What Else Could Possibly Happen?

The Concert

Black eyeliner
Black clothes
White ipod
Red chucks
Pale white face
Black hair
That combination is what makes Aly. A punk rock girl who plays guitar loves My Chemical Romance and thinks that her life would be complete if she saw My Chemical Romance live. She lives with her dad(Mark) her mom(Christina) and her dog(Gerard or Gee). As she was fooling around on her guitar in her black bedroom with Dakoda her best guy friend her phone rang.
"Hello." She said knowing it was Alex her best girl friend.
"You want to see My Chemical Romance live, with backstage passes?" Alex screamed
"YES!" Aly replied
"We can bring Dakoda too!"
"He will be sooo happy to hear that."
"I already have the tickets, meet me at Chuck It Shoes."
"Okay see you really soon."
After that phone call Aly and Dakoda were to excited to walk.
They ran all they way to Chuck it.