Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 8

I stormed off. Who does he think he is? he doesn't scare me. Actually. He kinda does. I mean, think about it. A person who smokes in freaking classroom in front of students and teachers. He doesn't care about anything. And for a fact that he never gets in trouble. He's a bad boy. The city fears him. Even the police because..of his dad. Who might his dad be? But who cares! I hate him! Hate his damn beauty that catches my eyes. Wait what? Curse him! I never been sent to principal's office before! He's gonna have to pay for it!

Just when i stepped in front of the office, the bell rang. What's the point of going in when the bell has already rung? No point. I walked away. I hate him so much! Just when i was about to walk away, I came face to face with the devil. He crossed his arms against his chest and this time, his friends weren't with him. Only him alone in the middle of the crowd. The crowd then looked at us and started to disappear. Uh oh. But he was still smirking. I never get tired of his smirks. Really. I made my way towards him. With a little bit of attitude. I crossed my arms just like he did.

"What happen? did the bad boy get sent to the principal's office?" I asked, smirking. I then flicked the bride of his nose.

"You're gonna have to loose that attitude of yours. I don't like it a bit," He said, with a serious face of his. That always scared me. The serious face of his. He took a step closer to me. If he stepped even closer, our lips would meet. He was really close to me and i could smell his cologne. It wasn't strong but it was strong enough to drive me crazy. His breathe smelled like peppermint and my eyes were glued. Glued to his beauty. I was..mesmerized. What now?

"Loose it good," he whispered, eyeing me straight into my eyes. My mouth hung a little open. He chuckled and then took another step closer to me. But i stepped back before our lips met.

"I'll loose mine if you loose yours," I snapped, then walked right past him. I didn't look back. Lunch time!

~Lunch time~

I grabbed my food and sat down with my friends.

"So. How are you?" Andy asked.

"Never been better," I replied, stabbing nervously on my tomato.

"What wron--" Andy was cut off when suddenly, someone yelled for help. As if someone was pushed or something. I turned around to find someone being pushed merciless into a trash can.

"Stop, let me go!" the boy yelled. He seemed so young. And then, of course. He was the new kid in school. Just like me. If this how they treated new kids? Stephen just sat and watched, hands around a cheerleader. What the fuck was his problem?! People around me just stood quite and didn't say a thing. They just watched the fun. Not even the teacher said anything while Stephen's friends pushed around a kid. They just looked down as if they couldn't do anything.

"Poor guy," Someone murmured behind me. I looked back to see a girl turn around. She got back with her friends and didn't even try to help.

"Stop! Are you people insane?!" A girl then yelled, coming in between the guys.

"Who might you be, beautiful?" One of his guys said, eyeing her fully front top to bottom.

"I'm his sister! Leave him alone!" The girl yelled. She had an attitude like me. She was so beautiful. She had long brunette hair that hugged her shoulders with Chinese bangs. She wore a spring dress and her legs were perfectly..perfect. So was her body. Everything was perfect about her. The guys were just drooling upon her. She was the new girl as well.

"Hey, everyone! Who wants to see some fun?!" One of the guys yelled, grabbing the girl's hands. Then another guy walked around and closed the cafe's doors shut. That meant, the teachers were locked out. There were no police on guard like all the other schools had. And of course, this was college. Nothing good was about this college. The guys int he cafe nodded and screamed in excitement. The girls gasped and covered their mouth. At least the girls had a little bit of sense. I looked to find Stephen, shaking his head smiling. He was fucking smiling! That SICKO!

"Stop..please," The girl begged. her brother tried to get up to help her but the guys pinned him down. her! My eyes were tearing up. My fist clenched up. The guys were rubbing up on her arms. She was disgusted. of Stephen's friend pulled her dress's strap loose. They pulled it down and it fell loosely down her shoulder. Another guy kissed her shoulders and..down. My fist clenched up. My eyes watered. My body trembled. And Andy knew what i was going to do. she grabbed my arms tightly.

