All Is Not Fair In Love And War

All is not fair in love and war

Chapter 2

So I wake up in the morning and remember I am in the mental home. Being in the mental home is such a drag; you have nothing to do, all day long. The only real thing I can do is listen to music, the only problem with that is… they play classical music all day. Me myself I basically die when they play it. But thank god for Gerard. He comes every day after school and he brings his I-pod. Plus we both like the same music, and not only that but he brings me my favorite food. Besides all that the rest of the time we are kissing, and all the guards are watching us like hawks looking for pray. It is very disturbing. Plus it ruins all the fun in it. Since I am here for four years you have to find away to get out. And I have found one way to get out. So at night Gerard is out side with his truck and I get out of the mental home. And him and I take a one night vacation.

So most of the time at night I am out of this place with Gerard and his wonderful car, like this one night he took me to this most beautiful lake ever. And since it was night we found this giant rock and we sat there and watched the stars all night. Then after a certain time at night I have to get back to the mental home. And then when I get there I am talking about the places I had been that night, and every one there was like what when did, you leave the mental home.

Thank god later that month I had gotten let out of the mental home for good behavior. Then I was coming home. And when I got in to the door my mom was standing there in the door way waiting for me. Then she slapped me in the face. I screamed so loud I thought the whole world could hear. God you never know when she is going to hit you. The weird thing is she hits me for no reason at all. I mean I come home to a home I never wanted to come back too and then I get hit in the face right when I get into the door. Plus I think my mom is schizophrenic, only because I hear her talking to her self all the time.

So after she slapped me and after my loud scream my brother (Moneybags) came down to see what was wrong. And he saw my mom “grabbing a knife” but she did see him. So he literally grabbed me and dragged me up the blood stained stairs. So he took me to my room only because my room is the only one with a lock on the door. Thank god for locks. So besides the lock helping me with my mom, when Gerard comes over we get to hang out in my room with some privacy. Then the phone rang and I answered and it was Gerard he said he was coming over to see Moneybags.

So he came. He rang the doorbell and I answered it because no one else in the whole house answers the door besides me. So then he was going up the stairs and I turned around to see my mom right behind me. She slapped me for no reason. But this time was much different because someone saw it. Gerard wasn’t all the way up the stairs, when she slapped me, because he heard me say hi mom so he stop mid-way up the stairs, But again something different about this slap. I started walking backwards to keep my balance when someone grabbed me from behind and put a gun to my back.

I was so scared that I screamed freaking bloody murder. Oh my gosh the whole neighborhood heard my scream and came to the house to see what was going on. Someone even called the police. In the whole process of the cops coming, the person holding the gun ended up making me put in to my head. He/she said put the gun to your head and you won’t get hurt. Yeah freaking right I wont get hurt. Great, the cops see my with the gun to my head and I go back to the mental home. And I will be there three freaking years!! That’s a long time to be locked up. How could someone be stuck in the mental home for three years. But at least I have a witness. So I told the cops that Gerard saw the whole thing. So he told them what happened but my stupid mother didn’t get arrested. That part I hated. Only that guy/girl got arrested. I was so mad about that, that I locked my self in my room for days. I have to have Moneybags bring me my food because I don’t want to go around my crazy mother that lives in the same house hold. Well at least I didn’t go to the mental home again because then I would be stuck in a room with nothing to do, and here I have plenty of things to do. I have my music, my pastels, my computer, my books, and more importantly I have my loving brother to take care of me, but then I also have my guitar, and my cell phone, hmm lets see my T.V., I mean I have a lot of things to do but, sooner or later I am going to have to come out of my room and face the fact that my life is a hell hole.

I mean who knows something strange might happen to me that I might have the time of my life doing. So I mean I need to come out some time soon. Then all of a sudden I heard the phone ring… it was Gerard.

“Hey. Umm are you still up in your room.” Gerard asked me in a smug tone.

“Um, yeah, do you really think I would leave my room because of my mother.” I said back into the phone, but then I though yeah I am only in my room on my own free will.

Then out of no where Gerard pops up at my bedroom window. While he is at the window I am thinking to my self, while in the world would you climb up someone’s house. To people on the out side it looks like you are breaking in to the house. But what am I to know, I am freaking crazy in some peoples eyes. So I guess it all evens out.

So I opened the window.

“What in the world are you thinking, climbing up the side of our freaking house.” I yelled at him in frustration.

“What I was coming to see you. Is that a problem, if it is I can leave.” Gerard said pointing out the window.

“You know you could have just come in thru the front door.” I said looking at him with curiosity.

“Well I would have, but if you haven’t noticed your mom is a freaking NUT JOB. Why would I even go near her. Especially after I got her partner arrested.” He said waving his hands in the air.

I just stood there with the biggest blank expression like um oh yeah I forgot about that. He just stared at me like oh wow you are so stupid. All I could do was say well maybe I am because I haven’t been to school in I don’t know how long.

So then I turned around and he is still sitting on my window seal. So then I went over and sat next to him. Then unexpectedly he kissed me. And as soon as he did my mother walked into the room, though I had my door locked but I guess the lock doesn’t work very well. So she walked in with another freaking gun. I screamed so loud. Only because there is a rule in the house no kissing in the, house. Though Moneybags did it all the time and he never got in trouble. So my mom kicked Gerard out of the house, and then slapped me across the face. But this one time it was different. Not that I mean getting slapped in the face on a daily bases isn’t different but I mean the slap its self was different. I mean I am so scared of my mom. And for her to slap me that softly was just out of this world. I still screamed though just out of reaction. I mean it didn’t hurt as much as it normally does but I mean it would be nice if she didn’t slap me at all, but that was nice. I mean would you slap a person who just got out of a mental home? If you don’t want them to, go back. But for all I know, she might want me to go back. If my dad was still alive then he would never let me go back there. But that is my dad. So I wonder if my mom really wants me to go back to the mental hospital?
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