Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 26

The lights continued to flicker on and off. The situations got worse and fate had once again changed it's route. To me, there was no turning back. I looked at Caren's still body on the floor and shut my eyes tight. The tortures on me went on and on to a point where my body went into a complete numb. I couldn't feel anymore blows on me. I just wanted all this to stop. So I closed my eyes and prayed.

The blows continued on me while I closed my eyes and prayed.

Dear lord. I have not done such things wrong. I committed no sin that I should have. But now I pray. Now I beg. Either you save me and the baby or take our lives, that's all I ask.

I prayed again and tightened my grip around the cuffs. But the tortures never stopped. Someone threw a bucket of ice cold water on me. Someone else pierced my skin with a knife. Someone else ran a knife down my thighs harshly. Others either slapped, choked, cut me or shocked me. I prayed harder. Then something shook me. Something awakened me.

A driller in Monty Drag's hand.

"A special kind of driller that will kill that son of a bitch in you!" Jake mumbled, laughing historically. If I wasn't chained to the damn bed, my anger would have gotten the best of me. The driller in Monty Drag's hand would have been facing them not me! But I was chained; therefore, I was weak. All there was left now was the driller to either pierce me, or my prayer to work and my hero came to save me.

The driller roared in it's owner's hand with a dash of smirks and chuckles. I closed my eyes tight and prayed even more. I was pregnant and I never knew. Nor did Stephen. The bloody driller in Monty's bloody hand continued to approach me, and the more it approached the more I started to panic. And when two inches were left from the driller to me, a sudden door slapped open in a roar. Everyone including I jumped to the sudden movement and all looked up to find an angry, frustrated, heated Stephen.


I couldn't be any happier! My heart almost jumped out of me and my stomach literally felt like it came up to my throat. So intensly, the lights all of a sudden started flickering on and off, and the double doors opening and closing revealed Monty Drag's men getting thrashed by Stephen's own men.

"Stephen.." I whispered to myself, almost too happy. As if all my prayers were heard, Stephen looked at me with heated eyes showing guilt and support. The guilt expression on his face brought me back to reality.

The kiss...Mary...

My eyes stung but I forced the tears up, but I couldn't look away. Atleast, not now.

"My dear son, how are you? What brings you here?" Monty Drag asked, turning the driller off and putting it aside. Jake, on the other hand, eyed me.

"Let her go, father," Stephen said in between gritted teeth. Monty shook his head.

"Can't do. You see..I have been waiting for this day to come. Another girl comes in your life and this time--me and you both kill her. Sounds fun?" Monty exclaimed, rubbing his fingers ony bloody cheek.

"You sick asshole!" I roared and in return, a smack on my face almost literally passed me out. I bit my bottom lip from screaming.

"Let. Her. Go," Stephen said, this time as calm as he can be.

"Didn't you hear him the first time?! Get out!" Jake yelled, lifting his hand up to hit Stephen. Stephen grabbed Jake's hand and punched him flat on his face with the other hand. Then more people popped up and started fighting him. With eight guys holding Stephen, he couldn't budge. Monty Drag sighed a heavy sigh and chuckled.

"What do you see in girls? Especially her?" Monty Drag said, in disgust. OUCH, you asshole! I looked at Stephen all to find him looking away. I looked up at the ceiling.

"What did you see in Susan?" he finished, an evil grin on his face. I looked back at Stephen to see his reaction. Then I saw the change. His fist balled up and looked up at his dad. My mouth flew a little open and my heart cracked. Showed how much he loved me..


"She was a bloody whore, that's what she was," Monty said, a remote control in his hand.

"I loved her, father!" Stephen yelled.

"Well bye bye to her, she's a past. What should I do to her?" Monty asked, pointing a finger at me. I kept my orbs still on Stephen. Stephen never looked at me, he was lost in thoughts.

Stephen look at me you love me and not Susan...

"Perhaps I can show you?" Monty said. In a snap of his finger, some of his men brought in a projector. It faced the wall in front of him. Then with a click of a button, Susan popped up.

