
Six; Bacon


I woke up to the smell of bacon. I guess I forgot to tell him I don't eat meat. I had the sheets wrapped around my body as if I was some sort of present. I untangled myself and walked towards the door.

I took the black phone that Vergario had given me and dialed one. I have to do this before I go downstairs to make sure only Brian is there. I stood by the door and waited for the text to come.

Come on down. - Brian

It said and I walked out of the room and down the steps. The smell of bacon became stronger. Don't get me wrong, it has a nice smell, but when I look at it all I think is pig. I stumbled across a foot and took a big fall to the ground.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked.

I laid on the floor and looked at the hand that was in front of me. The voice nor that hand belonged to Brian. Could this be a trick? Is this the kidnapper? I jumped up and ran towards the door, having another man stop me.

"Stop! What is it that you want from me?!" I yelled, trying to free myself from the arms.

"Darlie, calm down, it's me," Brian said.

I turned around and looked at him. Behind him was another man, perhaps as old as Brian, and as edgy as well. He scared me and I turned towards the door again.

"Give me a sec?" Brian spoke towards him.

He turned me to face him and I looked up at his eyes.

"Darlie, he's one of my band mates. Don't worry about him,"

"You're not supposed to bring anyone here!"

"I know, but I trust him. He's not gonna hurt you. If you feel uncomfortable let me know,"

"But I already do,"

"Look, go upstairs and clean yourself up. Put on some clothes and then come downstairs for breakfast,"


"Darlie, I'm serious."

I turned my back to him and walked up the stairs again. He's not supposed to be bringing anyone here. It's dangerous, Mr.Davis is still out there and he might even have a worse plan. Brian just doesn't get it.

I understand that this is his house and that he's used to living differently, but he's doing something important and if he doesn't do it right it can even cost me my life. But he doesn't get it.

I walked into the bathroom and began undressing to take a shower.



Matt came back into the living room with a confused look on his face.

"I'm not supposed to be here?"

"I wasn't even supposed to tell you about anything. Don't worry, I doubt Darlie's gonna tell Vergario,"

"But if I'm not supposed to be here, wouldn't I get in trouble if they did find me here?" he asked with his hand on his head.

"Matt, we're not in freaking middle school anymore. You've done nothing wrong so you won't get in trouble,"

"Yeah, but you will. And what if someone followed me here? You're not only making this bad on yourself but also bad on her. You never know the smart pervert that man is,"

I looked at him in disappointment. I guess he is right, but this is my house and I didn't do anything to deserve this. I could be going out whenever I want. I could be throwing house parties. I could be with women, but no, I need to be here taking care of Darlie.

I'm like a child again, doing only what his parents tell him to do.

I sure do hope that something good comes out of this. But for now, I'm gonna keep having my band mates over.

Darlie came down the steps in jeans and a black tank top. She glared at Matt who quickly put his head down, and she walked into the kitchen.

"I'll be back," I said.

I walked into the kitchen and saw her taking out bread.

"Darlie, I made you breakfast already," I said.

"Oh um, o-okay," she said and took the plate that had her food in it.

I walked back out to Matt who was moving his hands around like a maniac.

"You see, she might tell that guy," he whispered.

"I don't know her well but I don't think she's like that. Maybe if she feels threatened by you,"

He threw himself on the couch and grabbed the television remote. I walked back into the kitchen and noticed that Darlie hadn't even touched the bacon. She ate the eggs, cheese, toast, and drank her orange juice. But the bacon was still all there.

"Are you vegetarian or something?"

"Y-yeah, sorry,"

"Don't be sorry. You should have told me," I laughed.

She smiled back in comfort.
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Sorry about the boring chapter. I had writers block so I'm getting off it now. Hope you like it. Please don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think.