Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


This was it, you already had packed up what belongings you could carry, taking only a few beautiful kimonos, you knew that you would probably never have any real use for them anymore, but you were still attached to the beautiful pieces of silk, and other sentimental things, things that were probably better left behind. It was getting late and you needed to leave as soon as possible, not wanting to be left out on the road in the middle of the night. You took one last step out on the balcony, a low moon was just beginning to rise, it seemed more.....hopeful. You sighed and picked up the bundle. The Katana was in your hand and you had the sais in your pack, you were wearing the outfit that Sesshomaru had replaced for you, the one that you had bought at the Fair with Rin, where she got her Pinwheel present....... Water threatened at your brims and you forced a smile, pushing the thought aside. You got up and with a heaviness you began to leave the calm room.

You hesitated at the threshold, should you go find Rin? Or should you just leave, and hope that she doesn't see you do it? But your heart already knew the answer and it began to move your feet in the direction of Rin's room. You put the cloth filled with your wares beside the door before going in, you didn't want to her guess anything before you could talk to her and get her worried. She looked up at you, but instead of the carefree smile she always had in place, she wore a look of frustration.

"Rin whats wrong?"

"Hmmph, General Tao Tao won't listen to me on what we should do about our army!"

General Tao Tao? You looked in front of Rin and noticed her wooden toys, the larger figure in front must be the unwilling Tao Tao. You sat down beside her and picked him up.

"Is this him?"


Rin nods her head and crosses her arm as she watches you. You bring Tao Tao a little closer and give him a scolding look.

"Listen here General Tao Tao, my name is _______, and I am a warrior who has fought for the great lady Rin and she has much great advice for you if you would only listen, I have trusted her words for countless battles and we have never lost, perhaps you should pay heed to our great and wise lady."

You place him down and Rin looks down at him, waits a second, then back to you, her radiant smile filling your heart.

"Thank you ______-chan! General Tao Tao agrees with you, he says that he has heard of your great fights and trusts that what you say is true. He is willing to work with me now!"

You laugh and give Rin a hug, holding a little tighter than usual. When you let go Rin starts to arrange her wooden army and thats when you get up the courage to say the good-bye.

"Rin I need to talk to you about something."

Her back is still turned as she mm-hmm 's you. You clear your throat.

"Rin, I'll be going away for a while.."

She stops playing for a second, then continues to set up her army.

"Okay, I know you and Lord Sesshomaru will return again soon."

You bit your lip, worried to say something at that moment because you were afraid your heart would burst and cause you to cry. Rin just sounded so innocent, and trusting that you would never leave her, the thought of you going away only briefly flashed in her mind, you were considering leaving it there, why worry her? But instead you scooted closer and gently turned her towards you.

"Rin, sweetie I might be gone for longer than that, it has nothing to do with you, know that I, I love you so very much but I have to leave, but that doesn't mean its forever okay?"

She says nothing as her chocolate eyes open a little wider. Her face tells you nothing and you begin to get worried, just as you open your mouth to say something she stops you.

"I understand."

You froze, she understands? This little girl understands? You hug her close to you and feel her skinny arms hug you just as firmly. Of course she does, Rin might be just a child but she was brilliant and innocent, and very observant and understood people and emotions so well..... This brave little girl..... Your brave, smart, beautiful little girl.

"Promise me that you'll visit when ever you get the chance."

"Of course, any chance I get, I promise."

She gives you one last squeeze and then lets go, staring straight at you.

"I know this won't be forever."

You kiss her on the forehead and get up, wiping some tears that had managed to escape the corners of your eyes. She smiles at you and you turn around, were you really doing this? Picking up your bundle you knew you had to. One last look back and you began your departure.

With Sesshomaru
He was on his terrace when he saw a lone figure began to move out. Immediately he sensed it was _______. He watched closer as he saw she had a pack with her. She was leaving? He continued to stare expressionless, this is what he had wanted anyways, she had just did it before he had the chance to. He began to turn away when he heard another set of feet, tiny feet, running to join the person ahead. He observed Rin, he was about to stop her when he noticed that she carried something. ________ stopped and bent down as Rin reached her. Rin pushed a toy, Ono, her favorite stuffed dog, towards her. He could tell that she was fighting emotions as she grasped the stuffed toy that he knew meant so much to Rin. He wanted to sigh at this human weakness, but couldn't. ______ took the toy and gave Rin one last hug as she hurried away, no doubt crying. He looked back to Rin, she just stood there, watching.