Te Amo

Hades Sees The Truth About Persephone.

Sulking. That was the only word to describe what I was doing. Lamenting sounded a lot nicer, but I had to be honest. I was sulking like a young child who’s favourite toy had been taken off them because they were naughty. I paced back and forth in my throne room, muttering darkly to myself. The Furies had perched themselves on the back of the throne, watching me with morbid curiosity. I’d never acted like this before.

Yet I couldn’t help it. I was a young child who’s favourite toy had been taken off them – in my case, however, Persephone was the toy, and my act of naughtiness was simply the fact that I ruled over the Underworld. I’d been ridiculous to ever think I could have her – I was far too sullen, even without the Underworld.

With a sharp bark of frustration, I threw myself into my throne, scaring the Furies and causing them to fly off in alarm. She had promised to return, but I didn’t believe it. She’d looked far too pleased with herself when leaving, as though she’d thought herself so clever for outsmarting me. She didn’t want to come back. It had been as clear as the smile on her face. I was never going to see her again.

It made me even unhappier than I had been before I had met her. If she had been honest with me and told me she didn’t like the Underworld, I would have accepted that and conceded to her leaving, yet it was the fact that she had outright lied to me that stabbed my heart with a red-hot poker.

‘Don’t worry – I promise I’ll be back. After all, you’ve still got so much to show me!’

I clutched at my chest, feeling nothing but skin and bones. I could feel my heart beating slowly – I didn’t need my heart to beat as fast as normal as my body temperature was considerably lower than other deities – and thought about how Persephone had made my heart race with just a smile. Another stab of red-hot pain wracked my body and I went limp, giving up. There was no way I was going to be able to forget about her. I would just have to learn to deal with the pain.

Just as I closed my eyes in despair, the throne room gates were thrown open and Charon entered, flanked by Thanatos. This caused even me to raise an eyebrow – Thanatos and Charon never got along, and the former was always off collecting souls. So why on Mt Olympus were they here?

Charon and the god of Death bowed low, murmuring their apologies for having disturbed me. I waved a dismissive hand, uninterested in their apologies. I just wanted to mope in peace, but as long as the Underworld was in existence,that was never going to happen.

Before I could ask them what they wanted, the throne room doors opened again and Zeus barged in, followed closely by Demeter and…


I leapt out of my throne, smoothing down my robes and asking my brother why he had chosen to grace my despondent domain with his presence. All the while I tried to avoid Persephone’s gaze, which I could feel burning into me with a passionate, near-violent intensity.

Zeus explained that Demeter had come to him when she had realised that Persephone – their daughter – had disappeared right after the meeting. At this point, Demeter interrupted, her eyes blazing. She began yelling – a cacophony of sound in the cavernous room – and I was only barely able to make out that she thought I had kidnapped her daughter.

I was rendered dumbstruck. Kidnapping? I would never resort to kidnapping, no matter whom it was or how I felt about them. But before I could explain this, the Harvest goddess stepped forward and slapped me squarely on the cheek. A resounding CRACK! echoed throughout the high-ceilinged room.

‘Mother! It’s not his fault I ate the pomegranate!’

Persephone had stepped between us, arms spread out in a mediatory fashion, her tone firm and level.

I furrowed my brow in confusion. What on Tartarus was she talking about? I’d made her drop the pomegr- No. She’d split it in half. Of course. I’d only made her drop half of the fruit – she must have pocketed the other half without me realising. But why? I’d warned her that if she ate anything from the Underworld that she’d be stuck here for eternity.

Persephone’s petal-soft hand clutched my wrist and I just slightly in surprise at the contact. The way her hand held my wrist was almost intimate – not too hard, nor too limp. My breath caught in my throat momentarily, and when I breathed in again, I caught the scent of fresh grass, early morning dew, and hibiscus flowers.

I doubted I would ever get bored of Persephone’s every-changing scent.

Demeter swore loudly, looking at my darkly. Persephone’s grip on my wrist grew tighter, more protective. I didn’t try to escape it; I didn’t want to.

‘It’s not Hades’ fault that I stole the pomegranate half, Mother. He didn’t even know I had it. He thought I’d dropped it… dropped it right after he’d explained that I’d be stuck here forever if I ate anything from his domain.’
She shot me a deeply apologetic looked as her mother gasped, tears in her eyes.

‘I’m sorry Mother, Lord Zeus, but I had to do it. I thought it might be my only chance to come back here. I knew that it was selfish of me, but I thought that maybe… maybe…’

She turned around to face me, her green eyes full both joy and sorrow. Smiling softly, she stroked my cheek gently, ignoring her mother’s spluttering protests.

‘I stole the pomegranate half and ate six of the seeds because –‘ She paused, taking a deep breath. When she continued, she was breathless and her speech was hurried. ‘I did it because I’m in love with you and I thought that if I spent six months down here every year, you’d come to love me too, in time. I’m sorry.’

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Nearly done :)
It's been such a pleasure writing this story and Hades is now one of my favourite characters I've ever 'created'.