Try to Read Me


“Samm, Samm, hey, helloooooooo, you there, hey you need to get up.” Darick called to her.
“Okay, okay, I’m up.” Samm called back.
“The guys know and they agreed, but you don’t have too. You can take my room in the hotel and I’ll sleep in the guys’ room or you can sleep in the guys’ room.” Darick said.
“I’ll stay with guys and don’t worry Darick, I can fight, and I don’t fight fair.” Samm said.
They grabbed there bags and went to there room.
When Samm walked in, the guys had the beds. She saw a couch and walked over to that and put her stuff down. She grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom.
Samm took a shower and put on a blue tank top and jean shorts. She pulled her hair back into a tight pony tail and left the bathroom.
“Samm?” Someone called.
“What?” She asked, “What do you want? And will I ever find out all of your names?
Zach smiled and shook his head, then said “This is Nathan, Cameron, and Michael and nothing.”
Nathan got up off the bed and walked over to Samm. He then looked her up and down.
“What?” Samm exclaimed.
Nathan blushed and said “You’re hot.”
Samm looked at Nathan and smiled.
She then said “Thanks, ha, that’s a first. Wow. Ok then.”
“Really? No way.” Nathan said.
“Yes way,” Samm laughed.
“Really, Samm, you have to be messing with us. Really?” Cameron said.
Samm looked at them and said, “If you understood my past, you would know why. But I won’t let you know past, for now.”
The guy looked at her, wanting to know, but scared to ask.
Samm started to walk out of the room and Michael grabbed her wrist. When he did this, a shadow of doom fell over her face.
“Michael,” Samm said nicely, “let…..go…..of…”
He looked at her and smiled, then said, “Why? What is wrong?”
Samm froze the words that have been asked so many times, only to be answered to Darick.
“Dude, let her go.” Nathan said.
“Come on,” Cameron said.
Zach got up off of the bed and said, “Dude, don’t make me.”
Michael pulled Samm into a hug. Samm smiled and bit Michael’s arm until she tasted a metal like liquid run through her mouth.
“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Michael screamed.
Samm fell to the floor, Darick came in.
“What is going on?” He yelled as he walked over to Michael screaming in pain.
Zach explained everything.
“Samm,” Darick said and held out his hand.
Samm shouted, “No!” and slapped away his hand.
Samm stood up and screamed, “Fine! You want to know that badly?! I fear men! And I hate them too! So, thanks, my past has come back completely again! I hate you, Michael! Die like the Perv you are!”
“Samm, please.” Darick begged.
“I’m sorry, Darick, I………I’m going on a walk.” Samm said and she ran out the door.
Samm came back to the hotel around 10:30 p.m.
“Ma'ma, can you help me?” Samm asked the lady behind the desk.
“What do you need miss?” she asked.
“Could you tell me what room I’m in? I’m staying with Darick Rovel. I’m his daughter, Samm Rovel.” Samm said.
“Really now,” she said with a smile, “You look nothing alike. Why must fans do this?” She said.
She picked up the phone and said, “Yes, I need the police.”
“Ma'ma!” Samm shouted, but it was to late the police were out front.
Fear struck her, men, they’re all men!
“Miss, please come with us.” He said.
Samm thought for a second and said, “Sir, Darick Rovel is my father he is here somewhere. Can I just call him; he must be worried, please.”
I tears started to roll down her checks.
“Stop crying, ok.” He said as he started to walk closer.
“Don’t come any closer!” Samm screamed without thinking, “I……………I have a fear and Darick is the only one that understands me, please let me call him, please!” Samm pleaded.
“Alright, here,” the cop said as he held out a cell phone.
Samm took it and called Darick.
“Hello? Who is this?” Darick asked.
“Darick!” Samm shouted into the phone, “It’s Samm! I’m in the lobby.”
“I’m coming down right now.” Darick said.
When Samm saw Darick she ran over to him.
“Samm,” Darick was surprised by what she did. “What is wrong? Are you ok?”
The police walked over and Samm stepped behind Darick.
Darick looked at Samm and asked them, “What did you do to her?”
The cops explained everything.
“Samm, is this true?” Darick asked.
She nodded her head.
Darick walked over to the lady behind the desk.
He looked at her and said, “She IS my daughter. Now you have made her scar deeper.”
He turned to Samm and said, “Come on, we’ll go to my room, ok.”
“Alright,” Samm said.
They got to the room and Darick said, “You can have the bed, I’ll take the couch.”
Then he walked into the bathroom. Samm walked over to the couch and fell asleep. Darick walked out of the bathroom and smiled.
“My sweet, sweet Samm. So very kind.” He said quietly into her ear and covered her up.
Then he went to bed himself.