Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 24

He didn't show up. The clock ticked past the seconds I had left for Stephen; yet again, he didn't show up. Monty Drag's army took me by my both arms and lead me somewhere, I don't know where. I felt weak. ashamed. Disgusted. I didn't care weather he kissed someone else or not. He's a guy, I know. But the fact that he wasn't here even after getting my death message amused me. I just couldn't fight anyone anymore.

Jake caught up to me and stood in front of me. He faced me but I looked away.

"You're lover boy isn't here, is he? I told you he's not the right guy for you. And I told you I was the guy for you. You didn't believe me. You didn't choose me so now all I can say to you is--I'm sorry," He said, giving me a warm smile. The smile meant nothing. He meant nothing. There was no sign of warmth and care in him that showed. I gave him a glare.

"Die, you son of a bitch," I spat, squinting my eyes. But all I got from him was a smirk.

"You're the one dying, sweetheart," He murmured, winking. I wanted to lacerate his face so bad, like no one ever knew but I kept the anger to myself and jerked forward as someone pushed me. In front of me was a big, old wooden door slightly tilted. Around the door was walls which were covered in brown stains. But below the door...had blood stains all dried up. I started to panic inside of me because I was still very young to die.

"A girl once dated Stephen. They were a happy couple. They dated for a long time. I didn't like her, no. Not at all. So I removed her from Stephen's life," Monty Drag said, looking straight at the doors in front of us. I slowly and slowly looked my way to him and then back to the door. I knew whom he was talking about. And the thought of her was so puissant, I wanted to cry.


Maybe this was a whole set up. Maybe Stephen didn't kiss that bitch. Maybe he's on his way right now...

The door suddenly flew open and my thoughts vanished. What I saw made me cry out of no where. I couldn't control the tears, no I couldn't. I wanted to scream.

The lights flickered on and off to a point where I almost had a seizure. But in between the flickering lights stood a big steel platform with brown leather handcuffs attached to the front of it and the bottom. Beside it stood a big machine which looked like it was there to--shock women. There were other equipment around the steel platform and the machine which made me shook from inside and out. But the equipments, machines and the steel bed wasn't something that scared me the most. When I stepped up..the things I saw made me cover my mouth to a point where I had to muffle my scream.

small body parts. Legs, arms..head. They were baby parts! I screamed against my hand covering my own mouth and teared up. Every pregnant women to be here, who were seen, never saw the world again. Young girls. Big girls. Women..what right did these cruel people had to kill young women and babies who weren't even born?

Abortion..that's what happened here. Murder. Torture. Assault. There were body parts everywhere scattered around the floor. blood stains that were old and new blood stains everywhere. Splattered. Even though there were no other women here--I felt the screams. The pain. the agony. Blood boiled in me and I wanted to strike. But I wanted to cry even more.

"Don't mind these, sweetheart. They were a waste anyways," Monty Drag said, picking up a body part of a baby like it was a stick to him and threw it in an oven attached to a bloody wall. Death Oven I didn't see. He threw a body part in it and I watched it burn and fall to ashes. I couldn't stand this anymore! I balled up my fists, punched Jake flat on his face because he was the first person I saw that was holding me and rushed to Monty Drag, ready to strike. I lifted up my fist to strike but screamed in return when a strong hand wrapped itself around my neck and pressed. I let the tears fall freely on his dirty hand.

"Don't even try," Monty growled.

"I hope my tears falling on you cleans your sin because let me tell you something Monty will rot in hell like no other!" I spat, burning tears falling out. In rage, he pushed me, tightening his hand against my neck, and handcuffed me to the steel bed. Every inch of my body was pressed down to it but I still managed to spoke.

"You will rot in hell and no one will help you! These innocent lives you took will haunt you for life, and if they don't, I sure as hell will!" I said, with a straight face. My burns went blood shot red and I closed my eyes to pray.

"Bring her in here!" Jake yelled. And when he did, I opened my eyes and saw a young women in her twenties walk in with pregnancy equipments..

"Check her," Monty Drag ordered. The women nodded but I saw her shaking. She was following his orders and that disgusted me! She placed the pregnancy things aside and brought her face closer to mine.

"Are you..pregnant?" she asked in a low voice. I just looked at her.

"Why do you work for them? Don't you know what they do to young girls?! They will do the same to you! They will kill you!" I screamed at her, begging her to stop her experiment. She jumped in fear and looked around her then at me. I shook my head at her. But all of a sudden, I started getting Dizzy. Out of no where..I felt the need of throwing up to the max. Just out of no where! I looked at the women in front of me and I don't know what I signaled her but she understood something by the look of her face.

"You need to unlock her so I can take her to the bathroom and check her. She needs to take the pregnancy test by urine, Mr. Drag," The women said. I looked at Monty Drag. Please give in..please give in! If he let me go, I could outrun this girl and run! To my surprise, Monty Drag nodded. The guys started to unhook me from the cuffs and I sat up. The vomit was rising up in me and I had to rush. I don't know what was happening to me. The women in front of me took two pregnancy test and just when she was about to proceed, Jake stopped her.

"Why are you taking two pregnancy test, Caren?"

"So if one comes out negative, I can check the other," Caren explained. Monty drag shook his head.

"Put one down and go. If you make any know the consequences," he warned. Caren nodded and walked in front. The bathroom wasn't too far from them. In fact--the bathroom was inside the room I was in. I felt no need to to escape because..I would fail at a certain point.

When I stepped in the bathroom, and the door closed behind me, I puked my guts off in the sink. Caren suddenly came up to me, patted my back and told me to hush. So I silently threw up while Caren patted my back for support. When I got done, I silently cried my heart out. Caren came up to me and hugged me. I hugged her so tight, I felt like my heart was about to pop out of my chest.

"Shh, sweetheart. Don't make a sound, they will hear!"

"Why are they doing this?! WHY!" I cried in her. I felt a teardrop touch my bare back, assuming Caren was crying with me.

"You have no idea what they have done to many other women. He can't stand pregnant women, he hates it! But I don't know why he does that," She whispered. I inhaled and closed my eyes.

"Caren..what is wrong with me?" I asked.

"I don't know..but we will find out. Take off your pants. I want you to urine on this," Caren explained. I nodded slowly and did what she told me to do. She turned around when I urinated and when I got done, I handed her the test.

She looked at it closely and her eyes went wide out of her sockets.

"Caren..what's the news?"

"The news you won't bear to hear. You're pregnant.."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my god guys I'm extremely sorry for the late chapters! I hope I didn't disappoint you all too much! I was out of the state and couldn't do much :( But here it is! Hope you liked it! I'll try to finish it soon!