my stories as much as i can. So, ahead of time, I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'll try to fix then as soon as possible

Once Again


I woke up the next day with a big ass fucking smile placed on my lips. Looking at my watch, I saw that the bus would be here in less then an hour. It has been three weeks since I have last seen Emmali and Ember. Ember. She was the most beautiful little girl I have ever laid eyes on. When I saw her for the first time, laying there in her little bed with the covers over her, something inside me snapped and began to grow. She was mine. She was my little angel. Taking a quick shower, I decided to put on some ball shorts and a sleeveless Pantara shirt before slipping into my Adidas. Walking down stairs, I made sure that my suitcase was by the door. Grabbing something to eat, I got Bella some food before making my way towards the living room.

Gena called me the other night telling me that she would make sure that Bella was well fed and washed as well as making sure my house was clean. I had just finished my bowl of cereal and placed it in the dishwasher when I heard a horn go off. Looking out the window, I laughed and shook my head when I saw Jimmy waving at me from the window. Making sure that everything was unplugged and turned off, I yelled Bella a goodbye before taking hold of the two suitcase before walking out. Locking the door behind me with the alarm turned on, I made my way towards the bus.

"Hey guys," I called to Brian and Jimmy as I walked to the back of the bus and placed my bags under my bunk.

"Hey," Jimmy said around a mouthful of pop-tarts," You ready to get the rest of them?"

I nodded my head before saying who was next.

"We're going to pick Emma and Ember before getting Johnny and Zacky. They're not ready yet," Brian said as he took a sip of his coffee.

I smiled widely before nodding my head and taking a seat. Jason Berry called from up front before starting the bus up and getting on the road. Thirty minutes later, he pulled up into an apartment complex that was about ten minutes away from the beach. Jimmy, Brian and I told Jason that we would be back in ten before heading out. As I followed behind Jimmy, I asked him how he knew the way.

"I helped her find a place to stay," he said, looking over at me before climbing the stairs.

As we stopped in front of her door, I watched as Brian brought out a house key before opening the door.

"Honey I'm hooommmee!" Jimmy called out before walking in.

I heard a young giggle before I heard running feet. Ember emerged from the hall before launching herself at Jimmy.

"Uncle Jimmy!" Ember yelled out before placing kisses in his face.

Jimmy laughed and kissed her forehead before being passes to Brian. I watched as Brian whispered something in her ear which cause her to giggle. That got my blood boiling. How can the guys know about her, been in her life, before I. I was watching them for awhile before moving my gaze. I was just looking down the hallway when Emmali emerged. I saw that she was struggling a bit with the suitcases before making my way towards her.

"Here," I said as I took hold of an Avenged suitcase," Let me help you."

I heard her sigh in relief before looking up at me. She had no trace of make-up whatsoever and that's what I loved. She always had this natural beauty that no one else could compare to.

"Thanks," she said before slinging her computer bag over her shoulder and walking into the living room.

"Hey Jim, Bri,' Emma said as she brought the two men into a hug.

"Hey, Mini me," Jimmy said, smirking at her," you ready for this?"

Emmali laughed and nodded her head.

"How 'bout you, toots?" Emmali asked, looking at her, our, daughter.

I smiled as she nodded her head vigorously.

"Then let's get this show on the road. We still have to get Johnny and Zacky," I said as I joined the group.

They all nodded before we headed out. I waited as Emma locked the door behind her. Walking side by side, my hand would accidental brush her. Looking at her in the face, I saw a small blush grace her beautiful face. I smirked at that. I could still make her blush.After making sure that the luggage was placed under a bunk, I walked back to the small living room to see Ember was on the small table, drawing on her sketch book. I stood next to Emmali, who was leaning against the counter.

"Who taught her how to draw?"I asked her.

Emmali jumped a bit when I spoke, but she smiled nonetheless.

"It came natural to her,"She said, looking over at me," You know that I can't draw to save my life and your an alright drawer. She probably got it from my mom."

I smiled when she mentioned her mom. Emmali's mom was the best. She would let me stay with her in the beginning if our relationship when I needed to get out of the house.

"How's your mom, by the way?" I asked, looking back at Ember.

I waited for her answer, but when none came out, I looked over at her to see that she was looking down at her feet.

"Emma?" I called, standing in front of her.

I heard her sniff before wiping at her cheeks. Placing a finger under her chin, I lifted her face and saw that tears were running down her face.

"Emmali?" I asked again.

"She passed away," Emmali finally said," Three years ago."

"Oh, Emmali," I whispered as I brought her to my chest and hugged her close." I am so sorry. How did she pass? Was it in her sleep?"

As I said that, I knew that it couldn't have happen like that. Emmali's mother had her young, when she was just seventeen. Emmali's father was nowhere in the picture.

"Home invasion," Emmali mumbled," she was shot in the back of the head."

When those words left her mouth, my hold on her tighten. I let her sob into my chest as I rubbed soothing circles on her back.

"Mama?" I heard Ember's little voice cut through.

Looking down, I saw that Ember was standing before us, looking up at us.

"Mama why you crying?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

Emmali bent down and scooped her up into her arms.

"Mommy was just thinking of grandma," Emmali said, kissing Ember on her forehead.

"Mama," Ember said with a smile," Granma no want you to be sad. She want you to be happy. She said that you be happy wif my daddy."

Emmali looked at me before looking down at our daughter.

"How- how do you know all this? How do you know I will be happy with your daddy?" Emmali said.

Ember wiggled her way our of Emmali's arms and went to get her sketch book. When she came back to us, she lifted the book to us. Looking at it, I saw that it was Emmali's mother. She had angel wings behind her and was smiling.

"Granma told me. She told me that daddy no no about me. But that he love me when he see me when I was sleeping," Ember said as she closed her book.

"Grandma told you that?" Emmali asked, she nodded," What else did grandma tell you?"

"Granma told me who daddy is," Ember said matter of factly.

"Who is that, baby?" Emmali said in a small voice.

Instead of answering, Ember looked at me and lifted her arms, indicating that she wanted to be lifted.

"This is my daddy," Ember said, placing a kiss on my cheek before looking over at her mother.

Looking over at Emmali, I saw that the tears were now running freely down her cheeks.

"This is my daddy, right?" Ember asked her mother, even though she knew the truth by the tone of my voice.

Instead of answering me, Emmali nodded her head. Ember squealed in happiness before hugging me around my neck. I brought her closer to me and tighten my hold on her. Looking over at Emmali, I saw that she gave us a smile before walking to the little living room, leaving me with my baby girl.
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