VicTORIous With a Chance of Jonas on Deck

23.chapter 23

Heyyy! Thank you all for getting me to reach 130 reviews! :D I'm soooo happy! This might get more reviews than BJGANM! WOW! I'VE UPDATED THREE TIMES THIS WEEK! I think that's a win for me! And for you!

And there is more drama to come in this chapter my kitties ;)

Oh and special thanks and shout out to AbbielovesChanny for nominating this story in The 2010 Channys! THANK YOU! Have a cookie! **hands u a special cookie**


If I owned SWAC, SLOD, or Victorious, I'd have a pet dinosaur by now... **sigh**

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Chad's POV 2 Days Later

It's been 2 days since Joe warned us. All us guys were with the girls at all times, even if it was only 2 or 1 of us. We didn't want them to get hurt. Jason even told Zora to be really, really careful when setting up a part of their prank on Chasity. At breakfast, Sonny and I ended up sitting as far away from each other. Instead of everyone at the table being mixed in, all the girls were on one side of the table, and all the guys on the other. It was quiet. The other team was quiet, but not as quiet as us.

I saw Beck shooting a death glare at Joe. Joe saw and looked at Tori, then back at Beck. Beck huffed and stood up.

"I'm going for a walk in the woods." he said. I could hear slight anger in his voice.

"Can I come?" Tori asked shyly, sensing his anger. Beck's face softened.

"Sure. Come on." they walked out of the mess hall. As soon as they were outside, I heard them laughing. I sighed. I remember when I made Sonny laugh.

Why did I see that London was going to kiss me? Why didn't I see Sonny and the girls coming our way?... Why?

Beck's POV

"I can't believe Chad cheated on Sonny! Can you?" Tori asked.

I didn't answer. "Beck?" she asked.

I sighed and stopped walking. Tori did too. "He didn't cheat on Sonny," I said.

She laughed. "I saw them with my own eyes!"

"Well you saw wrong..."

She looked even more confused. "What do you mean?"

I started to explain, but whispered, "Yesterday, me and the guys went to confront Chad about it. I realized Chad was telling the truth about not cheating on Sonny because his nose didn't twitch like it usually does when he lies. So we went to Joe to talk about it. He and Jade set the whole thing up. They got London in on it by bribing her with a giant diamond. Joe said if the guys on his team vote him off, he'll hurt the girls. And if we told you girls about it, he'll hurt you." I paused. "That's why I'm whispering this to you. Who knows, Joe or Jade could be listening to us right this moment."

"Oh my gosh! This is terrible!" Tori exclaimed in a whisper.

"And don't tell Sonny what happened. Doing that could risk her life... or yours." I said. She nodded.


Somewhere close to where Beck and Tori were talking, Joe heard the whole thing.

"Beck, Beck, Beck. You shouldn't have told her about this. Now I'll have to hurt your poor little Tori." he said to himself.

"He got out his eagle screecher to signal Jade West, his partner in crime.

As soon as Jade heard it, she excused herself to the ladies room. She immediately spotted Joe at the opening of the forest.

"What is it?" Jade asked.

"Looks like Beck told Tori about what I told the guys not to tell the girls about." Joe said.

Jade smiled evilly. "So that means we're going to hurt Vega?" Joe nodded menacingly. "I never liked Vega... and not just because she kissed Beck when we were still dating."

Chad's POV

London, Zora, and I made a plan for me to get Sonny back. Zora still didn't believe me on the whole "me not cheating on her" thing. Zora still didn't believe me on the whole situation, but decided to give me a second chance.

London and I were outside waiting for Zora to come outside with Sonny. After a couple of minutes, we saw them coming. That's when I put my acting skills in action.

"I can't believe you, London! You kissed me in front of my girlfriend and now she hates my guts!" I lashed out on London.

"Oh well excuse me for thinking that you were the "needs more than one girl" kind of guy!" she shot back. I heard Sonny and Zora's footsteps stop. Good. We got their attention.

"That was the old me. Once I met Sonny, I started to chance... I started to care about others... and be nicer... She's the best thing that's ever been mine (A/N: YEAH I JUST HAD TO PUT THAT REFRENCE TO MINE BY TAYLOR SWIFT IN THERE! XD LUV THAT SONG! OKAY BACK TO THE STORY!)," I looked down to my feet and acted miserable. "Or at least was..."

I heard footsteps running up to us. It was Sonny.

"You were telling me the truth?" she asked.

"Well yeah... I would never cheat on you." I said and took her hands in mine.

She smiled, then it faded. "And I just went a judged you..."

"Sonny its okay... So do you want to get back together?"

She sighed. "I do... but not now. I just... I don't think I'm ready. I'll think about it."

"Okay." I said. She left. Leaving me with London.

"Well it kind of worked.." she said.

I smiled a bit. "Yeah... Thanks London." I went back to the mess hall.

