‹ Prequel: Heartland
Status: Active-ish?

Two Breaths Walking

Il capitolo sei

Ares woke up lying n a soft bed. His eyelids fluttered open until they were fully open. The cream-colored ceiling was the first thing he saw.

Ares smiled slightly and muttered, "It was just a dream."

He closed his eyes and turned to his side. Then he opened his eyes and he saw two pair of eyes staring back at him. He gasped and abruptly sat up. He backed up until his back hit the wall beside the bed.

"Who are you? And what happened?!" He managed to stutter out as he pointed a finger at them.

The first person stood up. He had white hair but he didn't look old at all. Instead, he looked like someone around 21 years old. His white button-up shirt was tucked inside his pants and his pants tucked inside his boots.

He placed his hands on his hips and smugly said, "That's not a way to greet your saviors. Anyways, I'm the March Hare but everyone calls me 'cottontail' instead."

The March Hare then nudged the person next to him with his foot, "Hey, laddie. Introduce yourself, will you?"

The boy sighed and stood up. Ares didn't know if he was really a boy or a girl. The boy ran his hand through his burgundy-colored hair and stood up straight. His thin body frame under his over sized pajama made him look like a girl. His eyes were a unique shade of gray and red.

"I'm -" He didn't get to finish what he was saying because a voice shouted below, "Kiel!"

The March Hare's mouth opened and closed like a goldfish and he stuttered, "Is that who I think it is?" And Kiel nodded quickly.

The March Hare sprinted towards the door but it burst open before he could even reach the knob.

He just stood there with his hand on his hip and his other hand, ruffling his hair like nothing happened, "So, Alice. What brings you here?"