What Else Could Possibly Happen?

The Preps The Razors...The Mall

"Well look who it is." Breann the most popular girl in school said as she smirked at them.
"The three emo children." Rose her best friend chirped in.
"That saying is so overused, i thought you would be smart enoguh to come up with something original." Aly commented as they both reached into their "designer" bags.
Breann and Rose pulled out three razors and handed one to each of them.
"There." Said Breann "Now you have a clean one."
They both walked away acting like they were the queens of the world.
"I think the fifth time they got liposuction they sucked out their brains instead." Alex said.
"Who said they had one to start out with?" Dakoda joked.
"Maybe all the pastels started eating at their brain until there was nothing left?" Aly said smirking.
"Lets go, Ive had my share of being started at by mothers." Dakoda said rubbing at his ice blue eyes.
"Your smearing your eyeliner." Alex told him
"Dang and i only have one tube left."