Try to Read Me

What the hell did I do?

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry.” This girl said.
“It’s ok. I’m fine miss. Zach can you get me some napkins.” Samm said.
The girl started to cry.
“Hey, don’t cry.” Samm said.
Samm finished scooping the ice cream off her dress. She stood up; the girl was still crying.
“What is your name?” Samm asked with a smile.
“Joy,” she said.
“Well, Joy there is no reason to cry.” Samm said.
“But I messed up your dress.” She sniffed.
Samm felt a cold hand on her shoulder and then a voice said, “Are you the one making my girl cry?”
“Do you know him?” Samm asked Joy.
“Yea he is my boyfriend.” Joy said.
The next thing Samm knew she was in the air then she hit the floor with a thud. Samm struggled to get up, the pain ripped through her, but she stood up. The guy started to walk over to her. Samm was sore, tired, confused, scared, and most of all pissed off.
“What the hell did I do?” Samm screamed.
“Remember outside?” He said.
Samm’s memory was faint, but she remembered a guy standing off to the side watching the fight.
“Shit,” Samm whispered to herself.
He was a big old guy, about 6 foot 9inches and buff.
“I’m not going to fight.” Samm said.
The guy smiled and said, “You’re no fun.”
He started to walk over to Samm again.
Samm felt pain and fear rip through again and she flinched at it. Her mind was made up she was not going to fight over something as stupid as this. Samm stood their and looked into the eyes of the people and saw fear, excitement, and curiousness.
Samm then heard the sirens and knew she was saved. Everyone looked around to see who would ever dare call the police. Samm looked straight at the guys and there they all stood with their cells out.
After all the questions and the police left they all sat down and ate.
“What was that all about?” Darick asked.
Everyone looked at Samm that was half asleep.
“I don’t know. All I know is that my back hurts and so does my ass.” Samm said quietly.
“Poor, Samm,” Cameron teased.
“Man, can you go more than an hour without trouble?” Michael asked.
“Not in public.” Darick said.
“Laugh all you want I’m the one that is going to be dead by the time I am twenty.” Samm said.
Everyone laughed at that even Samm herself.
They finished eating and they all got on to the bus laughing.
Samm sat down on the bus and fought sleep, but it was to strong she gave up and fell asleep on the bus.