Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 6

Andy pulled me all the way out. WE even ran like probably a mile? WE even found a cache. Why?

"Are you out of your mind, Jen?" Andy said, in between her difficult breathing. I sighed and leaned against a tree. We were out in the meadow where no one could find us. Maybe.

"She pushed you, and she called me a "trick", she even said things to you..i didn't like it," I answered. Her mouth hung wide open and then she leaped onto me, hugging me. I hugged her back. Glad we were in the same page.

" You're so convivial. Where did you learn to fight like that? You fought four girls all alone. You..knocked one out, how did you.." She was so stunned, she couldn't even finish the rest of her sentence. I blushed and rolled my eyes. I didn't even know i could do that.

"Well, back in high school I took lessons in karate class. I was a champion. But then i quit. 'Cause like people were scared of me. And i didn't want people to be scared of me. I have been having this really bad attitude ever since i was little. It kinda just picks up on it's own," I answered. And again, her mouth hung wide open.

"You're really good at fighting. But Jenny, if i didn't pull you out of that cafe..Stephen would have killed you," she said. I chuckled.

"I heard he doesn't hit girls?" I asked, grabbing her hand and walking.

"He doesn't. But he takes short cuts a lot. He pulls out a gun or a knife and BAM, you're on the floor dead," She replied. I looked at her chuckled.

"I see," I just said.

"Are you not scared of him? Probably the whole city is!"

"I was taught never to be scared of people. That's what pulls pushes them down on the ground. If you're scared of them, then they take advantage of you and use your own weakness against you. So, whatever comes in life that wants to fight you, you just take risk and fight back," I said, smiling.

"That's an easy talk for you. You have not seen the real Stephen yet. Wait, till you meet his dad. Don't even show your toughness around him. Maybe Stephen could control himself but if you mess with his're messing with the bad people!" Andy warned, getting all serious.

"I'm not scared," I said. Was I?

"You never take me facetious, do you?" She asked. I inhaled and then after five seconds later, i exhaled and looked at her. We stopped talking and then faced each other.

"Be halcyon, please?" I said, smiling. She shook her head.

"Not until you promise me one thing. Promise me, you will not mess with Stephen from now on. I mean..when he says something to will not talk back. Promise me you will say sorry to him next time you see him. Promise me!" she half yelled, sticking her hand out for me to touch. Was she serious?

"Andy, what's the most he's gonna do to me?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"You don't know him yet! Last year..three or four girls like you snapped at him. Just like you did. Maybe said worse things to him. And then he acted nice around them and said his "sorry" for troubling them. Next thing you know..those four girls fell for him. And then after a week later..they were gone missing. MISSING, do you even know what that mean? No one ever saw them again! And everyone knew where they were last. With Stephen. I don't want you to be one of those missing girls. Promise me, you will control your attitude and not say anything that ticks him off. Don't even go closer to him if he doesn't like it!" Andy said. This mouth was hung wide open. So he manipulates girls, brings them to his trap and then eats them up. But chews them back out somewhere, unexplained? How low can he get? He doesn't scare me. He never will. But that sure freaking means i should not meet his dad. There must be a story behind him! But I'm tripping. I don't know anytime about Stephen, so i shouldn't judge.

"I promise," I said, bringing my hand on top of hers. She gave me a wide smile and hugged me. I hugged her back and then we started walking.


Oh great. I was going to see the iniquitous Stephen again. I attended my first class. And my first class went by fast. Now i was attending my second class. And my second class was going fast too. The clock ticked. And ticked. and ticked even more faster. Now, when i left my second block, Andy caught up to me.

"You're going to say sorry to him," Andy said, pulling me away from the crowded people. I didn't even get to say anything. Then I saw him. Stephen and his gang. He seemed pissed today. That meant who ever walked by him didn't say a word. They just looked at him in a worried look. Should i be worried? should i be scared? Every step i took, my body trembled. Stupid, stupid me.

"Just say sorry. He looks aggravated," Andy whispered. What the fuck. Why is she making me say sorry to him? I got closer to him. He spotted me and his eyes didn't leave mine for a long second. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest. My hands became sweaty.

"Stephen, I'm really sorry about yesterday. Jenny is going to say sorry. Please, don't hurt her!" Andy said, reassuring me that everything will be all right. She was so innocent.

"Oh, really?" Stephen said, with a smirk on his face. They all turned to me. I saw the people behind him and they winked at me. I was suppose to say sorry to him? Why? I didn't even do anything, though.

"Jenny, say something," Andy said, slightly pushing me. I snapped out of my thoughts and continued to look at him.

"Huh? Oh! Im.." I didn't say the last part. he arched an eye brow and Andy looked at me. This was so hard for me to do.

"Say it!" Andy said, giving me a look. I silently sighed.

"Sorry.." I managed to say. Then i pulled Andy's arm and moved to the side. Just when i was about to walk, Stephen suddenly grabbed my arm and stopped me. Andy looked back at us. Then she gave me a pleading look that said "Please, don't say anything". I didn't want to go against her. So i simply looked down, cursing inside of me. This is going to be hard to control. I know, he's going to say something stupid which will tick me off.

"You better be sorry, next very careful," He whispered, leaning in closer to me. I opened my mouth to say something bad but Andy gave me a look. I forcefully shut my mouth and looked at him. He seemed to notice, what was going on between me and Andy. So he smirked. Oh, how badly i wanted to slap that smirk off of his face.

"Oh, I'll be careful alright! I'll be very careful!" I grunted, giving him a look. Then i moved out of his way and walked away with Andy. She smiled at me and i forcefully smiled back. Then i turned my head around like last time and spotted him looking at my way. He crossed his arms and smiled at me. I faked a smile and walked away.
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SOrry for the late chapters :( but here it is! hope you liked it!! Next chapter will be Stephen's POV. (Stefan) <--that's how you pronounce his name :) you will like what's gonna come, trust me. COMMENT <3