Bad Boy, Oh Boy

Chapter 9

My parent's didn't pick me up, so i had to walk all the way. Jake and Mary hugged me a goodbye and they left. The whole school came out and started to evacuate. But then some girls walked towards me with a hint of guys.

"What you did today..was remarkable. I think you're amazing for what you did today," A petite girl said. I smiled.

"But you should know that you made a mistake. Think of this as the biggest of your life," another girl said. I looked at her and bit my bottom lip.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong? Why is everyone so afraid of him for? He's bad. Very bad. And look. He hasn't even done anything to me yet. Which means that he's scared of me," I said in a low voice. The girls looked at each other.

"If i were you..I'd be careful," another girl said. She then walked up to me and hugged me. So did the others. What the heck?

"Guys, nothing is gonna be wrong with me," I said, giving them a little hope.

"Not yet," One of the guys said. I looked at him and sighed.

"What's the story?" I asked.

"There was this one girl here who was just like you. She had so much heat in her. All she was talk back to the bad boy and the next day..she was gone," A guy said.

"I heard of that story. What if she ran away because he threatened her? He can't possibly do anything to her. There's no evidence to what happened to that girl. Is there?" I asked. The switched looks.

"Not that we know of. But she met his dad. The day before she vanished..she met his dad. He took her somewhere and then..i don't know what happened. I saw that girl when she was getting pulled away from. If Stephen wanted..he could have saved her. His dad listens to him. Sometimes. She's gone missing ever since," He said. Let's call him, Smarty since i don't know his name either.

"We like what you did today but i suggest you say your sorry's before it's too late." And with then..they left. I was dumb founded. What is he gonna do to me? What is his DAD gonna do to me? What the hell happened to that girl? Seriously, people are just scaring me. This whole city scares me. How the hell did we end up here? i signed and made my way out of the gates. I had to walk. Oh great. It wasn't that far away but wasn't near either. The clouds picked up and guess what? It was going to rain. Any minute. The clouds were getting black and the sky was turning dark. Oh god, what kind of stupid sign is this? I looked up in the sky and deeply sighed. Let the fun began.

I walked out. When i looked back, everyone were gone. So i walked. About thirty seconds later, i reached the streets. So here i was. Walking and walking and walking..when suddenly someone grabbed me. Moral of the story: never walk alone when you have done something you are not suppose to do. You get fucked!

I didn't scream. It's not like anyone is gonna hear me out. And because that person had me muffled up. So i couldn't scream even if i wanted to scream. The thunders picked up and rumbled above me. Few rain drops fell and then..KA-BAM! more rain drops. I knew who this was. Stephen. He wasn't smirking. He wasn't smiling. Nor chuckling, nor laughing. He was serious as hell. And now..I was scared. He left go of my mouth and leaned in. And like before, his lips were millimeters away from me.

"What? No more attitude?" He whispered, eyeing my lips. I swallowed. I don't think i can over come him if he's that mad. His muscles flexed. I tried to say something but then he quickly muffled my mouth again.

"Shhh..not a single word," He said. And then..he pulled me somewhere. I don't know where but he was taking me somewhere. And i know exactly where he was taking me. In a barn..thingy. Where there was two big doors.

"Sto.." I was cut off again. He covered my mouth the third time and dragged me in that barn. Oh my god, he's going to rape me! PLEASE DON'T, I'M A VIRGIN! he took me inside and pushed me on a bed of hays.! I quickly got up. the guys came in.

"Enjoy," they said. and then they closed the doors behind them. It was dark but not that dark. And there was just enough light for me to see what was gonna happen to me. Stephen took his shirt off and revealed his eight packs with muscular body. Then he backed me up against the cool wall.

"If i wanted..i could do so much to you right now," He whispered, leaning in closer. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. Oh no!..
♠ ♠ ♠
I paused right here. What do you think Stephen will do to her? there are lot of choices. i'll get back to it later but for now..comments! (;