Stop, she screamed. It was a blood curling scream and the screams filled the room up with tension. Stephen's eyes went blood shot red but not once did he look at me.

She was chained the same way as me on the bed I was on now. The wires were attached to her body and with one bloody click of a button, her whole body started vibrating. Her body arched and she screamed again. She was getting shocked! But it didn't end there..

"Leave me and my baby alone!" she screamed, crying her heart out. No one budged. Blows after blows were being shot at her. And then..the shortcut. Her legs were being spreader and someone took her pants off. Her mouth was being taped but she screamed deep inside.

"This will hurt a lot," Monty said. Then with one quick movement, someone plugged an iron rod up her vagina. Susan's eyes went wide open and she chocked on her own scream and saliva. All of a sudden, blood started pouring out of her. Her body went limp but she was alive. She chocked again against the tape over her mouth. When the iron was being pulled out, she closed her eyes tight. Then something else went up her vagina and more blood poured out...

The video stopped there and I weeped silently.

Jake and Monty drag chuckled while Stephen and I remained silent.

"That will happen to Jenny. Exciting, huh?" Jake asked. That drove Stephen insane. He broke free out of everyone's grip in three seconds and started hitting every face he saw. Stephen's men ran In to help him and all I did was lay there...still. When every guy, Monty Drag knew, was on the floor, Stephen walked up to Jake to punch him. Right when Jake was about to get punched, Monty Drag's hand raised up and came in contact with Stephen.

Then the fight between father and son began.

Every blow Stephen got, angered him to a point where he raised his own hand up and punched his father on his temple. Then Stephen started Monty even more, to a point where Monty was bleeding on the floor. When Monty was on the floor, Stephen walked up but stood couple of inches away from him. He then took his shirt off and threw it aside.

"Stephen.." I said, barely a whisper. But he didn't look at me. His gaze was on his father and that's all he could see, his eyes growing blood shot red. My body went into a complete numb position and I struggled to keep my eyes open. I didn't notice what was happening but when Stephen was about to lift his hand up with a gun in his hand, Jake took the sudden action. He shot Stephen's gun away and the bullet went right through his palm. Stephen fell to the floor with a thud. Monty Drag got up.

I was so oblious to everyone that it felt like I was invisible. To Monty Drag, to Jake and even to..Stephen.

"Stephen! Know the truth! Susan was a slutty whore just like Jenny here. Susan died so brutally and the same way will die Jenny! Susan--" Jake didn't get to complete his sentence because Stephen shut him up by picking up a nearest gun besides him and shooting every bullet into Jake. I saw...every bloody action.

"Never say a single word about Susan like that!" Stephen roared, picking his pace up to fight his own father now.

My head spun, my heart ached, and my tears finally poured out. The truth was out. A bitter truth. I laughed a little. He didn't love me..he loved Susan.

"Listen to me.." Monty begged. Such a strong person was on the floor getting attacked by his own son, Stephen. I pitied him. And most of all..I pitied myself. I just weeped. Silently. Stephen triggered his gun to his father.

"Listen to you? What is there to listen to?" Stephen exclaimed.

"You're gonna kill me for that bloody whore of yours?" Monty asked, gritting his teeth.

"She was..the love of my life!" and with that, he shot him, "And my mother you killed and Susan? Rot in hell, bastard!"and with then, he shot every bullet in him.

Monty drag was on the floor...dead. And with that, Stephen walked up to me. Finally looking at me, he started to unchain me. But not once did he ask how I was doing. He took my hand and walked up.

"Stop," I said, "Just stop."
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OHMYGOD! Such a long time ! I'm sorry guys! I was actually in India! I still am! :) so glad to be away from North Carolina though. But I can't wait to go back to America. It's super hot here! Anyways, I'm so sorry for the late chapters guys !!! Hope you forgive me! Here's a chapter! Thank you to those to commented and supported me, I love you guys! <3 commmmment!