Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 12

I felt so bad. He kind of deserved it because he watched a girl getting touched. But still. I mean, come on. He wasn't the one doing something. He..didn't do anything. I flipped myself on the bed and starred out the window. He didn't kill Susan. His dad did. He didn't do anything. I sat upright. Why am i thinking about him? then i closed my eyes and saw his face. The tears in his eyes. The hurt. The pain. I opened my eyes and gasped. I saw his face. I still felt the heat off of his body. the abs touching mine. The face closer to mine. I groaned. He's still a bad boy. I need to get him out of my mind. I rubbed my face and walked downstairs. Where the hell were my parents at? I checked my phone. No text message or calls. It was midnight.

I walked into my kitchen, not bothering to turn the lights and opened up my fridge. I didn't have a drink water, instead i chugged up a can of soda. All of it. God, i was thirsty. I crushed the can, threw it and it landed straight into the trashcan. Then i stepped back a little and karate shut my fridge door. Score! Then i turned around and jumped.

"Stephen?" I whispered. He stood there in the dark with his arms crossed against his chest and smile plastered on his beautiful face. He walked closer to me and backed me up against the fridge.

"Stephen.." I repeated but got cut off when he placed his finger on my lips.

"Shhh," he whispered, leaning against me. And then..he brought his face closer to mine and i found myself closing my eyes. I felt his cool lips touch my cheek and i slowly opened my eyes. He was gone. I looked around and..touched my cheeks.

"I just..I'm..i'm going crazy.." I murmured to myself. I looked around one more time and then rubbed my temples. I walked back upstairs and then froze right outside my bedroom door. He stood there again, smiling.

"Peek a boo," He said, smiling.

"," I whispered, closing my eyes. When i reopened them, he was gone. I see him everywhere, what is wrong with me?!

I jumped on my bed and let the sleep overtake me. I'm going absolutely insane. I see him everywhere. What does this mean? Am i with the bad boy?

~The very next day~

I approached the school gates and stopped when suddenly, Jake and Mary came running towards me.

"Hey Mary. Jake," I said, hugging them both. They returned the favor.

"Let's go," Mary said, as the bell rung. I giggled and walked with them but every now and then, my eyes would fall on Jake. I been observing him. He continues to look at me constantly and it's driving me crazy. I just gave him an uncomfortable smile and walked to my class. First block went by quicker. And so did second. Now i had third which meant I would be able to see Stephen! I was excited? I sat down on my desk and waited for the class to come in. And they all came but one person. Stephen. The class begun but i kept my eyes at the door. Did i really hurt him? The class then ended and lunch time appeared.

I raced in and sat down with Andy and the others. This time, Mary and Jake joined me. They were pretty cool. I have known them for a while and we were best friends. Just like me and Andy. I looked out the entrance. No sign of Stephen. I sighed and got back with my friends.

"So..were having a party today, you guys in?" Mary suddenly asked. Mary and Andy did their hand clap thingy and they all turned to me.

"Are you in?" Mary asked me.

"Huh what? Yes," I said, without thinking. Well, looks like i have to go now. But my mind was roaming around somewhere else. Andy spotted this and elbowed me. I looked at her and smiled.

"What's wrong?" she asked. I shrugged. I really don't know what was going on.

"Hey, boo!" I heard a girl yell. I looked back and spotted that same fake barbie doll i beat up leap onto someone. Stephen. A smile appeared on my face but i hid it before anyone saw it. Some girls looked at me. Even guys. Uh, guys?

"Why are they looking at me?" I asked Andy.

"They think Stephen will do something to you," She whispered.

"Don't worry, i got you," Jake said. I smiled and rolled my eyes but then looked at Stephen. Everyone got back to what they were doing. Not once did Stephen look at me. He seemed..mad. Upset. I don't know. I couldn't catch it but he wasn't even looking at the barbie doll. He usually always looked at me. Smirked at me. Winked at me. But instead, he got up and walked out the door with a cig in his hand. He was going to smoke. I looked back and spotted the barbie dolls talking to each other as if something was wrong. Then they looked at me. Oh god, so this was my fault.

"Hey, give me your number so i can contact you," Jake said. Without thinking again, i gave him my digits. Mary tracked it down too. Then i said my goodbyes and walked out. I spotted Stephen and his friends smoking outside. I walked closer to them but stopped just few feet away. Few of his friend's spotted me.

"Aye. It's that girl again," One of his friends said. Well, hello to you too.

"What are you doing here?" Another one asked. Stephen didn't even turn back.

"I..uh.." I didn't know what to say.

"Guys, go somewhere," Stephen finally said. They all walked away, shaking their heads at me. When they left..I walked closer to him.


"What do you want?" He said, turning around to face me. He took a last puff from his cig and flicked it off. Suddenly, he looked really cute! His eat stud shone and body glowed. In a good way. He had a black shirt on with baggy jeans. With a side of his hat flipped on his head so the front was facing the back. He had a dash of beard growing on his face. His muscles were flexed. I found myself..starring at him. He smirked and rolled his eyes, looking away. I snapped out of it.

"I came here to say sorry. I didn't mean to slap you. Even though you deserved it. I..I didn't mean to insult you. I..I'm sorry. I really am. I don't like you when you're mad. I know it sounds crazy but the bad boy in this school needs to be happy. I can't control my attitudes or anger sometimes because I'm..kind hearted. I know that sounds crazy but..I'm sorry!" I blabbered, feeling stupid because i couldn't get myself to shut up. He shook his head and walked off.

"I..I said I'm sorry.." I said, and sighed. He didn't look back. I was so sad now. I'm reason he's bad. But because he got me mad! I sighed again and walked in with my friends.
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Here's another chapter (: I hope you liked it! comments would be great!