Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 21

Tears pricked my eyes as they slowly emerged open. At first, everything was blurry and dark but when my visions came to a sense, everything began to clear up. I wasn't home with Stephen. I wasn't on the bed. And I wasn't where I was suppose to be. I was somewhere else. I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked around. The walls were strangely dark and the lights were flickering on and off. I rubbed my temples but then it clicked.

I was kidnapped from Stephens. I closed my eyes and the flashback happened. When I opened my eyes, dark figures starting emerging towards me. I got up and looked at it closely. At first, few guys came even. The faces I never saw before. Then more came in. And then a face appeared that I knew the most.

"Ja-Jake?" I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hey, Sweetheart," He smiled, crossing his arms against his chest like a pro.

"Jake, free me!" I yelled, struggling to catch myself free from the tight rope around me. But Jake didn't budge. He just stood there as more people piled in.

"Now why would I do that? I worked so hard for this," He said, rolling his eyes. My anger snapped and my fist balled up.

"YOU?! Stupid son of a bitch! I knew I shouldn't have saved u from getting bullied. God damn you, son of a cracker! Where's your sister? Is she like you too?!" I yelled, struggling to push my body farther in order to rip out of the rope. Seemed like I angered this son of a bitch because next thing I knew, he walked up to me in full speed and slapped me across the face hard twice like a mother fucker. My vision blurred out for a second and my cheeks burned, pouring out a little bit of blood from my busted lip. I chuckled.

"Is that the best" I murmured. WACK! this time, I almost passed out. Man he can hit hard.

"You see what happens when you go with a guy like Stephen and not a guy like me?" He said, grabbing my collar.

"You asshole. I feel bad for your mother. She gave birth to such an asshole like you," I spat, looking dead into his eyes. His fiery eyes, tightened knuckles and teeth gritted, he leaned in and slapped me one last time. This time more blood poured out and I couldn't help but scream. My cheeks burned like hell.

"You're going to regret saying that!" He spat. But just when he was about to raise his hand to punch me with his tightened fists, someone kicked the door open. I closed my eyes tight but hoping it was Stephen here for my rescue when I opened my eyes, hoping, a frown hit me. But then again, another facial expression hit me. I saw him before! He was so familiar!

There he stood with dark glasses on, covering his eyes, and a dark suit. He was bald, muscular and..tall. But then he took his glasses off and I rolled my eyes. Oh for god sake, someone just shoot me.

"That's her. That's Stephen's girlfriend," Jake said, stepping back so the tall dark guy can walk in front. I looked straight at him and he approached me. He had dark green eyes that did not look..nice. He leaned closer.

"We have already met. But you don't know me. Let me introduce myself. I'm Stephen's dad. You can call me Monty Drag," He whispered. Every word that came out of his mouth screamed evil.

I couldn't think of anything else now. Everything became blurry. The only thing I saw was him in front of me and the only thing I caught was..Here I was. And standing in front of me was Stephen's dad, Monty drag. THE MONTY DRAG. City's most wanted and dangerous gang leader apart from Stephen. I gulped.

Monty Drag's energy seemed to dominate mine and I felt weak. My legs began to wobble. And seeing me like this made Monty Drag smile devilishly. He stepped back and looked at Jake.

"Jake, now tell me. You've seen it all, haven't you? Did Stephen sleep with his girl?" Monty Drag asked with a harsh tone. Jake nodded.

"He took her home the other day and pushed her in. They had sex. Several times," Jake murmured, smiling at me. My fist tightened and the rope around me pierced my skin. I didn't care. All I wanted was to be let free so that Jake's face had my finger marks on it. My eyes became fiery.

"Let go of me right now and watch what happens!" I screamed. As if I didn't know this was already coming, a strong hand came contacts with my cheek. This time tears rolled down my cheeks. My cheeks were swollen for sure. His hand against my cheek was harder and harsher than Jake's and right now..all I wanted was to be free and back to Stephen on his bed. I should have never left the room. When my face fell to the floor, Monty Drag harshly lifted up my chin, grabbed my both cheeks in one hand and made me look at him.

"Now, sweetheart. Don't be like this. Now, let me tell you something. I'm going to ask you some questions. If you answer them the way I wanted to hear coming out of your mouth then I'll let you go," He murmured, smiling at me. I knew what kind of talk this was. He was going to let me go. Forever. I shook my head slowly and struggled to keep my eyes open from passing out.

"Jake.." I whispered.

"This is what we do, Jenny. I send Jake and Mary to people like you and lour you," Monty drag explained. Then I clicked.

"So you send these two to make friends with Stephen's friends. Girls the most because you can't stand seeing him with girls! Jake was never the innocent one nor was Mary! Now I get the whole shit!" I clarified, looking down. Poor Susan. Tears pricked my eyes.

"Don't you see? Girls are a waste of time. My wife was a waste of time. So I killed her. Killing is my passion you see. You should be unfortunate you're a girl. All girls are unfortunate," Monty Drag explained. I looked at him and bit my lip from cursing the shit out of him. Then he looked back at Jake.

"You can't have her, Jake. She has to go," He said, cross smiling. Jake looked at me.

"I guess you're right," Jake murmured, looking away, "She was never mine anyways. See what happens when you go with the wrong guy and not me?"

"Screw you, Jake."

"Perhaps you need a good reason to die. Why don't I show you something? Stephen doesn't love you. He's my blood. He doesn't mean stuff he says to girls. Let me show you, shall I?" Monty Drag said, looking at some of his men. Some guys from the outside came back in with a wide screen and set it in front of me. Monty Drag, on the other side, switched it on and moved aside for me to catch a glimpse.

"This is what you're dearest Stephen do," Jake murmured, standing next to me.

What I saw in front of me was something I never expected to see.
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To my lovely fellows :) I hope you liked this. More chapters coming up soon but it's ending soon too :( It will be worth it though. Check this out! Guess what she sees? COMMMMENTS! Let me know what you think :) thanks to those wonderful people who commented. =]