
Thirty-Three; Denial



"What do you mean? You have to know. She was with you."

"Brian, she left. All she told us is that she would be better off on her own." Matt insisted.

"No, no, Darlie isn't like that. She only speaks about leaving. She would never actually go."

"Dude, she's gone." Zachy broke out.

"No -,"

"Brian, will you just get it through your head? Darlie is gone," Mia interrupted, "You don't even like her. So, why do you care? She's a child next to you. Let her go!"

"Mia, shut up."

"Listen, Brian. You're dating me. I can't and won't let you have eyes for some other chick."

"Mia, she isn't just some other chick. She's more woman than you can ever dream of being."


I set my head near the fridge. I let the thoughts surround my head as I closed my eyes shut tightly. There's so much I could have done to keep her longer. I could have been there for her when she needed me most. I could have stood near her rather than near Mia. Mia left me when I needed someone the most. Darlie would have never done that.

I squeezed my belt tightly and starred at the cold tile floor. Matt and Zachy left to look for Mia. I don't even care if she comes back. She can go somewhere else. I don't need her problems. It's been nearly an hour since I've spoke to anyone. Right now I just want to get lost. I don't care about drinking. I need something faster.

I walked towards the cupboards and pulled out a small bag. It's pretty old. Zachy was into drugs a few years back. He finally let it go. But he still has this bag here. All I know is that they make you feel confused, lost, just out of it. That's what I need right now.

I pulled a glass and poured some water in. I took three of the pills in my hand and waited a few seconds before taking them all at once. I put the glass down and walked over to the staircase. I held onto the wooden rail, taken my time with each step. I walked into my room with a deep breath. I sat myself near the phone and set my head down.

"Darlie, call me." I whispered. The words were in vain, but the usage of words is all I can do right now. If only I would have been earlier.
♠ ♠ ♠
Brian's high. If you didn't notice.
You'll see more drama in the next chapter.
But I seriously need at least four more of those
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