Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 3

I looked around and realized, Andy was gone, leaving me completely and utterly alone with this crowd. I looked behind, then in the front and realized that Stephen was gone too with his rest of the gang. Did that mean he was in a gang? Did it even matter? I was NOT afraid of some..gang i didn't even know about. There's a reason behind everything, isn't there?

I sighed, and walked somewhere. Somewhere i didn't even know. I walked and walked and walked. From right to left. Left to right. I thought, i had to find Andy. I looked around in every direction i could. And then i finally saw her. I even called out for her.

"Andy!" I yelled, across the place. I walked up to her.

"Oh, hi!" she said, as if she didn't notice how mad i was because of her ditching me. I rolled my eyes.

"You ditched me?"

"Sorry, my friends called me up. But since they are gone now, i'm so sorry! She apologized. I smirked and let this topic go.

"What's your first class?" I asked. She looked at the sky and then at me.

"Chemistry," She answered. I looked at my own schedule and sighed.

"I don't have the class with you," I said. She put on a sad face. WE then compared our schedule and apparently, we had no class together. Well, this already sucks. What else can go wrong? The bell then rang, and we went our separate place. I walked inside and then i realized..wait. Which way do i go? In front of me stood three hall way. Do i go left? right? or straight? Are you serious? i looked behind me and everyone were gone. So it's just me now..oh great.

I decided to go straight. Always go straight right? i kept walking, checking out all the different kind of rooms and then i came to a stop. Wrong freaking hall way! Where i stood was in the six hundred hallways. I was suppose to go to the two hundred one. I growled, then turned around and walked to my opposite.

ten minutes later. I found my class room. The class started twenty minutes ago. Oh, this is going to be embarrassing. I hesitated weather to open the door or not. But i had to. HAD TO. I slowly opened the door and walked in. I stopped in the middle of the room and looked around. Holy shit, these were a lot of people. approximately thirty? yes. Some looked at my way and whistled. Great. perverted guys. Some girls even looked at me and rolled their eyes. Some smiled at me. Now, the ones that just rolled their eyes on me were going on my "list". my "slap-that-hoe-list". I looked at the teacher in front of me. An old lady whose hair stood everywhere. she stood to be about eighty?

"You're late," She calmly said. I nodded and apologized. She bought it, thank god. I looked around for an empty seat and then found it right beside a girl. I took my seat and waited for this boring lesson to begin.

Few hours passed and i found my self dying of boredom. But in few seconds later, the bell finally rang. Everyone rushed out as fast as they could and i took my time. Only because i didn't want to be bumping into people. i packed all my belongings and walked out. Everyone were way to far away from me, gladly. I walked up to my new locker, dropped my stuff in and then closed it. My second class was in a different hall way i knew that. I peaked into my bag while walking, and then suddenly stopped as i bumped into someone. My belongings fell on the floor. I noticed the person in front of me had their stuff dropped on the floor too. I didn't even look up to see who it was.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, picking my stuff up from the floor. I pulled myself up and looked at the person in front of me. Uh oh. It was him. He had this serious look on face but then it vanished and a smirk formed on his mouth. Stephen.

"You better be. Pick up my stuff from the floor, chick," He said. The group behind him snickered. Some even held in a laugh. How insulting. It was his fault as well as mine.

"You can pick it up by yourself. I said my "sorry" and you should as well," I snapped. Jenny, shut up, i thought to myself. The group behind him grew silent.

"I don't have to say sorry to anyone," He said, chuckling. I put on a fake smile.

"Well then face the consequences. Enjoy bending down, and picking your belongings up," I snapped again.

"Feisty, i see. Do you know who you're talking to?" Stephen said, suddenly taking his steps towards me. He stopped, centimeters away from me.

"The bad boy. I know," I said, before walking off. After few steps later, i shook. Did i just..did way! I just snapped at him! I forced myself to look back. I silently gulped as he looked at me walking away. A sudden smile formed on his face. This was no ordinary smile. What if he was planning something? Way to go JENNY!, i screamed at myself.
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ooooooh =] oh no she didn't! well, here it is. Their first face to face meeting. She's already snapping at him. And the innocent smile on Stephen's face isn't innocent, trust me! What do you think happens next? =] comment! <3