Player of Hearts

Player Of Hearts, Keeper Of Dreams

“Okay, so it’s settled,” Jacob nodded. “Whoever wins gets… a hundred from the two losers.”

“Fine with me,” Tessa shrugged.

“Me, too,” Mark added.

“I can’t believe you guys are betting on me,” Avalee shook her head.

“Well, believe it, cause in a week I’ll be walking away with a cool two hundred,” Tessa smirked.

Avalee grumbled to herself as she walked past her friends, she closed her eyes and thought about the bet, four days, a week or two weeks, hopefully she could wait two years just to piss them off, but could she?

-----Two days Later-----

"I hate this," Avalee grumbled slamming her head on the desk she was seated at, Tessa giggled to herself from beside her.

"What do you hate deary?" Tessa giggled again, she already knew.

"Yours, Jacob's, Brandon's, Mark's pressure, to make me fuck Victor!" she roared, soft enough to only be heard by Tessa.

"Oh get over it, you know you're gonna do it, just make sure it's precisely a week so I don't have to give up a hundred dollars to each bozo."

"Why bet?" she whined.

“Because I need the money,” Tessa pointed out.


“Because I’m broke,” She mumbled, jumping slightly.

“What?” Avalee looked over to her.

“Someone’s calling,” She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and flipped it open. “Hello?”

“Who is it?” Ava asked, Tess putting a finger in Ava’s face.

“Oh, okay, see you there,” Tessa nodded. “Ha-ha, love you, too.”

“Who was that?” Avalee asked as Tessa hung up the phone and smiled.

“Jacob,” She said softly.

“Oh, you love Jacob! I knew it!” Ava laughed.

“I just might,” She continued smiling. “We’re gonna go over Victor’s today, is that alright?”

"You're now asking me?" Avalee asked slowly, earning a nod from her friend. "Well…this is a change."

"Feels weird huh?"

"Kinda," she nodded slowly as she looked to her right, out the window, she narrowed her eyes and seen Victor smoking a cigarette walking closer to the window. "Uh…Tess."

"Huh?" Tessa turned to Avalee and her eyebrows raised. "Why is Victor walking towards the window?"

"I don't know," Avalee said slowly as he knocked on the glass door, apparently the school board thought it was better to have glass doors in each class for fire safety, the teacher glanced to the door and walked over confused.


"I'm here to pick up Tessa Dangers and Avalee Jones?" he said politely as he took one last drag from his cigarette and threw it to the ground before he walked past her and jumped to the ground, excusing the steps as he walked over to Avalee and Tessa's table, getting many stares of aw and confusion as he leaned down to Avalee's face and grinned. "Ready to go babe?"

"I'm in class," she said slowly as she looked at the teacher and grinned apologetically then turned back to Victor. "Couldn't you wait?"

"I've been without you're kiss for two days, I think I've waited long enough," he nodded his head in complete seriousness. "Now are you going to come along quietly or shall I make a scene?"

"You wouldn't," she narrowed her eyes daringly; he sighed heavily and stood up.

"Fine Avalee, if you won't believe me, I didn't mean to cheat on you," he said with a pitiful look on his face. "Please honey, give me another chance."

"Oh God," she said lowly as she looked to her desk, wanting to hysterically laugh but she couldn't.

"Baby I promise, I'll be good and I'll let you use those handcuffs like you wanted the other day, I'll even- "

"Okay! Okay! Let's go!" she jumped up, clamped her hand over his mouth and moved towards the glass door. "Bye everyone, Tessa come on." Tessa stood up and stumbled from her chair, reason because she couldn't see, to many tears of laughter in her vision. She continued tripping as they got into Victors car and all the way into his house, she wouldn’t stop laughing.

“Tess, shut the fuck up,” Avalee growled, pushing her off the couch.

“I-I can’t help it!” She continued cackling as Mark and Jacob walked into the room.

“What’s wrong with Blondie?” Mark asked, pointing at Tessa.

“What isn’t?” Avalee shook her head and smirked at the boys. "Ask Victor."

"Apparently now the school knows Lee likes sex toys," Victor grinned as he leaned back on his chair, Avalee growled under her breath and scooted down in the couch cushion.

"You pissed her off?" Mark grinned as Brandon walked in behind him and Jacob.

"Extremely," Avalee growled again, she glared at her feet until she felt someone picking her up. "Victor I'm pissed at you put me the fuck down!"

"Nope," he grinned and took her through a open door, and laid her on a bed. "Welcome to my room, you're secret sex chamber, naughty girl."

"Just for that, you never get a kiss again!"

"I doubt that," he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips, her eyes closed and she kissed back, even though she didn't want to, but her body did. "See."


“You love me,” he batted his eyelashes at Ava as they both walked back out into the living room.

“Sure…” Avalee spat sarcastically.

“That was the quickest love making session ever,” Tessa was now up, sitting on the couch next to Jacob.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is who I invision Victor, just so you all know.
