Player of Hearts

Player Of Hearts, Keeper Of Dreams

“Bret is gonna be pissed, I hope you know that,” Tess said softly, Jacob rubbing her back. “I’m surprised he hasn’t looked for you himself.”

“Yeah, but he’s probably got a search team,” Avalee sighed.

“Probably,” Tess agreed.

“What about your parents?”

“They probably don’t even care anymore,” Tessa began. “I brought Jacob over to think of what to do and how to get you. When we were in my room, we started messing around. And, no, before you say anything, we didn’t do anything that bad. But my mom and dad came in and flipped.”

“Ran me out of the house,” Jacob added, “And kicked out Tess.”

“Oh my god, they kicked you out?” Ava asked concerned.

“Yeah, but I’ll stay with Jacob,” Tess reassured.

"I'm not sure which is worse, you getting kicked out or you moving in with Jacob," Avalee sighed as she turned to Victor. "Which is worse."

"Definitely moving in with Jacob."

"Great," she said slowly as she rolled her eyes and leaned back on the seat.

"So Ava are you moving in with Victor?" Tessa dismissed the comments and smiled at Avalee.

"Yes," Victor nodded his head as he held her hand. "I'm not letting her out of my sights."

"You know we have a shit load of schoolwork to catch up on," Tessa mentioned. "A week worth."

"That's just great," Avalee sighed hitting her head with her hand. "It's your fault Victor Dean Todd, you are going to make me fail."

"Hey, hey, hey, It wasn't my fault," he laughed.

“Yes it is, you’re the one that suggested we get married!” Ava pointed out.

“Stop fighting, your newlyweds,” Tess demanded. “And, by the way, what’s wrong with moving in with Jacob?”

“Well,” Victor began.

“Wow, Victor. Great friend,” Jacob scoffed sarcastically.

“We’ll never stay over,” Victor shook his head.

“Why?” Ava asked.

“Knowing Jacob as long as I have, you’ll know he’s a total horn dog,” Victor explained.

“Oh…Oh!” It took Avalee a second to get it.

"Yeah, you're a real quick one," Victor teased as he grinned at Avalee then winked at her. "Do I need to explain."

"I'd rather you not."

"Good, I was dreading a yes from you," he laughed as he turned off to the shoulder of the interstate.

"Why are we stopping?" Avalee inquired with confusion written over her face like wrinkles.

"I have to take a piss."

"Oh," she giggled and shook her head. "Should have figured that."

"Be right back," he looked at the road then opened his door, shut it and ran in front of the mustang to the ditch where he hid behind a small evergreen tree.

"He just doesn't care does he?" Tessa laughed as he walked back to the car zipping his pants zipper up on his way, he grinned at Avalee who shook her head and winked.

"Never," Avalee laughed.

“Never what?” Victor climbed back into the car and pulled it back onto the street.

“Nothing,” Tessa and Ava said at the same time, shaking their heads.

“Alright,” Victor sighed. Avalee soon feel asleep, but was very rudely awakened.

“Jacob…” Tessa moaned, Ava eyes flew open. “Jacob, stop…”

“Oh my god,” Ava looked up to Victor, who was grimacing. “Why haven’t you stopped them?”

“I’m kinda scared.”


“Holy shit,” Avalee shook her head at Victor's comment.

"Stop the car right now!" Avalee demanded, making Victor pull over on the shoulder, Avalee noticed it was almost midnight, but she could care less about that fact as she jumped from the passenger seat and ran to the woods. "God almighty!"

"Avalee?" Victor ran up behind her and grabbed her waist, pulling her back to his chest. "What's wrong?"

"I asked them nicely not to fuck in the car while I was in it, did they listen? Fuck no! I don't want to fucking hear that! Damn it!" she pushed his arms away and dropped to the ground on her butt. "I'm fucking staying right here until they know how pissed off I am."

"I don't think I've ever heard you say fuck that much in a sentence before..." Victor mumbled as he sat beside her and brought her into his lap. "It's chilly, come here."

"That was disgusting Victor," she mumbled as she nuzzled into his neck, smelling the sweet scent of his cologne, cigarettes and his body smell, which smelled somewhat like mint. "I'm not getting back in that car."

"We have to get home," he chuckled as he kissed her forehead. "We're only at the boarder of Kansas."

“Well, can they stop?” she turned and looked back to the car.

“I can try, but your coming with me,” Victor grabbed her arm and pulled her to the car.


“Guys,” Victor knocked on the door, Jacob throwing it open.

“Yeah?” He panted, Tess lying on his side.

“You think you can, well, stop?” Victor asked nicely.

“Uh, sure,” Jacob nodded. “You could have just asked.

“I did,” Victor explained.

“Really? When?” Jacob’s eyes widened.

“Probably five minutes after you started, but Tessa was almost shouting,” Victor said, Ava was shaking her head and climbing back into the passenger’s seat. Victor closed the back door and got in the car, pulling back onto the street.

“Jacob…” Tessa laughed.

“Knock it the fuck off,” Ava turned around and cut her eyes at Tess.

“Don’t worry,” Tessa reassured. “We’re done.”

"I'm never riding back there again," Avalee ran her hand through her hair. "Oh God that was disturbing."

"Well we heard you and Victor," Tessa complained.

"But did you see us? Did you hear us in the same vicinity? I think not," Avalee snapped as she looked out the windshield.
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