Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


As you danced between the trees back to the Camp you felt disgust at your new boss. Sacrificing children just to have a pair of demon bodyguards? Ones that he probably did not need. Yaro was an idiot, the 'witch' who saw his misfortune probably worked with the decaying guy to set up a deal with Yaro, making him think he actually needed protection. You doubled your pace as you thought about the exchange, those poor children! First they lose somebody they cared about and now they were going to be sacrificed? How could anyone do that to a child? This made you think of Rin and your anger flared as you thought of anyone doing this to her. Your feet made soft whispers on the forest floor as you nearly floated over the leaves, silent in your mission.

You were quiet as you re-entered the camp, you went to the place where Maru was watching the children. Silently you woke them up and told them you were going to take a trip. They didn't question anything, the boy climbed onto your back and you carried the girl in your arms. You took your pack and slung it over you. You took one last look back into the camp, hoping your little band of warriors would be okay without you. One last blink and then you set off at a slow sprint, heading towards a river.


During the night you had crossed the river, found a cave, told the children to stay put and then you re-crossed the river. After re-crossing it you went down the river, hoping that if the demon samurai hunted by scent they would pick up your false one. You ran for at least an hour, hoping this would throw them off, or at least lead them away far away to buy you more time. You stayed close to the river and when you were done you hopped in, cursing the barer than bones outfit as you shivered, the icy coolness numbing you. You swam the rest of the way back, and when you finally made it you were barely able to pull yourself out. All the strength was gone from your body, and you could not feel anything. The edges of the horizon were just starting to lighten and you felt void as you drifted to sleep.

When you awoke you were surprised to find yourself wrapped in a blanket. You looked up and noticed the children were sharing one. You were still in the cave and you asked them what had happened. The little girl answered.

"Well Haru and I felt like you had taken a long time to come back, so we got worried and looked for you. When we saw you beside the river we thought you were dead. You were so blue and you felt frozen. But we heard your heart beating so we dragged you back to this cave."

"But where did you get the blankets?"

Haru looked a bit sheepish, he smiled and replied,

"Well there isn't a house too far from here and somebody had left them out to dry so I just took them. We really needed them and I promise I'll give them back!"

You just smiled.

"It's okay Haru, you did the right thing, this time. Just remember that it isn't right to steal from others."

You stood and went outside the cave, the little duo following behind you.

"So Haru where is this house?"

With Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru was standing outside, surveying the fields, barren right now but getting ready to plant, his Groundskeeper beside him.

"How are things looking this year?"

"Oh excellent my Lord. Actually I think this year will yield better than last."


Was all he said by way of acknowledgement. The sun was just starting to slide down below the mountains, casting a hazy golden glow over the field. It made him think of a memory of Rin as she ran through the same area, her face alight with joy, dark hair streaming behind her as she tried to keep away from ________. _________'s own hair loose and free, billowing like some fine fabric, her skin glowing with the golden hue, a smile gracing her face...

Sesshomaru frowned and banished the thought, instead trying to replace ________ with Jaken, but that thought made him grimace more so he just left it alone. He walked away from the fields, heading out towards the forest.

With You

You were inside the house Haru had managed to re-find. It was warm and cozy, and had an older couple occupying it. You told them some of the story about how you got their blankets and why you were out here, leaving out the demon swordsmen. The couple did not seem to mind and actually enjoyed the company. They asked if you would like to stay but you told them it would be better if you keep moving, but the older lady kept insisting and you finally gave in to her kind face. She made a tasty stew and you watched as she interacted so well with the kids. She looked so content and you started to think that maybe this would make the perfect home for them, here you knew they would be loved. The older man kept mostly to himself, but once everything quieted down he started to tell a tale. Haru and his sister sat below him on the hearth, rapt with his storytelling, the old lady looking on with happiness. You felt comfortable and for once at total peace, until you started to feel uneasy. You were getting a feeling that you couldn't seem to dismiss. It kept nagging at you, tugging at harder and harder until you abruptly stood, everyone’s eyes turning towards you.

"I need to go out for something, you all stay here."

You didn't wait for any objections or questions and slipped out the entrance.
Once outside you felt like you were actually stepping into the feeling. The air around you seemed choking, you advanced to a tree, climbed it and sought for the thing giving you the unrest.

Damn it! They found me, I thought I had bought us some extra time, but not enough.

You cursed yourself as the team samurai emerged from the woods, a steady confident pace taking them to the house.

I can't let them get there. I need to lead them away.

You abandoned stealth as you jumped to the nearest tree, then the next, the demon duo noticed and with heart stopping fear and goal achieved satisfaction you raced away from the kids. They kept a good pace with you but for some reason didn't seem to be too interested in following you up the tree. You were breathing heavily by this time, hoping you had led them far enough away. You were looking ahead at the next branch you were going to land on when a clean pain seared your leg, you cried out and began to free fall. You heard a thud and looked back to see a shorter sword embedded in the tree. You landed hard on your back, a deeper pain gouging your thigh, a rivulet of red blood staining the ground beneath you.

The samurai made no effort to hurry to you, and the one in black and silver hopped up the tree to retrieve his thrown sword. You watched as he pulled it free, then hopped down to rejoin his comrade. He sheathed it and the pair began a slow pace to you. You gritted your teeth as you tried to move, but it was no good, your hit leg was completely numb. The speed of your heart rapidly increased as every ghastly step of theirs brought them closer. They stopped a few feet away than only one advanced, drawing a wicked weapon from under his robe. He brought the thing up and you squeezed your eyes shut, you heard a whistle of air but felt nothing.

The creature shrieked and you turned your head, seeing a young girl with a drawn bow in her hands. She was wearing an odd short green skirt, and there was a demon next to her. He was a dog demon and he reminded you a lot of Sesshomaru. Your leg let out a throb of pain and you winced, curling up on yourself.
