Status: Short Stories

Let's Runaway

Let's Runaway

Once upon a time, as the story goes, there was a vivid mother who didn’t know a thing or two about the world. Yet her creation raised nine months later. She was just a little girl still trying to hold on to her childhood but of course it leaked little by little from the cracks. Never once did anyone tell her how the real world was and how you can get caught in a rap trap. To say the least, she never knew the true meaning of being a mother even after she was put under the ground. Whatever happened to her child you might say? Well keep in tune and maybe you can decipher her life.

“Yes sir…” She spoke an octave lower.


He threw her against the table making her back collide with the edge. Dian held in a yell and nodded. Any whimper or breath would make his anger increase and if you knew the world not even the birds chirped.


Dian picked her shattered pieces and walked up to her room locking the door quietly. She took her clothes off and headed to the shower. The bruises started forming instantly as if all the time in world wasn’t enough. The steam of the hot water engulfed everything in the bathroom but couldn’t engulf Dian no matter how much she wanted it to. Water ran down her head slowly. She didn’t understand why her mother left her with a monster like him. Tears pierced her eyes but she wouldn’t, for the life of her, let them fall. He wasn’t worthy enough for tears.

Dian’s alarm clock went off exactly at seven o‘clock. She washed herself and quickly stepped out of the shower. Once again she was running late. Dian slipped on a pair of black stockings that went well with her pencil skirt. She replaced her towel with a cream colored long sleeve shirt, buttons running down the front. She quickly stuffed her books in her bag and ran back to the bathroom. Dian dried her hair making loose curls and did her makeup. By the time she was done it was nearly seven thirty. Grabbing her scarf and trench coat she stormed out of the house before her stepfather could catch her.

It was currently snowing and rather cold. She took out her gloves from her pockets and slipped them on. Winter was Dian’s favorite season but she had no time to waste admiring it. She quickly walked across as a car passed by. Lucky enough the school was only a few blocks from her house. People swarmed the outside of the school as Dian tried to make her way through the front entrance.

“Dian!” Someone yelled from the distance. She turned around seeing the one person that made her life worth wild. He ran up to her giving her a hug. Dian grunted a little since he pressed against one of her fresh bruises.

“How have you been?”

“I’ve been better Jess.” Dian gave a weak smile.

“Don’t tell me he beat you again?” Jess held the bridge of his nose. He knew her like the back of his palm. Jess was the nicest guy you would ever meet but if you got on his bad side… lets just say it didn’t end well.

“Jess there is no reason for you to worry about anything. I’ve told you I can handle it. Plus today is the last day before winter break. You shouldn’t be worrying about me.”

He let out a deep breath grabbing her hand. Jess dragged her down the stairs to the far corner of the schools parking lot. She tried to stop him but if anyone knew Jess he had a reason for everything. He stopped, turning around to face her.

“Jess now were defiantly going to be late.” She sighed.

“So what? Screw school as of right now. You’re life is more important.”

“Thanks but if we don’t hurry up I’ll get detention and then another fist to my jaw when I get home.”

“That’s not funny Dian.” He paused before continuing. “I was thinking that we should run away and never come back to this shit hole.”

Dian nearly choked on her own spit. If Jess thought it was that easy then he was wrong. No one understood Dian’s stepfather but her. If she could run away she would have done it a long time ago but it wasn’t that simple. Her stepfather had a personal radar for Dian and knew every move she made. If he had a doubt of her whereabouts he literally would beat the life of her. Dian couldn’t handle another beating none the less afford emitting herself to a hospital.

“Are you crazy?! Did you hit your head too hard on your way here? I have school to think about and besides the fact that my stepfather will hunt me down I could never do that.”

“Come on. You know my life hasn’t been a magical fairytale nor has yours. I have a shit load of money saved up and I know you do too. We can buy train tickets to the middle of no where and start fresh. A new life where we don’t have to worry about waking up and dealing with our personal devils. Just think about it, no more bruises, no more stress, no more everything. Come on Dian. You know I wouldn’t have the courage to do this without you. My whole life I’ve been hiding a big secret and out of everyone Dian, everyone, you figured it out. I couldn’t live with myself if I knew that you had an opportunity to escape and you didn’t take it. I can’t and won’t stand another day of him abusing you. You’re so much better than that. I know I sound crazy but come on Dian it’s our only escape.”

Dian sighed.

“I would love to, really Jess but I can’t do it. I would really love to escape and have no care in the world but that can’t happen. You don’t know how much I’ve thought about the what ifs and what could happen. I think that’s the only thing that keeps me sane and you of course. If it was you and me against the world then I would take the offer any second. You don’t know how many times I thought of you and me being something and maybe in another life we could but the mere fact of my stepfather is enough to say no. I know he would hunt me down from left to right and if anything happened to you I couldn’t live with myself.”

Dian smiled at him as he held her hand tighter.

“Please? I promise you can pick the place and everything. Don’t think just do it because deep down you know that it’s right.”

Jess pleaded with his eyes for Dian to say yes. Dian sighed once more before smiling.

“ I can’t believe I’m saying this but okay Jess. Yes. Lets just do it before I doubt myself and regret it.”

Jess’s whole domineer changed. He lit up like a candle. The fist bell already rang. They ran to his car driving out of the parking lot. He made his way back to Dian’s house.

