Try to Read Me

The Gift

Samm heard a knock at the door and got up to get it.
“Hey, how are you?” It was Zach.
Samm looked at the bed, but Darick was gone.
“I know he’s not here. He told me to give this to you.” Zach said and handed her the bag.
“Oh, do you know what it is?” She asked.
“No, sorry I hate to leave, but…”
“It’s ok,” Samm cut him off, “I’ll be ok. Tell Darick I said thanks. Thank you Zach.”
Samm smiled and said, “Goodbye”
Samm shut the door and looked in the bag. She found a card that read:
Sorry I lied. This is really from Zach and the guys. We wanted to say sorry for what Michael did. We got you a gift to say sorry. We hope you like it and that it fits.
Zach & the guys
Samm smiled and pulled out the gift. It was a sun dress.
“Wow.” She said.
Samm quickly tried it on.
“It fits!” She exclaimed.
It was so cute. A light blue color with a single red butterfly on the upper left part of the dress.
Samm took it off and took a shower.
She did something she never did; she let her hair down. Her soft, light brown hair fell to her shoulders and down her back and left it there.
She put the dress on and went to get her makeup kit from the guys’ room. The door was unlocked, so she went in. no one was there. She grabbed her kit and went to the bathroom. She put on eyeliner and mascara. Samm walked back out of the bathroom and put her makeup kit away.
She then picked up her bags.
“You don’t have to sleep in Darick’s room, you know.” Zach said as he walked in and everyone else walked in behind him.
“Hey guys,” Samm smiled, “Thanks for the dress.”
“Dude,” Cameron said surprised, “You really gave it to her.”
“Well we didn’t know if she would have talked to Michael and you two chickened out. So I had to do it.” Zach said.
Samm looked at Michael, but he was looking away from her.
“Michael,” Samm started, “I’m sorry for freaking out, but I will not be sorry for biting you. I told you to let go and so did the guys. I will forgive and forget, but you can’t pull something like that again.”
Michael stood up and walked over to Samm and said, “I’m the one that should be sorry. I had no reason to do that to you. Can you forgive me?”
“Dude, I said I would forgive and forget.” Samm smiled.
Michael held out his arms for a hug. Samm looked at him like he was crazy. He put his arms down and went to sit on the bed.
Then out of nowhere Samm picked him up and through him on the bed and started to laugh. They all looked at her, surprised.
“Wow, we have a strong one here.” Nathan said, “Get her!”
Then they all jumped on Samm.
“AH!” She screamed out of surprise “Ha ha ha!”
“Alright, alright,” Darick said as he walked in, “I see you guys made up, so how about we go out to eat?” He asked.
“Where?” Samm asked.
Darick looked at her, and then said, “Where did you get that dress?”
Samm looked at Zach and blushed.
Zach spoke for her, “We got it for her, as a sorry gift.”
“Well,” Darick said, “She likes it or she would have throw it out.”
“Sooooooooooo,” Samm said, “Where are we going?”
She was so happy she was bouncing on the bed.
“Well, where do you want to go?” Darick asked.
“Don’t care. If they have food I’m in.” Samm said with a smile.
“Well, there is a Golden Cariole not to far from here.” Cameron pointed out.
“Everyone ok with Golden Cariole?” Darick asked.
Everyone agreed.
“Ok,” Darick called, “Everyone on the bus.”
The ride was short and filled with talk.