Try to Read Me

The Concert

“Finally!” Cameron exclaimed.
“Do……..don’t even get me started Cameron.” Samm gasped between breaths.
“I still want to kill you guys.” She said after she had fully caught her breath.
They looked at each other and started to laugh again.
“Do I want to know?” Darick asked everyone.
“We don’t know. The last thing we knew was that, Samm was in the bathroom with the door locked.” Michael told him.
“Shut it,” Samm said.
“Hey guys we have to start set up or it will not be done on time and you guys have to practice and go over your music.” Some person yelled from the stage.
Relief fell over Samm’s face. They wouldn’t have to have the conversation here.
“Don’t get to happy; we are going to finish this tonight.” Darick told Samm.
Strangely Samm was ok with this, but Zach went white.
Samm closed the small space between them and whispered, “Don’t worry I’ll think of something, but we can’t tell them about this or we’ll never hear the end of it from the guys and Darick will kill me.”
Zach nodded and a little of the color came back to his face.
They went back stage into a room with the words Allstar Weekend written on it. Samm sat down on the couch and watched as Zach walked over and stood in front of the mike. Michael sat with the drums, while Nathan and Cameron took the guitars.
They practice until there was a knock at the door. Darick got up and opened the door.
“You guys are on in five minutes.” The man said.
Samm looked at Zach and smiled.
“What do you think?” Zach asked.
“Of the music or your voice?” Samm asked.
“Both,” Zach said.
“They both blew me away. I like the music and I love your voice.” Samm told him.
“One minute,” Called someone outside of the door.
Zach looked and Samm and they both ran out of the room. Samm walked him over to the side of the stage.
“Good luck,” Samm said.
“Thanks,” Zach smiled.
“Fifteen seconds,” The guy called out.
Zach ran out on stage with the guys, but stopped and turned around and ran back to Samm. He kissed her on the cheek and ran back on stage singing the words to the song that she did not know.
The guys played and looked at Zach in astonishment from what he did. Samm just stood there blushing and smiling at Zach on stage and his soothing voice.