Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


Kagome’s P.O.V.

The young girl by the tree had went unconscious and the demon Kagome had pegged flew back by it’s partner.

“Nice shot Kagome!”

Kagome nodded her head at Inuyasha and then released another arrow at the creature, however this time it was aware and it dodged.

“Inuyasha take care of them while I see to the girl.”


Kagome raced to the fallen girl and got on her knees, taking the pack she wore and placing it beside her. She inspected her wound, a nasty gash on her thigh, but hardly enough to knock her out cold. Something’s not right here. Kagome took a deep breath as she focused her powers, around her she could hear Inuyasha as he fought the demon samurai. Reaching with her mind she felt the wound and gasped as she could feel the cold, harmful effect of poison. Kagome opened her eyes and tried to remember what Kaede had taught her about healing. She placed her hands over the opening and probed for the poison, hoping that it hadn’t travelled too far or been too long in her blood stream. A violet glow emanated from her palms and she concentrated even more as a black miasma began to pour forth, taking out all she could Kagome moved the swirling dark mass and placed it into the ground where upon it was neutralized.


She let out a sigh of relief and turned her head to Inuyasha.

“Stop playing Inuyasha!”

Kagome heard Inuyasha finishing up and she took out her bandages, carefully cleaning the wound and winding the white fabric around. She secured it with tape and Inuyasha came to join her. As soon as he got close he started to sniff her. Kagome’s face fell and she shrieked,

“Inuyasha! What are you doing!?”

Ignoring Kagome he sniffed more, he knew what scent he detected but couldn’t find the real source. He followed the scent to base of the tree where a pack was. He opened it and pulled out a white dog.

“This girl knows Sesshomaru, and Rin. This dog has Rin’s scent all over it.”

“Do you think this is the girl we heard about travelling with Sesshomaru?”

“Absolutely. But I thought she was supposed to be Rin’s protector, what is she doing all the way out here?”

With You


You heard your name and looked around, you were lying in a creamy white room, around you rays of rainbow light bounced around the room. You felt as if you were in a diamond.



The air in front of you shimmered and a woman began to take shape in front of you. You were stunned by how beautiful she was. Long dark locks of hair hung freely to the floor in a cascade of shining, twirling brilliance. It held opals and shining crystals throughout and it framed her oval face. Smooth white skin, dark eyes and red lips peered down at you. She was wearing a robe that was incandescent, and clung at her waist with a slit in the middle showing white legs and thighs. Anklets adorned her feet and gave off a slight tinkle, a diadem on her forehead held a carved, opal of a sickle moon on her forehead. You were in awe.

“Who are you?”

“Do not focus on that now.”

Her voice was light and lilting, and it reverberated and seemed to echo on itself.

“I have chosen to come to you now and ask if you are ready to fulfill your duty.”

Duty? Wow this is some dream. I just need to take it easy from now on.

“It is no dream. I have been watching and I am afraid that your life will be ended before it has it’s chance to do its duty. So I ask you again, are you ready?”

“Ready for what? Shouldn’t you tell me first what this duty is before I make a choice?”

“So you know nothing of the blood running in your veins? You are a destined child, destined to take your place in the…..”

The lady stopped talking and looked up, as if sensing something. She turned back to you and smiled.

“It seems you are not ready. I will come to you once more in the future and explain everything, then you will choose. Farewell.”

With that she shimmered away and you felt more confused than ever.

With Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru was in his study when a maid knocked, he told her enter and didn’t bother to look up from the parchment as the servant nervously came in.

“Lord Sesshomaru there is someone here to see you. He is at the entrance gate. He say’s he is your brother.”

This made Sesshomaru stop reading. He nodded to the servant who bowed and then backed away. Sesshomaru stood and looked out his window, indeed he could make out the shape of his brother, white hair, red kimono and he also saw Kagome’s visage as always next to him. But Inuyasha held something in his arms and Sesshomaru frowned.

Down the hall he passed a servant and informed her to keep Rin in her room. As he approached the entrance pavilion a familiar scent assaulted his nostrils, it almost made him halt in his tracks. ________.
Irritation flared inside him as he felt the urge to run towards her, and the urge to run away. Damn! Her hold still has not left me. With a growl of annoyance he willed to pace to slow down as he noticed it had increased with he caught her scent. As he got closer he could see she was unconscious and had a bandage around her thigh.



“I am afraid you came all this way for nothing. You are returning something that is no longer wanted here.”

Sesshomaru noticed Inuyasha’s face show signs of anger, and Kagome’s face spoke of that and repulsion. She was the one to speak.

“Actually we found her on our way here. We came to warn you about a demon who is seeking Rin.”