Status: Completed. :D

Get Me Out!

Allex Stella

"Ughh. What time is it? It feels like we have been walking forever!" Ricky whined. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out iPod.

"It's 3:11a.m." I groaned along with everyone else. Three more hours of being tormented and terrified by a fucking ghost. Greeeeat...

"Guys. I really have to pee!" Rosey whined while doing a little jig.

"I think I saw a bathroom, like, four doors back." Jayce sighed pointing down the hall. Rosey whipped around and darted for the bathroom, taking Isaac with her. We all followed them in slowly. Ricky locked the door after we were all in.

"Like that's gonna help, bro."Ryan rolled his eyes and sat down. Ricky shrugged.

"Let's just hide out in here for awhile." Ricky sat down in front of the door. I sat down on Ryan's lap. He set his chin on my shoulder and his arms curled around my waist.

"Awe. Isn't that cute. Allex and Ryan finally together." Isaac snorted. I glared at him and he turned away from me. "What's taking you so long, Rose? It doesn't take that long to pee."

"The toilet is a hole in the ground and there is no toilet paper!" She called from behind a wall. Guess they didn't have stalls back then. I reached in my sweatshirt pocket for the pack of tissues I had grabbed when we left the gym. I handed them to Isaac and he gave them to Rosey. "Thank you!" She came out two minutes later. She sighed and sat next to Ryan and I.
"So what do we do now?"

"Wait here until that crazy hoe decides to show her face again. Then we just book it down the hall." Ricky said.

"How long do you think it's going to be until she shows up?" Ryan asked. Right after he said that the god damn haunting ball of light floated up from the floor and into the middle of the room.

"Uhhh, I'm gonna say now!" Isaac yelled shooting over to Rosey. Ryan stood up and pulled me into the corner with him, hugging onto my waist tightly. Jayce slowly moved behind the wall where Rosey went pee. Ricky stood up and unlocked the door, ready to bolt his ads out of the room. Aubree finished transforming and gave us her best, creepy grin. A whip appeared in her hand.

"Leave us alone!" Rosey cried. Isaac slapped his hand over her mouth. Aubree focused in on Rosey and snapped the whip at her, cutting her left cheek open. I sweat I saw steam burst out of Isaac's ears. He lunged at the ghost, flying straight through her, and landed on the ground hard.

"Isaac! You dumb-ass!" Jayce called from his hiding spot, then froze Aubree turned around, zeroing in on Jayce. She glided toward him slowly.

"Leave him alone!" Ricky growled. Aubree zipped around and cracked the whip, snapping Ricky's head off. Rosey and I screamed as his head came flying toward us. Blood was gushing out of his neck. Ryan ran to his twin brother, splashing blood everywhere. Aubree snarled at Ricky's body and vanished.

"BITCH!" Ryan screamed. Ricky's head was laying at Rosey's feet. Her eyes were glued to it and she started hyperventilating. Isaac ran over to her and pulled her away from the head. She buried her face into his chest and started bawling. I walked over to Ryan and bent down next to him, kneeling in Ricky's blood. He hugged me and cried into my shoulder. Tears silently slid down my face.

"You're next." Isaac spat at Jayce.

"Shut the fuck up, Isaac!" I yelled. Man, was he really pissing me off.

"You saw how she looked at him before Ricky interfered!"

"Doesn't mean he is next! She gave you the exact same look when you lunged at her! Maybe you're next!" I stood up, shaking. God he is a dick!

"Shut up! Any of us could be next! Let's just worry about how to stay alive for the next two and a half hours!" Ryan yelled. Tears were pouring out of his amazing chocolate brown eyes. All my anger instantly vanished and I hugged him tightly and pecked his cheek.

"Let's go back to the gym." Jayce said moving Ricky's headless body with his foot and opening the door. He checked to see if we were clear and walked out. Well, more like ran out. As all of us ran the large ball of light came speeding down the hall. We all stopped dead in our tracks. Aubree was coming straight at us! Before any of us could whip around and run, she swooped down, grabbed a hold of Jayce, and they both disappeared through the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter is kind of gorey. Ahahah.
Do you think Jayce is dead or do you think Aubree has plans for him?
comment are loved. Please leave them. You'll make my day.(:
Twisted Taylor.(: