Status: Completed. :D

Get Me Out!

Ryan Jacob.

Jayce tackled Isaac to the ground in fury. Roses squealed as her boyfriend got attacked. Allex held her back from trying to pry Jayce off of Isaac. Jayce punched Isaac in the face, chest, and stomach. Finally, Isaac pinned Jayce to the floor and that's when I jumped in. I caught Isaac's fist before he could connect it with Jayce's stomach and pushed him over.

"You are the biggest asshole on the whole fucking world! I don't know why we ever became friends! I should have let Kendall Bushman kick your ass!" Jayce screamed. Isaac looked like he had been punched in the face once again. Obviously Jayce's words had hurt him. They had been best friends since third grade when Jayce stood up for Isaac against the sixth grade bully. Shocking, I know. Jayce stood up and stomped over to the farthest corner on the other side of the room.

"See what you're god damn mouth gets you into?! When are you ever going to learn to shut it?!" Allex yelled at Isaac. She hopped up and jogged over to Jayce. Rosey slid over to Isaac and held him as he fought back tears. I groaned and laid on my back. I closed my eyes for less than a second and hear Jayce yell.

"God fucking damn it! Can't you just leave us the fuck alone?! Haven't you caused us enough pain for one fucking night?!" I shot up to see Aubree hovering over the stage. She smiled and shook her head.

"I'm not finished with you!" She said, sending chills down my spine. That was the first time I'd ever heard her speak. Everyone, except Jayce, had their mouths hanging open. Nobody knew she could talk.

"So finish me off already! I don't give a fuck anymore! Just take me!" Jayce yelled. I could tell he was fine with the games and just wanted to be with Emily once again. Aubree just shook her head. Apparently, she had something different planned in her twisted up mind. She looked around the room, slowly. Looked every single one of us dead in the face except Rosey. She had her face buried into her knees. Aubree just stared at her without Rosey even knowing it. Isaac saw the look in her eyes and lunged to grab Rosey, but Aubree was faster. She swooped down off the stage and snatched Rosey up by her neck. Rosey didn't even have time to scream. Isaac quickly grabbed Allex's empty beer can and threw it at Aubree. Sadly, it went straight through her and smacked Rosey's knee.

"Put her down!" Isaac shouted and Aubree laughed. "Take me! Let her go and take me!" Aubree thought about it for a second and then dropped Rosey. Isaac ran up and just barely caught her.

Suddenly, Aubree had Isaac fifteen feet in the air and pinned to the wall. I was holding Rosey back as she screamed and cried for Aubree to let Isaac go. Then, complete and full force, Aubree threw Isaac across the room hitting the wall with a huge thump and lots of loud cracks. Blood splattered everywhere around the room and Isaac's mangled body hit the floor. All over his body bones and organs were sticking out and his face was flat and smashed. Rosey was crying hysterically, Allex nearly fainted, Jayce threw-up, and I just closed my eyes. This is it. I thought. This is where we are all going to die.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Isaac's death. It just randomly came to me and I thought you guys would like it.
Do you think there will be any survivors? Only a few more chapters left until this is all over. Better keep reading(;
Twisted Taylor<3