Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 1

Dear, Diary,
- I hate this. I hate moving from one place to another, constantly. I'm from New jersey, as you can already see but i hate moving. I liked it better there. I had best friends, and even siblings. But here..I don't like it. I have not even started school yet and i know this is going to suck. I hate first day of school and my school starts tomorrow. i'm going to be a freshman in Drexel college. I'm eighteen years old, smart enough to be in the right college. I hope this is the right college. Well, it has to be. But the place I'm in..not so good. It doesn't look safe. I judge pretty well. I'm pretty pumped up about tomorrow but scared at the same time.

My parent's don't know about this place, but i know why we moved here. My dad likes this college. He has been here before. He been to college here, and he wants me to attend. He's a doctor. An Anesthesiologist. My mom has also been into this college. She's a cardiologist. Both my parent's are successful doctors and i will be one of them. My goal is to..-

"Jenny, get down here!" My mom suddenly yelled. I dribbled my pen on my diary, bit the end of the pen and then looked down at the page. I wanted to finish, I had to.

-Well, I have to go for now. I'm so happy I have you. I will be back later. Good bye.- And, i shut my black leather diary close and tugged it under my bed sheets. I yawned, and then dragged myself downstairs lazily. Food was already placed on the table and so i sat down on the sofa and yawned again. What a tiring day.

"Ready for school tomorrow?" My mom then asked, breaking an awkward silence. My dad looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, but i want to go to bed. Can i, please?" I asked. They nodded, and i ran back up. I closed my door behind me and fell on the bed. Well tomorrow..Is going to be just great. I closed my eyes and wished i never the next morning. That's how bad i wanted to stay home and not go to school.
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So..first chapter seems boring but i promise it will get better the next chapter. Comments would be great! (: