What Else Could Possibly Happen?

Chuck It Shoes

Chuck It Shoes is a shoe store in downtown New Jersey . They only sell chucks or converse as some people know better. Aly and Dakoda got there a good half an hour before Alex because they ran and Alex lives further away. It was painful for them to wait for those tickets. Aly and Dakoda and Alex were no doubt in the top ten My Chemical Romance fan list. Yet they had never seen them live.
Alex walked in the door looking like she had run the whole way there.....she had.
Aly and Dakoda let her catch her breathe before going crazy.
"Where are the tickets?"
"How did you get them."
"When is the concert?"
"Did you bring the tickets."
"Can we see them?"
"Calm down!" Alex screamed causing several people to stare. They didnt care. They thought it was flattering.
"So where are the tickets?"
"At my house i wasnt going to risk losing them."
The trio wlaked around the store a few times but there was no new shoes. They walked to the mall to watch all the preps stare at them. It happens alot.