I'm Comin' Home

I'm Comin' Home



My breathing suddenly halted as I watched him turn around and look at me with his eyes still glossy from the tears. Our gaze was held for what felt like an eternity as we stood looking at each other, the rain soaking us to the bone.


Without a second thought I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his around me in an embrace too beautiful to be real. I trailed my fingers along the pattern of his army jacket and let the rain blend my tears.

"I'm comin' home," he said against my ear, "I'm comin' home."

The army bus honked, signaling that they had to leave. He kissed my forehead and without another word he left. The bus headlights blinked once as the engine roared to life and they drove away. My voice had become quiet under the rain.

"Goodbye," I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Was listening to City and Colour clearly. (; Song was used for the summary as well as the title. This was almost too sappy to post but tell me what you think regardless. <3