Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 18

I wanted to know what Stephen's fuck face of a father looked like. He would get a piece of me! I wore my favorite black mini jean shorts with a white loose sleeve shirt, curled my long ass hair, put on just a dash of makeup and walked out, grabbing my belongings. Stephen had to leave so early. Dumbass.

I checked my phone and earned eight text messages from eight different people.

---Get your sexy ass over here!-- from Stephen. I Laughed-out-loud.

---John asked me out! :D-- from Andy. Who the hell is John?!

---Hey(: It's Samantha-- from that girl. Who the hell is she?!

---Back the fuck off! Stephen's mine!-- From a hater! Who wouldn't laugh at that?

---That fight in the cafeteria was LOL-- from unknown. Dude, that was like ages ago!

---HEY!!! WASSUP BEAUTIFUL!?-- From another unknown. Whoa there.

---Hey..It's Mary. I have to tell you something.-- from Mary. I already know.


---Jenny. Let's meet.-- From the devil himself, Jake.

I dropped my phone on the back of my pocket and walked out not wanting to text anyone back. When i got to school, I saw Stephen with this bunch of people. And i mean BUNCH!

I then pulled my phone out, hide myself somewhere that way Stephen wouldn't see me and i typed.

----What is you doin' with them hoes around your ass?!---- It didn't even take him two seconds to reply.

---Jealous, hoe? ;) Come over here!---

And like always, he would be an asshole. MY asshole. I stepped out of the hiding place and into the place where they all just stared at me in awe. Maybe because i looked so damn better than the other damn hoes today. Stephen just starred at me with his mouth hung wide open. Okay guys, i didn't even look that good. I gave Stephen a quick hug and we all walked together inside the campus.


Me and Stephen had a class together. And in that class, we would always fool around. But when it came to an educational reason, I would pass every test, quiz and i would make an easy A in every homework of mine while Stephen goofed around. I looked at him and his other friends who had their feet up on the desk. They acted like they were at home. I saw the teacher hesitating weather to say something or not. But i did.

"Stephen, put your feet down, you're in school. All of you guys!" I whispered, giving each and every one of them a look. Some of them did what i said but some didn't. Stephen just looked at me and smirked. I then got up just like before, faced him, and gently picked his leg up to put it down on the floor. I didn't push him or touched him in a way i did before this time. I did it gently.

"Jenny?!" Stephen murmured, giving me the look. I tried to stay quelled as much as i can.

"You're in school, please behave," I said, smoothly. The girls around me chuckled. I gave them my dangerous look and they all shut up. Stephen and his other people chuckled as well. I rolled my eyes at them and sat back down. Couple of seconds passed and Stephen had already started misbehaving again. When the teacher didn't look, he would throw paper balls around. He would throw spitball at people. He would laugh at the teacher and he would harass other nerdy girls who actually tried to pay attention. He seriously pissed me off. And when he tried to touch me, I slapped his hand away and gave him an -don't touch me- look. He rolled his eyes and i did the same.

"Can anyone tell me what this means?" The teacher asked. When i raised my hand, Stephen butted in.

"Go ahead and answer it, sweetheart," He said, looking at me. People behind him held in a laugh but i heard it. Once again i tried to ignore him.

"It means--" I was cut off. Stephen coughed repeatedly and i knew he was doing that on purpose.

"What I was--" COUGH COUGH. That was it. I got mad. So i got up and stormed out without saying a word to anyone. I muttered words i wasn't suppose to walked faster than ever. I then looked back to see if they were following me or not. And they weren't.

When i faced the front, i jumped. I practically ran into someone and i didn't even look who it was. I rubbed my forehead.

"Watch where you're going, dude!" I snapped. Then i looked up and saw a tall, bald, muscular guy in front of me with bunch of other guys behind him who looked like bodyguards. The bald guy had sunglasses on which he took it off. I gave him a -whoever you are- look and stormed off. But before i could disappear, I was stopped.

"Young lady. What's your name?" The bald guy asked in a tone i didn't understand.

"Why? Gonna complain on me? The name's Jenny!" I snapped. Then the bald guy smiled wickedly as if he had found who he was looking for. I just walked off. He was strange.

And he definitely looked like Stephen's dad, strangely.
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