Try to Read Me

Telling Him

Zach hugged Samm and said, “When do you want to tell Darick?”
“How about now,” Darick said as he walked in.
Samm tried to pull away from Zach, but he would not let go.
“Do you think I’m going to let go of you?” Zach whispered in to Samm’s ear.
“Well,” Darick said impatiently.
“Darick, from here on out I’m dating Zach. If you disagree, then I’m sorry, but you don’t have control of my heart. If I love Zach then I’m going to be with him.” Samm said scared to see how Darick was going to react.
Darick was quiet for a moment then said, “Zach you hurt her you will live to regret it.”
Then he smiled and walked out. Leaving Samm and Zack stunned. Zach was the first to snap out of it. He looked at Samm; she was still frozen in place. Zach smiled and kissed her.
“Awwww, looky the new couple.” Michael said outside the door.
“Do you want the rest of that arm I left? Or do you want me to bit that off too?” Samm threatened him.
Zach looked at Samm and said, “I think the worst is over.”
“No, this is just the beginning of it. He has not even started, but I think we can do it. I believe we can make it through what Darick is going to do.” Samm said.
“What do you mean by that, Samm?” Zach asked.
“I don’t know, I just know if goes along with this either; he has completely lost it or he has something planed, and either way is not good at all.” Samm said.
Zach looked worried for a moment and said, “Samm, what might he do?”
Samm looked at Zach and looked down then said, “I don’t know Zach, I don’t know.”