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Life, Interrupted

Chapter 6

(Roxanne’s POV)

“So. . .” I trailed off, not sure where this whole encounter was going to go.
“Yeah. . .” Gerard didn’t seem to know either. “Oh, jeez, you probably have to leave or something, don’t you?” he asked, laughing nervously.

“Oh, um, yeah, I, uh, guess I do.” The truth was, I not only did I not have to leave, I didn’t want to. Why should I? I just met one of the few people who actually seems to care about me at all, so I’m probably not going to want to run off the first chance I get. I have no reason to, either; Mom won’t exactly miss me, whoever my dad is doesn’t know me and therefore can’t care, and. . . yeah, that’s about it. Oh, there’s school tomorrow, but I don’t plan on going there anyways.

“Okay,” Gerard agreed; was I imagining things, or did he just give up on the smile he’d been forcing?

“Okay,” I whispered. I pulled away slowly and unwillingly.

“Hey, can I, um, well. . .” He sighed. “. . .Never mind, actually,” he amended.

“No, no, what is it?” I was curious now. His multi-colored darted back down to mine.

“Okay, well. . . Can I, like, have your number?” he muttered, blushing.

I laughed. “Oh my God Gee, that’s what you’ve been stressing over?” I couldn’t help chuckling again. “Yeah, sure, game your phone,” I directed him, still smiling a little as he handed it to me and I entered all the information.

He sighed, relief apparent on his features. “Thanks,” he said, grinning as I handed him the device, showing his small, pointed teeth.

His smile was contagious, spreading to all those close enough to feel its warmth. Only this was one disease that I was happy to be getting.

“I’ll, um, call you, right? Like, after school maybe?” he asked, somehow still worried that I would (don’t ask me why) reject him.

“Gee, I wouldn’t have given you my number if I didn’t want you to call me,” I returned, a smile playing on my lips. “But don’t wait till you think school’s over,” I bit my lip a little, hoping he wouldn’t get mad at me for ditching. He didn’t seem like the type, but you never know. . .

“Wait, you’re not in high school?” he asked, black eyebrows furrowing slightly.

“No, I am. I just don’t plan on going,” I assured him. Please don’t judge me, please don’t judge me.

“Ah,” he said, the now-familiar grin once again taking over his features. “Well in that case, don’t expect to be rid of me for long,” he teased.

I couldn’t help but giggle. Wait, I just giggled. Whoa. Eh, whatever. “Okay, so I’ll see you ‘round?” I confirmed as we walked towards the door.

“Yeah,” he murmured as we reached the entryway. His eyes fell to my hand, and he tentatively reached out, holding onto it and bringing it to his warm, soft lips, smiling coyly as he kissed it.

I couldn’t resist running my other hand through his black, greasy locks (was it wrong that I found this endearing?) before coming to rest with my fingers lightly stroking his cheekbones.

Never breaking eye contact with me, he stopped kissing my hand in favor of my jaw line. He leaned down to brush small, delicate kisses there, every few seconds letting his tongue peak out, resulting in me gasping slightly when he did. The experience was only intensified by the sensation of his hypnotic eyes gazing holes into mine.

His lips gradually trailed from my jaw, up to the corner of my mouth, now open slightly with excitement. His hands came up cradle my head, one caressing the back of my neck, the other with fingers wound gently into my plain, black hair. His eyelids fluttered shut only as he brought his lips, for the second time tonight, to mine.

The sheer love evident in the chaste gesture was enough to set me off. He may have meant for this good-bye kiss to be short and sweet, but I wasn’t about to let him get away now that he was here again.

My own lips curved upwards at the corners, parting further to allow my tongue to lightly rub against Gerard’s lower lip.

Apparently slightly shocked, he inhaled sharply; he must have realized my intentions, but he had other ideas. I heard him chuckle lowly before tracing my own mouth with his tongue. I sighed, giving him access. He was quick to take advantage, exploring not only with his mouth, but with his hands.

Gerard was, though, far from rough or raunchy. He lightly ran his nimble fingers over the small of my back, combing my hair behind my ear as he broke the kiss suddenly, leaning down to whisper to me.

“You should probably leave now, sugar. Or I might have to keep you here,” he murmured in my ear. I could imagine the wicked smirk adorning his angelic face.

His arms were wrapped around my waist, mine around his neck, as he sighed, nuzzling the area between my neck and my shoulder. He traced a line from my collarbone to my earlobe with a warm, wet tongue, stopping to bite and suck on it slightly. I whimpered involuntarily.

He laughed quietly into my ear, and I shivered in pleasure.

“Oh God, sugar, you’re just too wonderful for your own good, now aren’t you?” He muttered against my skin.

All I managed was an incoherent moan, which became a protesting one as he slowly pulled away from me, hand falling back down to his sides.

“Geeeee,” I whined, crossing my arms and hoping that I didn’t look like a pouting two-year-old.

“Roxaaaaaanne,” he responded, mimicking me. Something changed in his eyes though. They lit up as though he were remembering something. “Roxanne,” he sang suddenly. “You don’t have to put on the red light. Those days are over, you don’t have to sell your body to the night,” he continued.

I burst out laughing. “Okay, Gerard, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said between giggles.

“Yes. Yes you will,” he agreed, completely straight-faced, causing me to once again start cracking up. Eventually he joined in.

“So, until tomorrow? Or, wow, should I say, later today, I guess?” I asked, stunned. I glanced up at the clock hanging on the mostly-blank, beige walls of his apartment. It casually read two thirty in the morning.

Gerard’s eyes jumped over to the object of my focus, swearing under his breath, though smiling at the same time. “Yeah, I’ll see you,” he confirmed, opening the door for me.

“Okay,” I said as I stepped through the doorway. “Oh my god, and thanks for, um, helping me in the alley back there. . .” I felt horrible; I’d never thanked him!

“Oh yeah, don’t mention it. Just be careful ‘round here, okay?” he cautioned.

“Definitely. Bye, Gerard,” I said.

“Bye, Roxy,” he returned, and I turned, and began the walk back to my apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!!! Wow, sorry it’s so short! :P Oh and also, I know I updated sooner than I did last time, but come on! No new comments? :’( I NEED to know how I’m doing here! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to, like, stop the story or anything if people don’t comment, but I need to know how I’m doing! Like, was the kiss or whatever at the end completely awkward and horrible? DON’T BE AFRAID TO TELL ME!!! But don’t be mean please either, of course. Anyway, I hope you liked this new chapter! Until next time! :) OH! And also, in case you didn’t know, the lyrics are from the song “Roxanne,” by the Police.