Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 5

I managed to step out of the class. I wasn't expecting him to say that. When i stepped out, the teacher stopped me and looked at me. She was old as well as the other one. Her name was Mrs.Mathis.

"What did he say or do to you?" she suddenly asked. How was i suppose to tell her what happened? Then i told her everything. From the starting till the end. She seemed to be in a shock.

"Mrs.Mathis, why is he like that? I i in trouble or something because of what i said or did?" I asked, confused. She nodded without a hesitation.

"Don't mess with him, Dear. He's not someone to mess with. Haven't you heard? He's a bad boy. Do you know who his father is? He's a gang leader. A powerful one. And He's also the principal of this school," She explained. mouth just hung wide open. A..what? What the crap?

"Are you serious?!" I almost yelled. She nodded.

"Next time, be careful," She whispered. I blinked rapidly.

"If he's the "principal", then why isn't he here? He's suppose to be running this school?" I asked. She looked around for a bit then at me.

"Well, he practically owns this college. He only wanted to be the principal or whatever only because he wanted his son to rule. It really doesn't make sense but if you look at his point of view..then yea. Stephen is the owner, practically. There's a story behind this but all i'm going to say careful," she said. And at the very last part..she got really close to my face and said it. Then she left. I clung the books closer to my chest and walked away. So..all i have to remember is to be very careful. And not mess with him. I bit my lip. That part is going to be very hard. I have been a bitch ever since i was little. But..these people were bad and so i HAD to be careful.


I attended classes after classes. It was 12:00 pm and really..i think this was the last class. That was coolest thing about colleges. Especially this one. You get out early. My last class was lunch. Amazing, huh? I walked into the cafeteria. It was huge. But i was used to it by now. The place was packed with probably millions of people. I looked around to find someone decent to sit with. But then i found Andy. I was happy, finally! I walked up to her and she smiled at me. She was sitting with these cheerleaders and jocks. I didn't really find it comfortable to hang around with people like that but..I managed. We sat down and she introduced me to everyone. They weren't really that important to get to know of. They just looked at me, smiled and went back to their own things. I went back to mine. Andy, though, talked to me the whole time. Didn't seem like she was enjoying their company either.

"Do you not like them or something?" I asked. She chuckled and shook her head.

"But i need people to sit with. And since you're here..i'm really happy," She murmured. I smiled at her and she returned the favor. We then dropped off our stuff and got up to get our lunch. There was also an outside. People could go out or in anytime they wanted to since it was the last class. We called lunch a class. Pretty cool, don't you know?

"We got to pay right?" I asked Andy. She nodded. But she paid for my lunch even though i told her not to. She was so sweet! I think we were going to be best friends. WE then exit the lunch line and walked.

"We should hang out?" Andy said. I nodded and she smiled like a bear, showing off her perfect teeth. I chuckled. We started walking off and sat back down to our tables. WE ate silently for a while and then my head snapped up, slowly.

"Ayyo, come sit over here!" One of the football players yelled. Stephen chuckled and walked up to them. Of course, he was in this lunch. But he didn't see me. Thank god, he didn't see me. But i'm pretty sure he knew i was in here. Sometimes, his eyes would roam around places but then he would get back to the preps. I just rolled my eyes and went back to my lunch.

After few minutes of chit chats with my new friends and Andy, i felt like this day was amazing. Me and Andy then got up at the same time to throw our trays away and walked to the trash can. WE chuckled and laughed at mostly everything as if we were high off of something. Which was pretty funny because we were laughing at nothing. Andy threw her lunch away and then i followed. When i threw my food away, Andy smiled. Then she turned.

"So..are we-" and suddenly, she was cut off. She bumped into one of the cheerleaders who happened to be Stephen's friends. Everyone and everything grew quite. I looked around. Really? they weren't celebrities.

"Watch it, punk!" one of the blonde yelled. I held in a giggle. She was so fake! She had blonde curls that stood by her shoulders and then another set of straight blonde hair that fell beneath it. She had extensions, of course. She had way too much make up on and pink lipstick. Her face fake. I wanted to make a comment but i stood quite.

"Sorry, were just gonna go," I said, acting cool. As if i was scared of them. But i kinda was. What if Stephen got up and beat the living hell out of me just because i insulted his friends? I grabbed Andy's arms and managed to walk away.

"Hey, wait a minute," She said. I stopped after two steps later, " aren't you the new kid? who snapped at Stephen? You better watch your ass next time before you get beat. You don't know who you're messing with, trick," she said. I glared at her. But Andy was getting frustrated.

"You better watch your ass before you get beat!" Andy yelled. The blonde then pushed Andy and she fell back, loosing her balance. And out of rage, i did what i was always thought to do. I swung real hard and punched the girl right on her jaw. Her head swung to the right and she fell flat on her face. The other girls behind her then walked up to me with their fist ready to punch. I dodged the swing, grabbed the other girl's arm and twisted her around. She screamed in pain and i pushed her on the floor. I did the same with the others. Me alone fought bunch of fake cheerleaders. Everyone just starred at me and i froze. What did i just do? I just fought them! Me? girl who never fought anyone before? Well, that's a big lie. My anger got me into a stage of beating someone's ass. My eyes then fell on Stephen who was just starring at me with an expression on his face which i couldn't quite catch up to. My eyes didn't leave his. Oh my god, i was scared of myself now. Then Stephen got up. He got up from his chair as if someone pinched up or something. But slowly and slowly..he took few steps. And before he could come anywhere near me, Andy pulled herself back up and pulled me out the door, leaving everyone stunned and Stephen..something. i didn't even look back at him. I just ran with Andy.
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Oh no she didn't! haha, how was it? like it? comments would be great you know? Tell me how i'm doing? :) i will love you guys. So..Jenny was in karate when she was in high school but then she quit. She was a champion back then. But she is scared of certain people. Certain people like..Stephen. ;] Next chapters are going to be even better! Cliffhanger!