VicTORIous With a Chance of Jonas on Deck

18.chapter 18

Hey guys! Really, really, really, really sorry about not updating here on this story! But I've been paying more attention to Daydream because my mind EXPLODED with ideas for it! Plus I had writers block for this. Also, I'm adding another show to this! I know, crazy huh? But I really wanna do it! So after this chapter, the title will have one more show in it... and that show is...YOU'LL FIGURE IT OUT AS YOU READ!

Sonny's POV

"Is this a finger?" I asked and lifted my spoon of soup up so everyone else at the table could see.

"I think it is!" Tawni shrieked. I dropped the spoon and pushed the plate aside. I had just lost my appetite.

"The food here gets grosser and grosser everyday!" Stella complained.

"Tell me about it!" Beck agreed. "Last night I found a nail in my brownie."

Then Chris came in. "Good news!"

"GASP! You're being replaced by an even better and cuter host?" Portlyn joked. We all cracked up.

"No. We're getting 6 new contestants!" he announced. "Please welcome Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, London Tipton, Woody Fink and Maya." They came in once he called their names. Zack and Cody were twins, Woody was chubby and had an afro, London looked snotty and rich, Bailey and Maya looked really nice and sweet.

"Zack, Maya and Bailey, join Team Victory," Chris said and waved them to our table. "Cody, Woody and London, go to the other team."

"Ohmygosh! You're on So Random!" Maya exclaimed as she saw Nico, Tawni and I. "And you're on Mackenzie Falls!" she pointed to Chad and Portlyn.

"Excuse her. She's not used to meeting famous people yet." Bailey said. "Hi I'm Bailey."

"And I'm Zack." Zack said. "And this is my girlfriend, Maya."

"Well have a seat and be prepared because I think we're gonna have a challenge." Chad said. Zack sat in between Stella and Robbie with Maya next to him and Bailey sat next to Nick.

"For today's challenge, you will each pick a piece of paper out of a hat. The piece of paper will indicate which challenge you get. Chasity, since you're sick, you can sit this challenge out. Now...OUTSIDE!"

We all ran to the exit. There, Chris came by with a hat to our team. He held it in front of me first. I slowly picked one up and unfolded it.

"Rope a cow in less than 30 seconds. Piece of cake." I read.

"Lead a bear to camp while covered in honey...SAY WHAT?" Chad said.

"Tango with a badger surrounded by fire." Nico read.

"Last 10 seconds in a cage with Sasquatch." Tawni said.

"Eat a cockroach in less than 10 seconds." Tori read.

"Wear a grass skirt a coconut bra and hula dance with a monkey." Beck said. "Aww I hate monkeys!"

"Retrieve a key in water surrounded by piranhas... but I need some water wings!" Robbie said.

"Get buried in the sand except for your head surrounded by scorpions and crabs...great.." Nick said.

"Wrestle a raccoon with rabies." Stella said.

"Last 10 seconds in a room full of toxic fart. Well that's easy! I can deal with Woody's farts!" Zack said.

"Hurtful!" Woody yelled.

"Find 10 shoes in a tub of oatmeal...gross!" Maya read.

"Put 10 lion cubs to sleep." Bailey read.

So far, all of these challenges seem really gross or life threatening. EXCEPT FOR MINE! WOOT! Turns out that the other team chose the exact same ones we did. Kevin got the same as me.

I did my challenge first. I stepped into the corral and grabbed the rope. I saw a door at the end and figured that's where the cow was at. It opened and out came a 7 foot tall robotic cow.

"Oh yeah! Did I forget to mention you would be roping a robot cow? That can probably destroy you?" Chris asked.

"Umm...YES!" I yelled.


"You won't actually let me die, right?" I asked.

"No. But just imagine the ratings!"

The robotic cow charged towards me. I ran the other way, then remembered I only had 30 seconds to rope it or I'd lose. I turned around and ran towards it.

30 Seconds Later

I collapsed to the ground. I was so tired. I didn't rope the cow. How can I? He was a robot! Kevin tried next. He actually did it!

"Okay so 10 points for Team Shark and none for Team Victory. Looks like you're not so victorious now." Chris said.

"You okay?" Chad asked.

"I think." I said. He helped me up. "Thanks."

"Anything for m'lady." he said.

Chad's POV

Okay so my challenge is next. Woody got the same one I did. I have this one in the bag. There's no way he'll our tun a bear!

I climbed into a tub of honey and got covered in it. Even my Chadilicious hair! No one messes up Chad Dylan Cooper's hair! Except for my mom.

Aww look who's a little momma's boy!

Not now, Conscience!

"Ready, set, grow!" Chris yelled. I stood still but Woody ran. He finally realized that Chris said "grow" and not "go". He came back. "Woody, you get a 2 minutes penality for starting early."

"WOODY!" his team complained.


"Ready, set, go!" he said again. I ran off into the woods. Hopefully I'll find a bear soon.

3 Minutes Later

Okay this is taking forever! Come on! Don't you bears want some Chaddy?...Guess not. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Perfect. Bears coming for Chaddy!...wait! A BEAR IS COMING FOR CHADDY! I hid behind the nearest tree and waited. It was just a raccoon. Then I heard a roar. A BEAR! I stepped out. I only found Woody.

