Try to Read Me

The Stranger

“Yes I believe it does. That would be that the first thing he would want to do. He would want to see Samm again.” There was a long dark silence after Darick said that.
The silence was broken by the laugher of Cameron, “Hey, guys why so tense?” he asked.
Samm could see Zach trying not to get up and knock Cameron out. She shuttered at the thought of Joe finding her. Samm started to wonder what she should do. As she wondered in to her own world; the guys were all fighting about what they should do. A knock at the door make everyone stop what they were doing. Darick crossed the room silently and opened the door.
“What do you want?” Darick asked.
“I heard fighting; I wanted to make sure no one was hurt.” The voice said.
Samm could hear the voice clearly and it sent chills down her spin. The voice was the voice of a man.
Could it be; Samm thought to herself; could it be him after all these years?
“Well everything is fine just a family thing, nothing that you should worry about.” Darick told the voice.
“Aright then, have a nice day.” The voice said.
Samm watched Darick shut the door and listened to the man’s foot steps until she could not hear them no more.