Status: not finished yet guys...

In the season of howls

Georgia burrell goes through the changes like any ordinary 16 year old girl but what happens when these changes spiral in an unnatural way a legend, a fairytale once told to her becomes her reality, her spiral and her only way part of life. Georgia's friends, family and teachers don't know what's going on with her but there is the gang who push people around who might know the secret to her sudden changes along with a few other young people.

What is this legend? What's happening to her?
Who's this gang?What do they know about the legend?

"in the woods i saw this big shadow and i was afraid it was the big bad wolf mummy the big bad wolf, i think he's out to get me mum"
  1. I'm so sick and tired
    song of the week: hearing damage by Thom Yorke