Status: Active.



Days had gone by since Klaus had killed Mikael and told Amelia to leave town. Although, Klaus knew that she didn’t because it was never in her nature to listen to him. She had always been so stubborn, never really did anything that someone told her to do if she didn’t want to do it and that was something that Klaus loved about her. And as much as he hated to admit it, he knew in his heart that he still loved Amelia which is why he wanted her gone.

Klaus wasn’t good for Amelia. He was bad, “evil” as some would say, and she was much too good. So no matter where he went, if she was by his side then she would also be in danger. Klaus was aware of this which is why he never went back for her after he left all those centuries before.

“Niklaus, let’s get a drink,” Kol said from the doorway of the living room in the large house that Klaus claimed as his own. Kol was one of Klaus’ brothers that had been daggered previously but was now returned to life since Mikael’s death.

Klaus glanced from the fireplace before him to his brother and said, “No, thanks. Not really in the mood to join you in any of your games.”

“Not even if it’s a pretty blonde?” Klaus simply stared at Kol, who was sporting a smirk on his face, and took a sip of the Scotch that he was holding. Klaus wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone and even though Kol could sense that, he continued to make small talk, “So, Rebekah told me that Amelia’s back in town?”

“Your point?” Klaus questioned nonchalantly, his eyes fixated on the flames in the fireplace.

Kol’s smirk remained in tact as he answered, “Well, I though I might pay her a visit. After all, she deserves a proper welcoming from someone since you won’t pay her any mind.”

Just as Kol finished speaking, he was pressed up against the wall of the living room. Klaus was merely inches away from Kol’s face with his forearm pressed against the latter’s chest and scowled. “Don’t you even dare go anywhere near her or you’ll be back inside of that coffin with a dagger in your heart,” Klaus threatened in a raucous voice.

“Am I sensing a little jealousy, brother? You know, for someone who doesn’t feel anything, she certainly knows how to bring your humanity out,” Kol replied, amusement evident in each word. Klaus wanted to retort, tell him that he’s wrong but Klaus knew that it would be a wasted effort. So instead, he gave Kol one last push against the wall and walked away from his brother. Kol watched him walk out of the front door and shouted after him, “Send my love to Amelia!”


Later that evening, Amelia walked into the kitchen of the house that she was staying in. Her teeth were aching with hunger so she went to the fridge so she could quench her thirst with a blood bag that she had stored. Amelia didn’t like to feed on innocent humans so she learned to control her bloodlust and would only drink from blood bags.

As Amelia was feeding her craving, she heard a twig snapping outside which caused her to become alert. She was staying in a remote area in the woods and while people normally didn’t stray towards the clearing, she knew that whoever - whatever - was outside was coming for her. Amelia remained still, listening for any noise that her intruder might create. Then with a creak of the floorboard as an indicator, Amelia made a dash towards the foyer where she attacked the uninvited guest. The white of her eyes were now red, the veins below them more prominent, and her fangs drawn as she gripped their throat tightly and pushed them against the wall.

“Always prepared. I taught you well,” the person managed to chuckle.

Amelia allowed her face to return to normal when she realized she was staring into the eyes of Klaus. She released her hold on him and turned to walk away while asking, “How did you know where to find me?”

“You never were a flashy girl so I knew the larger houses were out of the question,” Klaus began, pushing himself off of the wall, “and the woods were always your little hiding place so it wasn’t hard.”

She turned to look at Klaus, a bit surprised that he remembered, and found him staring at her intently with his lips curled in a slight smirk. Amelia kept her hazel eyes locked with his blue ones in attempt to try and read him.

“So, Niklaus, what brings you here?” Amelia asked, curious about what his intentions were since he had previously told her to leave town.

Klaus shrugged his shoulders, unsure himself as to why he was there but answered nonetheless, “I just wanted to see you, that’s all.”

Amelia’s eyebrows furrowed, feeling more confused about the situation with Klaus. One day he’s telling her to leave and the next he wants to see her. She didn’t understand and she wanted some answers. “Why?” was the only word that blurted out of her mouth.

His jaw clenched and he averted his eyes away from hers. Klaus wasn’t sure how to answer. He knew that he wanted to see Amelia because, even though he didn’t want to admit it, he missed her, and he also knew that it would keep Kol away from her. But Klaus didn’t want to tell her that, he didn’t want to let his humanity show. In fact, he refused to allow Amelia to have that affect on him again.

When Klaus lifted his gaze, he noticed the change of expression in Amelia’s face. Her eyebrows were no longer furrowed together and the confusion that was once evident in her eyes had vanished. Instead, her face had softened and her eyes were glazed with the adoration that no one ever looked at him with. It was the look that would always get him to let his guard down and it was no different this time; he felt his humanity coming through.

Amelia’s gaze never faltered, her expression didn’t change as she watched Klaus battle internally with himself. Then, in an instant, Klaus’ tough demeanor collapsed as he took her face in his hands and pressed his lips against her own. She was surprised by the act but pushed herself against his body as her hands roamed up his chest and found their place on his neck.

Klaus then pulled away for a moment, his hands stilled cupped around Amelia’s face. He was battling with himself internally again, debating whether or not this was a good idea but the look of admiration in Amelia’s eyes was enough to make him believe that it was. His thumb lightly caressed her check and when it did, he heard her breath hitch in her throat causing a small smile to tug at the corner of his lips.

In turn, Amelia felt her lips curl into a smile at the sight of Klaus’ since it had been so long since she had seen a sincere smile on his face as opposed to his usual smirk. Unable to wait much longer, Amelia pulled Klaus towards her causing their lips to come crashing together. She felt him nibble on her bottom lip and immediately parted her lips to allow their tongues to come together.

Klaus lowered his hands from Amelia’s face and as they snaked around her waist, he picked her up and she immediately wrapped her legs around his waist. He then carried her upstairs to the bedroom, not once pulling away or breaking the kiss, and placed her on top of the bed.

They remained as one as Klaus positioned himself over Amelia and let their actions speak for the words that they were unable to say to each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that I said this chapter was going to be the last chapter but the next chapter is going to be the last chapter. Also, I'm eventually going to start a short little Matt Donovan, most likely as short as this one, because there is only one story about him. ONE! And that's unacceptable.

I'm not sure when it'll be posted but if you would like to know when I do post it, let me know!