Tori's POV

(For some reason it made this part more interesting if you listen to the 2nd chorus and bridge of Haunted by Taylor Swift. The 2nd chorus is when she starts after she sings, "Something keeps me holding onto nothing," and the bridge just goes on after that)

"Tori! Beck told me to get you!" Jade burst through the cabin door, making me jump and almost spill the red nail polish Macy let me borrow.

"He's probably going to ask you out!" Maya squealed. My eyes widened.

"I did hear him talking to himself about working the nerve to talked to you... He's at the docks now GO!" Jade said.

I set down the blood red nail polish and ran out the door with a smile on my face. I made it to the docks to find Beck nowhere in sight.

"BECK!" I called out.

"Oh Beck's not here." said a voice. A figure stepped out behind a nearby tree... Joe..

"You..? What's going on?" I asked.

He walked towards me, making me scared. I took a few steps back. Only making me get closer and closer to the edge of the dock. Just one more step and I'd fall into the freezing lake.

"I said I was going to hurt the girls if the guys told." he said.

He grabbed me and pushed me into the cold water. Before I fell in I cried out, "BECK HELP!" hoping he would hear me.

I felt a pair of hands on my throat. They stayed for a few seconds. Then left.

I'm going to die...

Beck's POV

I heard a voice call me for help. The other guys did too. At once, we all ran out. We saw all the guys and girls from the other team, and the girls on our team near the lake. There were little bubbles coming out. I realized everyone was there... Everyone except Tori.

"Where's Tori?" I asked.

"What do you mean? Jade told her you wanted her to meet you here at the docks." Portlyn piped up.

"Oops?" Jade said. Then she walked away. Joe following.

Only one thought came to my mind. I gasped for on last breath and plunged myself into the water. I saw Tori's body and pulled her to the surface.

I laid her limp body on the ground and gave her mouth to mouth. Good thing I'm certified in CPR.

She coughed a bit. "B-Beck?" she asked in a quiet, weak voice.

"I'm here Tori." I said. She started to cough up blood.

"Quick! Let's get her to the infirmary!" Robbie said.

I picked her up bridal style and ran all the way to the infirmary. Everyone else behind me.


The doctor came out to us. I jumped up.

"Is she okay?" I asked, my voice really worried.

"Yes. She'll recover fully in about one week. You can go see her, but only one by one." Dr. Daniels said. I went in first. Chris was in there too.

"Hi Beck." Tori greeted. I saw her arm connected to a little blood thingy. Giving her some blood. Seeing her like that made my heart break.

"Tori I'm so sorry I didn't hear you cry for help." I said, hot tears were falling down my cheeks onto her bed. "This is all my fault."

"No it isn't Beck. It's Joe's. I should've seen this coming and known not to trust Jade." she said.

"I was going to wait until next week to tell you this but, I now realize it can't wait that long." I said.


"Tori. I love you. I have since you spilled coffee on me." she chuckled at the memory.

"Me too Beck... only you didn't spill coffee on me... Jade poured some on me." Tori said.

"No I think she poured it onto Tori the Dog." I laughed. She pointed a finger at me.

"Watch it, Beck."

"Well I hate to ruin the love fest here but in order to avoid law suit, Tori since you're still pretty hurt, you're off the show." Chris said.

"No! I barely got her!" I begged Chris.

"Beck it's okay." Tori reassured me.

"I'll lose the first chance I get. I'll make the team hate me. Just so I can be with you." I told her.

"No," she paused. "I want you to try to win. For us."

"For us." I agreed.

That Night

We were all saying our goodbyes to Tori.

"I'll miss you." I said.

"Me too." Before leaving, I kissed her gently. Then she boarded the helicopter.

Sonny's POV

"Chad?" I said.


"Yes." I said.

"Yes what?" he asked.

"I want to get back together. We might as well have good times here now. We both know one of us is going to end up getting voted off later in the competition." I said.

He smiled. "Really?"

"Really." I said. I knew where this was going.

"Good." he smirked.



"Fine." I hugged him. When we pulled back, our arms were still around each other. I could feel everyone's eyes on us.

"Don't just stand there, man!" Kevin yelled.

"Kiss her!" Nico shouted. Before I could move, I felt Chad's lips on mine. Then he pulled back.

"I missed you, Shortstack," he whispered.

"I missed you too, Egg Whites."

"Well, I think I've had enough Channy for one night. I'm going to bed." Jason said. We all cleared out and went to bed.

Now this brings our couples at the camp to 2. Me and Zack. And Zack and Maya. And separated couples being Nick and Macy, Nico and Tawni, and Beck and Tori. I guess some things turn out good.

Yes I do know that last line was kind of cheesy. SO HOW YA LIKE THIS CHAPPY? HUH? Now that means these people from Team Victory are still in.











And these people are in from Team Domination















And all of these people are out






So, 10 (Team Victory) to 14 (Team Domination) And 5 out. 3 because of Joe/Jade Evilness. 2 because people hated them...

Til my next update, lick a cow, make out with your pillow, and slap a rabid monkey's butt!



REVIEW! It makes coming back from school wayyy better ;)