I'll Never Leave You, I Promise.

"There's so much you've yet to learn about my world Izabelle." Dylan laughed " Your Adorable and beautiful. But, oh so naive,"

"I'm far from naive," Izabelle stated simply. Dylan laughed again.

"I love how you think you know everything," He smiled warmly staring into her soft, seemingly smooth, green eyes.

"I never said that," She argued

"You didn't have to," He chuckled.

"Why do you always insist upon making me feel stupid?" She asked.

"I don't insist upon anything. Especially not making you feel stupid."

"You men sometimes," She sighed.

"What?" He asked laughing a little as he found humor in her frustration.

"You always play mind games. Damn," She groaned.
  1. Chapter 1
    Izzy's P.O.V.
  2. Chapter 2
    Dylan's P.O.V.
  3. Chapter 3
    Izzy;s P.O.V.
  4. Chapter 4
    Dylan's P.O.V.