"Don't..they will hurt you," Andy whispered. And that just made me want to fight. I looked around to see him someone was going to save her from getting raped. But no fucking one got up. They all just looked down. UNBELIEVABLE! I got up. I sprung up like an ant biting me. My body was beckoning me to fight.

"Bastards.." I murmured, with so much heat in me. Andy grabbed my arms.

"Dont!" she yelled. I gave her a glare and she let go on my arms. Let me do what i have to do. I walked up to the guys and suddenly, before that guy went any lower, i grabbed hand, turned him around and slapped him across the face. My palm stung. The whole cafe went silent. The slap had echoed. And believe me..slapping him felt good. Let's call this man, Idiot since i didn't know his name. Idiot looked at me with fire in his arms.

"You're fucking pathetic. Are you stupid? Do you think raping an innocent girl in front of everyone will make you look cool? think again, asshole!" I yelled, then slapped him again. This time..hard! I walked over to the girl, and pulled her strap up. She teared up. I looked at Idiot and he just backed up, shaking his head. His body was trembling in anger. Fucking asshole, he didn't scare me. I looked at Stephen who was now getting up. His eyes were flaming red. He didn't have to walk up to me. I walked up to him. One of the girl next to him was a tough gal. She had muscles. Like a he-man! He clenched her fist up. She was about to walk up to me when Stephen stopped her. She growled. And i chuckled.

"She doesn't scare me," I said, smiling. Stephen then let her go. He cracked her neck, tightened up her fists and flexed her muscles. She was a blonde with fake tan. Her blond was making her look hideous. Her nose was pierced and she had big ass hoop earrings on. She did all that to fight me. But all i had to do was breathe. She was face to face with me.

"So, you think you're tougher than me?" She asked. I nodded. I didn't have so much ego like she had. I wasn't a wrestler for nothing, you know? She then swung. She swung like a bitch. But i dodged. I grabbed her wrist, twisted her arms around until her back was facing me and i pushed her. I pushed her so hard, that she fell into one of the guy's arms. Really now? You don't even know how to fight. But i was loosing my focus. I walked up to Stephen. The girl didn't even try to get to me. She just stood there watching my every move. I came face to face with the devil. And then i made a move. I wasn't thinking but i did what i have to do. I slapped him across the face. Hard. Everyone gasped. The girl who tried to fight me and the new girl did the same. I heard Andy murmur something i didn't catch. I was so angry, i could go for a second round.

"That's for you watching your pathetic ass friends attempt to rape her," I said, pointing at the new girl. Then i slapped him again. "and that's for you being stupid yourself," I finished. I grabbed the girl's hand and walked her to the door when the guys were standing. They shook their head indicating me that what ever i did was bad. I snapped my finger at them and indicated them to move. They did what they were suppose to do and i dragged the girl and the guy out. I took them outside near the tree and looked at the girl.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She just stood their looking at me. She was bout to..burst. She threw herself on me and cried. Cried her life out. I hugged her tight.

"it's going to be alright," I soothed her. The brother next to her smiled at me. A very warm smile, which he gave. I smiled back. He was very attractive. Ruffled brown hair that fell right above his eyes, ear pierced, black shirt and loose baggy pants. He was very cute. The girl then looked at me.

"Do you even know who..he is?" The girl asked, in between tears. I nodded.

"The bad boy, Stephen," I said. She nodded.

"My name is Mary, and this is Jake," She introduced. I smiled.

"I'm Jenny. Please call me Jen," I said. She smiled and hugged me again. I looked at Jake who happened to just stare at me in awe. I winked at me and he flicked his nose. Then something snapped. Holy..shit! What did I do? I just..slapped the bad boy!
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OH SNAP! :) Jenny just slapped the bad boy. I know my discription was bad but..the real fun just has begun. What do you think Stephen will do? ;] tune in! COMMENTS WOULD BE GREAT! any ideas??