Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 2

Wake up. Wake up. Waaaaakeeeee up!, my alarm clock rang. I groaned, pushed my head on the pillow deeper and groaned again. Make that thing shut up, i thought. When the alarm clock finally shut up, i laid my head on the pillow the correct way and groaned once more. The light peaking from my huge window hit right on my face. Why can't i have a peaceful sleep?!

Wake up. Wake up. Waaaaaakeee up! My alarm clock rang again. I cried out in rage, got up and walked into the bathroom. Stupid alarm clock. I know this is my first day in college, but...OH SHIT! I looked behind me at the clock and gasped. My first day of school and i was going to be late! I ran into the bathroom and in exact ten minutes later, i ran back out with a white towel wrapped around my wet body. I pulled my closet door open, and picked out the first i could possibly lay my eyes on. I pulled on my Denim's comfortable jeans on with a decent black tank top on. I put on a decent amount of make up on, wore silver hoop earrings, and walked out with flip flops on. It's still summer. Pretty hot.

"Are you not going to eat breakfast, pumpkin pie?" My mom suddenly asked, walking out of the house. I looked around in embarrassment then at my mom.

"MOM! don't call me that in public!" i pouted, scratching my head. My mom just laughed, got in the car and motioned for me to get in. I sighed and got in anyways. The car roared and drove off but then in minutes, it came to a stop. We were finally here. Drexel College. It was huge! Bigger than i thought it would be. It was like white. Pure white. But a different kind of white. And people were everywhere! Now i know why my parent's loved this college. It was.. phenomenal.

"Ah. I remember this. Nothing has really changed. Well..the painting. And people. But other than that, it's beautiful don't you think?" My mom asked. I was too busy mesmerizing the college. Mom nudged me on the side and i quickly nodded.

"Yes, it's beautiful," I murmured.

"Well, off you go now. Enjoy your first day of college, baby," She kissed me on my forehead and i teasingly wiped it off with a smile on my face. She laughed and i got out the car. When i looked back, my mom was gone with the car. I was stuck alone with the beautiful college and..the people. I entered the gate and looked around. I was mesmerized. But i was shocked at the same time. I looked at my outfit and girls in front of me. some girls had..sports bra on with tight jeans. Some had..well let's just say..they showed off a lot of their body parts! Especially the girls that wore booty shorts. But they were beautiful, comparing to me. I felt bad..

"Hey! New girl!" Someone called out. I looked around to find the voice and then smiled when a beautiful girl stood in front of me. She had long curly blonde hair, flawless creamy face and a fit body. She wore cloths that i admired, at least not showing off too much. She wore tight white shirt that hug her hips perfectly and black booty shorts. But they weren't too short and she looked really nice. I think i just turned Bisexual, laugh out loud!

"Jenny. Jenny Jay," I introduced with a smile. She smiled back.

"Miranda. But you can call me Andy," she introduced. And just then, we became friends. My first really good friend. WE talked and talked about ourselves and got to know each other. She was a vegetarian just like me. Something in common. There was a lot of things we had in common, and i liked this girl. She showed me around the school. Who knew, someone could easily get lost in this college. It was huge from the inside. We stepped inside the library. It was HUGE. the shelves were made out of pure shiny glass and to be sure..probably twenty thousand books were already around. So many damn books. Just too many to count. Someone could easily get lost in this library too. I chuckled at the thought and Andy looked at me confused. I shook my head and we stepped out.

"I would show you around a bit more..but it's too big. i don't want to get lost," Andy said, laughing. I laughed with her. Who could blame her? We then walked out of the college and into the concrete floor outside and where all the other people were. We continued to walk and then Andy finally pulled me to a stop. People were gathering around someone and i couldn't catch who. But it was a gang. A huge gang. Girls giggled around and guys did what..guys do. Their little hand shakes. They were around this one person. And whoever that person was, sure was popular.

"That's Stephen, people gathering around at. He's the most popular kid here. But also the 'bad guy' ", Andy said. I looked at her strangely.

"The bad guy?" She nodded.

"His dad in a gang. A gang, no one wants to mess with. He's also major rich. His name is James. Stephen doesn't live with his mom because you can one wants to mess with a gang. Stephen get's anything he wants. If someone refuses to follow him or go against him..they end up going on the "list". Even the teachers around here are scared of him. But he's nice. Stephen doesn't harm people unless they get on his nerves. You do not want to mess with him, trust me," Andy explained. I just kept my eyes at the crowd. Still couldn't see who this Stephen was.

"Does Stephen kill? or his dad? Because that's what gangs do..i believe," I asked.

"Yes. Trust me. It's horrible. Police can't really do anything. They don't have the evidence against them. But..some are really scared of Stephen's dad. You do not want to mess with them, trust me. I think i have already said that but..just stay away from him. would be lucky enough to even be seen by him. He's so charming. Every girl here dies for him," She then stopped talking when she realized my mouth was wide open. I just simply starred at her. She laughed and nodded. I looked at the crowd once more. They make him sound like he's very bad. How bad can he be?

"Alright, you can need to be somewhere else. You girls..need to step off for a while. I need some space!" A voice said, as calm as it can be. The crowd then started to decrease. The girls pouted and stepped off a bit but not all the way. Through the decreasing crowd, my eyes longed for this guy. Who was he? And then..BAM. I saw him. Pretty dramatically, if you ask. Everything started to move in slow motion. Everything went blurry around me except Stephen. Everything grew silent. the wind stopped whistling. the birds stopped moving in front of me. I looked around and everything and everyone were just..moving in a slow motion. What the heck? Since when did life get so dramatic? then i looked at him and froze. He was..charming, alright! He stood there tall in a black shirt, baggy blue jeans. He had a ghetto hat on that stood side ways on his head. He had blonde hair, one ear pierced. His stud on his ear glowed under the sunlight. He had a fit body. And when i say fit..i meant really fit. His arms were ripped attractively. And i swear i almost saw some eight packs sticking out of his shirt. His lips were luscious. His face, flawless. He was so handsome, i couldn't take my eyes off of him. Maybe this is why everything went dramatic. But i wasn't even in love! Then suddenly..everything went back to normal. Feets started moving fast. Giggles. Laughs. Words. movements. Everything was normal. And i must say..reality kicks in!
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So sorry for the late chapter, but here it is (: She finally met him. Wonderful, huh? But just wait till his eyes fall on her! you don't think Jenny is in love do you? :] did go dramatic. Next chapters get even better. Tune in. Comment! and thanks to those who commented and subscribed. I love you guys!<3 continue showing the love!