“What are we doing?”

Dain began doubting herself. She really didn’t think this though. He was leading her to the one place she didn’t dream of going back to. He told her a fresh start and that never included seeing her stepfather again. That was the whole point in starting fresh…right?

“We need to get your clothes and anything valuable to you. I’ll give you ten minutes to get everything while I handle your stepfather. Okay?”

“But you can’t do that Jess.”

“Yes I can now lets hurry.”

She took a deep breath before running up to her house. She slammed the door open and ran to her room.


Her stepfather was currently sitting on the couch watching TV. Dian completely ignored him and immediately started packing. She emptied all her drawers stuffing it into a duffel bag. Dian could hear muffled noises downstairs. She took another duffel bag and placed all her shoes in it running to the bathroom. She took all her hair products and her makeup bag dumping it into the duffel bag. Dian ran to her closet and took all her jackets and scarf’s zipping up her bags and quickly taking her laptop in the other hand with its case. Taking one more glance at her room she realized that she forgot the necklace that Jess gave her. It was really important to her. Her eyes scanned the room before her eyes landed on it by her drawer. Dian quickly ran to it slipping it around her neck.

“DIAN!” Jess screamed. She quickly ran down the stairs as she saw her stepfather on top of Jess slamming his fist into his face. It seemed as if the whole stopped before her eyes. She never thought that she would run away and get away with it either. Why didn’t she think of this carefully. She ran to the flower vase and dumped the flowers and water on the floor.

“STOP!” She slammed the vase against his head. It shattered to pieces landing on the floor. He stopped and turned around looking at Dian.

“You’re going to have to try harder than that Dian.” He got off of Jess and slammed Dian into the wall making her drop her laptop.

“Did you really think you were going to get away with this. You know I know your every move so good luck with that. Your boyfriend over there isn’t going to stop me from hurting you.”

He grabbed her by the hair slamming her head into the wall. She couldn’t help but scream out loud. He kneed her in the stomach with no remorse. Dian hovered over his knee due to the instant pain that ran through her stomach.

“Let go of her!” Jess had a baseball bat in his hand. He must have went to the garage and got it. He swung the bat into her stepfather’s back. He stumbled back and held onto the counter. Jess use to play baseball during freshmen year. Not to sound cocky or anything but Jess was the star player during his time.

“Let’s go!” Jess grabbed her hand scooping her laptop on the way out.

They ran to his car with the engine still running. He sped off as he saw her stepfather get into his car. For the life of him he wouldn’t give up. He made a left turn and sped through the park. Dian looked over at Jess and could see his face bruising up. She held onto his hand. Why couldn’t one thing go her way. All her life she did what everyone asked her to do. Dian can you do this, you must do this or less, never once complaining. They never asked her if she was okay with it. They just assumed she was when deep down that wasn’t the case. When was her life going to begin?

“Oh crap!”

From the rear view mirror you saw her stepfather racing through the park. Jess looked back and could see him getting closer. He passed the speed limit a while back. Jess drove to the first spot her ever met Dian. It was behind a building that was abandon for some odd reason. Most of the time all the street racers would hide behind the building when the cops were after them. Jess made a hard turn, turning off the engine. You could see from the distance Dian’s stepfather speeding down the lane. It seemed as if the whole world had stopped and everything depended on this moment. Dian held onto Jess’s hand as he did himself. The mere seconds seemed like hours as he continued to speed pass them. They waited until he was far away to turn the engine back on.

Dian looked at Jess smiling. Maybe, just maybe her life was turning around for the better. Jess drove the opposite way taking the streets to the train station. It took them nearly a half an hour to get there. He parked his care before getting out and opening the trunk. Dian took her two duffel bags and got out as well. The trunk contained Jess’s stuff which was one big duffel bag and his guitar case. He insisted on taking Dian’s bags even though they weren’t heavy. She held onto his hand as they headed for the ticket booth.

“How may we help you ma’am?”

A lady in her mid thirties looked up from her paper.

“Yes, can we get two one way tickets to California?”

“Yes you can. It would be eight hundred dollars.”

The lady smiled at them and waited for the tickets to print out. Jess pulled out his wallet than contained more than eight hundred dollars for sure. He handed the lady the money as she handed him the tickets.

“Thank you. You must get to the el gate which is to your right and from there make a left and your train would be waiting for you. Have a wonderful train ride.”

They thanked her making their way as the lady had instructed them to do. They placed their things were the luggage was being taken and entered the train. The trained contained a handful of people. Jess continued to make his way pass the people trying to find there room that they had paid for. Once he found it he opened the door for Dian. Once both of them entered he grabbed Dian’s hand.

“We made it.”

“We sure did. A new beginning.”

She smiled at him.

“So you have thought about us being something uh?”

Jess dragged out the us part. Dian blushed lightly.

“Well yeah but those are just thoughts.”

“Are you sure?”

Dian blushed even harder but she didn’t expect what was coming next. He leaned down and kissed Dian lightly on the lips. He parted away from Dian with a big grin on his face. She couldn’t help but smile back at him leaning in for another kiss. Maybe her life wasn’t that bad after all.
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Hope you like it :)
This is a photo contest entry to Winter is Coming