Player of Hearts

Player Of Hearts, Keeper Of Dreams

“We didn’t do anything,” Victor sighed.

"Damn it," Mark grumbled as he sat back and pouted on the couch, Avalee raised her eyebrows, which made Jacob chuckle.

"He bet four days," Jacob concluded as he looked over at Tessa, who blushed and looked at Avalee.

"I'll win."

"Will not," Avalee glared as she covered her chest with folded arms, she huffed and leaned on the couch side, which made Victor grin and rub her side, which made Avalee look at him and slap his hand. "Don't touch me."

"She's mad," Brandon nodded his head. "Can I get in on this bet?"

"Sure, how long?" Tessa agreed, more money for her.

"I say tonight," Brandon grinned and winked at Avalee, who growled a little and stood up.

"Don't follow me," she shouted as she walked in Victor's room and slammed the door, Victor frowned and turned to Tessa.

"She means follow you, it’s a female thing."

“Why do I not trust you, Tess?” Victor gave Tessa a questioning look.

“No one does,” She shrugged and waved Victor away to the bedroom. He took a deep breath and poked his head inside.


“What the fuck do you want?” She mumbled from the bed as she looked up from her spot.

"Well besides the obvious," he gestured to her. "I want to know why you're so mad."

"You should know," she started as her eyes began to fill; he sighed and walked across the room and pulled her into his arms. "I don't like them using me as a game you know."

"Oh I know baby," he said softly and then kissed her head.

"Plus you pissed me off about the handcuffs, I'm not kinky and that was too weird for words," she laughed through a sob.

"I'm sorry," he kissed her jaw that time, trailing it up her to her eyes, kissing the tears away then he kissed her lips softly. "I won't do it again."


“I promise,” Victor nodded and kissed Ava again, this time a bit rougher.

"Okay don't freak out or anything," Avalee sighed as she looked down at her hands. "But I think I may be falling in love with you."

"Why would I freak out?" he asked softly as he kissed her neck, a couple times before he leaned back up. "I already fell for you, years ago."


"Really," he grinned as he pulled her back into another kiss, which happened to escalate to having Victor run his hand up her shirt, she took a ragged breath which made him chuckle under his breath. "Too much, too soon, I'm sorry."

"Actually," she cleared her throat while avoiding his eyes. "That felt good, so uh...not enough."

“Oh,” He smirked and pushed Avalee down on the bed.

-----Two fucking hours later-----

“Tessa, your shaking,” Jacob had Tess pulled to his chest, covering her ears.

“I… I could hear them…” She said, wide eyed.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Mark shrugged.

“Leave the poor girl alone,” Jacob kissed the top of Tessa’s head. “She’s not used to it like us.”

“He’s right, you know,” Brandon added.

“Sorry, Blondie,” Mark apologized to Tessa, who was too busy trying not to hear Ava and Victor to listen to Mark.

"They have been at it for two hours, you'd think they would stop and break every fucking once in a while!" Tessa screamed, she had finally had enough, the sounded ceased and she smiled to herself until the bedroom door opened and Victor walked out in his boxers.

"Listen, you guys can leave if you don't want to hear anymore, sorry but we're not stopping from now on for awhile, Tessa Jacob can give you a ride home or you can stay if you like," Victor stated firmly then walked back to the bedroom, rubbing his head as he went.

"Jake take me home please," Tessa started at Jacob. "I don't want to hear anymore."

"Come on babe," Jacob laughed as they stood and walked out to Brandon's car.

After a few more hours, of just laying together or…something else, Avalee leaned against Victor's chest and sighed peacefully. " I love you," Victor whispered then laughed quietly. "I've never told anybody that."

"I love you too," Avalee smiled and blushed as she kissed his chest, softly.

-----School the next day-----

“Hey,” Avalee half waved to Tessa, who was standing at her locker.

“Thanks to you, I owe Brandon a hundred buck that I don’t have,” She glared at Ava. “And just that you slept with him. I didn’t think you’d do it.”

“Well, I did,” Ava shrugged. “But let’s not talk about that, okay?”

“Fine,” Tess grumbled and turned to Avalee. “I can’t hang out tonight, me and Jacob are going out.”

“But we always hang out on Fridays!” Ava pointed out.

“Yeah, and now you can hang out with Victor,” Tessa slammed her locker shut.

"What is wrong with you?" Avalee slammed her locker and turned to her angry friend. "What did I do?"

"It’s not what you did, it’s who you did Avalee," Tessa shook her head and walked past her, leaving Avalee stuck in place, confused and lost.

'Hey babe," Victor walked up and kissed Avalee's forehead, when he didn't get a response he glanced down at her face and saw tears building. "What's wrong?"

"Tessa is angry at me and I don't know what I done," her voice was barely above a whisper as she looked at her books.
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