What Else Could Possibly Happen?

A Day In The Life Of.....

Aly never liked walking the halls alone. She was always being stared at and she hated it. she walked for two minutes to get to her locker and by the time she got their she had gotten so many dirty looks it was burning a hole inside of her. She had dressed loud today. A black dress that when a little past her knees that had a chain belt and words in the front like rock and death and depression. She wore it with fishnet tights on her arms and legs. The black ballet flats didnt make it stand out anymore and she had but temporary red streaks in her black hair.

Alex and Dakodas lockers were next to each other in a different hallway so Aly always waited at her locker and they would show up together. They would go to the back field for their lunch block. This year they were lucky they all had the same lunch block. Last year they all had different ones.

After Lunch Aly would go to her next two classes 75 minutes each but she wouldnt pay attention. She would be doing one of the following.
1 Drawing
2 Writing songs
3 Thinking of my chemical romance
4 Forming songs in he head
5 Listening to music
6 Just stare at things

After her classes she would go to her locker and wait for Alex and Dakoda. The three woud walk four blocks together and then Alex had to turn the opposite way. Aly and Dakoda would walk another 10 blocks to Alys house where she would stop. Dakoda then walked two Blocks to his house. Alys house was white with river ricks in the front her room was completely black though. Black bedding, blakc dressers, black clothes, black computer desk, black phon, black laptop, black tv, and black walls. Aly paid for everything in her room. She worked at Chcuk It Shoes and had for two years. she worked alot so she had been able to pay for paint and clothes and the laptop and tv. She also got a good 30% discount.

After watching tv or going on the computer Aly would always do something with Dakoda or Alex. The she would be home by her curfew 9:30 and she would watch more tv or go on the computer. Then around 12ish she wouild go to bed. waking up at 7:30 to do it all again.