"Woody? Why are you yelling in the middle of the forest?" I asked.

"Trying to attract a bear." he said in a 'duh' tone. Then he roared again. After a few seconds, we heard another roar...only it wasn't Woody!

"Woody...please tell me that was you." I said, my voice almost cracking.

"I can't...THERE'S A BEAR BEHIND YOU!" he yelled. I whipped around and found a 7 foot tall grizzly bear. It roared again. Woody and I yelled.

"AHH!" then we ran, the bear close behind us. We ended up leading it to camp. There, Chris had a cage set up. We stopped immediately and let the bear run right in it.

"Looks like Chad and Woody tied. So that makes 20 points for Team Shark and 10 for Team Victory."

Nico's POV

Okay so doing the tango with a badger. SO EASY! Macy was doing the same challenge that I was. I'm sure I had way more tango experience then she did. I got inside a circle that was drawn in the ground. The badger was already there. Chris started the music and lit fire in a circle. I grabbed the badgers arms and started to tango. It wasn't that hard. But having a partner who's 3 feet shorter than you is way harder. I ended up winning and Macy lost...badly. Her badger didn't get its shots so it had rabies.

"Get Macy into the nurse's office." Chris said. His intern took Macy to the nurse. She got bit by the badger.

Tawni's POV

How the heck am I supposed to last 10 seconds in a cage with Sasquatch? He'll have me ripped up into pieces in 5 of those seconds! I nervously made my way over to the cage and stepped in. The moment I was in, Sasquatch ran at me. I ran away to prevent it from hurting my pretty little face.

"Ahh!" I yelled. "Get me out of here!"

"Come on Tawni! Just five more seconds!" Tori yelled.

"You can do it Tawni!" Portlyn said.

"Imagine he's taking your coco moco coco!" Nick yelled. My eyes widened.

"LEAVE MY COCO MOCO COCO ALONE!" I yelled at the Sasquatch. I ran towards it and tackled it to the ground. I heard gasps. People didn't know I could fight. I have a personal trainer to train me for dangerous shopping missions.

"TIMES UP!" Chris yelled. He got his interns to pull me out of there and not hurt Sasquatch anymore.

"How did you do that?" Sonny asked.

"No one takes my coco moco coco!" I said. Joe was next. Something tells me that Sasquatch knew who he was because he charged at him faster. Zora knew how to speak Sasquatch and translated what he was saying.

"What's he saying?" Chasity asked.

"He's saying 'This is what you get for hurting Demi.'." Zora translated. "Whoa that guy must hold grudges."

Time was up and Joe wasn't hurt too bad. Just a sprained arm. THAT'S WHAT HE GETS FOR HURTING DEMI! He was finally able to speak.

"I am NEVER signing up for reality shows EVER again!" he said. Then fainted. Haha loser!

Tori's POV

Oh no. Time for me to eat a cockroach! I know that people who are crazy, besides Jason and Zora, eat them but GROSS!

"Don't worry, Tori." Stella said. "Their not as bad as you think."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I grew up being friends with Joe, Nick and Kevin. They made me do a lot of weird stuff." she explained. I took a deep breath. Jason was doing the same challenge I was. Knowing him, he'll eat it anyway! I looked in his direction and he looked even more worried than I was.

"Don't worry, Tori. You can do this." Beck said and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze."

I stepped up to Chris and Jason did the same. He reached inside a box and pulled out two cockroaches. LIVE cockroaches!

"You didn't tell us they were ALIVE!" Jason exploded.

"Oh yeah!" Chris said. "Guess I forgot!"

I took one of the cockroaches and held it for a moment. The time started. I moved it to my mouth, but chickened out and pulled it away.

"Only 5 seconds!" Chris said. Okay! That's it! Do it now Tori! Without thinking, I stuffed it into my mouth. I chewed it quickly, not letting it's gross taste get to me. Time was up. I had actually eaten a cockroach. Jason however...fainted.

"You did it Tori!" Sonny and the girls exclaimed. The guys came to me.

"Wow you have guts, Tori." Nico said.

"I definitely would've puked." Robbie said.

"Just like with that filthy fish water!" Beck said. I laughed at the memory.

"Okay so 30 points for Team Victory, 20 points for Team Domination."

Beck's POV

Okay I seriously hate my challenge. I mean I'm okay with wearing a skirt and a coconut bra but a monkey? I HATE MONKEY'S!

"This will be interesting." Portlyn said. The other girls laughed. Even Tori. Then she saw me looking and tried not to laugh anymore. Cody was doing the same challenge. We both went into the different closets and changed. When we came out, everyone burst out laughing. Then Chris came back with the monkeys. The horrible, horrible monkeys.

"Start the music!" he ordered. Music started playing. He put the monkeys on our shoulders and we started to hula. By the time it was the middle of the song, I cracked.

"AHH! That's it! I can't take that stupid monkey anymore!" I yelled and ran to change back into my clothes. When I came back out, Cody had already finished dancing.

"Okay so now it's a tie of 30 points for both teams."

I walked over to my team. Portlyn and Nick exploded on me. "It was just a monkey!"

"Yeah but I HATE them! Hate them with all my heart and soul!" I defended.

"It's true." Jade said.

Okay so part two of this challenge will come soon! REVIEW!