My Best Friend

Were we ever?

My best friend, where do I begin?

I guess French class. Grade 9. We were really nervous. Our first day in a new school. Not knowing anyone. And so, I walked in and sat down. You walked in and sat with me, all alone. For the first semester, everything was great. Even though we didn't hangout outside French we were best friends. You and me.

What the hell happened?

I'll never know. I think it was him that stole you away from me. Once he came into the picture, I lost you. I'll never forget our French class together. Ever.

I'll always remember us singing Annie together. I'll always remember moving our desks closer so we could be together. I'll always remember watching movies that had nothing to do with French with our feet on the desks. I'll always remember helping you do our French that was due today but you forgot.

I love you.

Second semester rolled around. We had math together, I kept trying to make plans with you, it felt like you were blowing me off. Quite understandable, I got it. You had a life, it was obvious I wasn't going to be in it. I tried, but it seemed like you weren't interested.

First semester was great. I was fine just seeing you in class but it wasn't enough for me anymore. It was pretty obvious you were comfortable sleeping over at someone else's house.

But why not mine?
Was it something about me?
Was I not enough anymore for you?

The end of the year was coming and that meant exams. I tried to help you, because that's what best friends are for.

No. You had more important things to do. Spending time with your boyfriend obviously trumps studying for your exam with your "best friend"

I'd never had a best friend before. You were special to me.
You were always busy, either with him or with them. Those backstabbing bitches who hate you
now. I'm sorry I couldn't be like them.

This year I'm lucky if I get to see you at all. We have math together again. You once told me you could trust me more than anyone. Where's that trust now.

We both had cut. I promised you I'd never do it again. So did you. You broke that promise, and tried to kill yourself. You didn't say anything to me about it.

Before that happened, remember how you said you'd come visit me everyday at my locker? Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while. I needed you with me while I went to the doctor about my depression. I needed you when I broke my promise and I cut again. Where were you? With them. Or him. Pretending I don't exist.

I have never done anything to you. I have never once ignored you. I have never talked behind your back. I have never and would never do anything to hurt you. And you my best friend have hurt me in a way that no one else has.

No matter what happens, I will always be there for you.