Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


With Sesshomaru

Seated behind his desk Sesshomaru stared abstractedly past the scrolls, for some reason he couldn't focus as of late. The Castle felt different to him, mainly he believed due to the fact that Rin was not herself. Though she went around the Castle smiling and waving, he knew otherwise. Sesshomaru couldn't understand why she let one persons absence affect her so. He stood and moved to the window. All before him lay his domain. He could see the road through the forest that lead here, he knew to his right was the fields of rice and gardens. Behind him and to the right laid the rest of his lands. Perfect, functioning he was a great Lord and he promised that nothing would jeopardize that.

With you

3 months. Had the time really flown that fast? You walked along side the caravan, you and the other warriors placed about. Eventually you had grown in the garish outfit, it actually was very comfortable and garnered great mobility. Also in that time you had begun to train the girls better in their martial arts skills, every one of them had great talent and were improving marginally, now they weren't just for show anymore, they were part warrior, part dancer, and part goddess to you, and you were proud you felt like they were your band. On this sunny day you were accompanying the goods to the nearest town, the road was mostly quiet and you only saw a few other passers by. Your hands were clasped behind your back as you made the carefree journey. Occasionally you were up late at night, sometimes studying the glowing moon, your minds drifting, drifting to places that you knew were better left untouched and you always pulled your wandering thoughts back, you can't live in the past. Thankfully you were able to keep visions at bay after having specialty gloves made for you, you didn't want to risk having any more weirdness right now.

You turned your head to the right, watching as two children ran by laughing and shrieking an older woman chasing after them. You smiled, but it turned cold after the woman stopped dead, falling to her knees, the expression on her face of pain and shock. You motioned for a halt to the caravan, your senses piqued as the children ran worried back to the woman, but as they reached her she fell over, an arrow protruding from her spine. The children began to scream and you yelled for everyone to get into defensive positions, you looked towards the middle of the group, where Yaro's palanquin was, his Samurai were already into a fighting mode and the greedy man peeked from behind the curtains, terror plain on his face.

"What is happening!!?"

"The Caravan is under attack, probably bandits, stay inside."

"Just make sure nothing happens to my merchandise!"

And with that he shut the curtains, figures that's all his bald self cared about.

"Form a tight line everyone!"

Your eyes scanned the thickets of trees, your ears searching the tiniest of sounds, but the only thing you could sense were the children crying. Something felt off and you couldn't shake the feeling that something else was going on here. You motioned one of the other warriors to grab the children, and as you watched your eyes fell on the arrow again. You jogged to it and studied it, it seemed like a ceremonial arrow. It was polished, blue and had ribbons on it's feathers. One of the Samurai came next to you and pulled it, not caring about the blood or the poor woman whose body he had just tore it from. He brought it to the Palanquin and showed it to Yaro, whose eyes went wide. He spoke in hurried tones to the Samurai and told everyone to make camp.


Fires began to die down, the camp was quiet and everyone was sleeping, including the poor children, well everyone except you. Today's events hadn't settled right with you, the arrow, it had seemed like a ceremonial one, and yet so odd a choice for bandits, but there were no bandits and what made it odder was Yaro's reaction to the arrow. You heard rustling and turned your head, you were hidden in shadows, but Yaro and his two Samurai were not as they left the camp. Your pulse quickened and you knew you had to follow. Ever so slowly you trailed behind, relying more on your hearing than sight to guide you. The footsteps had ceased and you waited behind a tree. Peeking around the corner you saw Yaro in the middle of a clearing, the full moon shining brightly on the scene. Moments passed with an agonizing slowness and you began to wonder if something was going to happen when you heard a hissing sound. You willed your heart to be stiller as a tall and dark figure, hooded with long claw hands emerged. Even from here you could smell decay. Instantly Yaro hit the ground in a bow and you narrowed your eyes at the strange event.

"It is time again for my payment."

"I know, I know and I have it I promise!"

"You better or I will take back my demon guards, then you will be left without protection and what that old witch saw in your future will actually befall you."

You took in the Samurai, no wonder they had felt off to you, and definitely not human. So Yaro was making deals with Demons, he was an even bigger idiot than you thought.

"So where is my payment?"

"I have two children back at the camp right now."

Your eyes widened as you heard this, you balled your hands into fists and fought the rage inside you. He was lower than an insect at this point. You pushed back your rage as you ran as quietly back to the camp as possible, hoping you had time to make it there before they did.